8–13 March 2009
Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy. Chicago, Illinois, USA. [Contact: Pittcon 2009, 300 Penn Center Building, Suite 332, Pittsburgh, PA 15235; Tel: 1 (412) 825 3220; Fax: 1 (412) 825 3224; E-mail: info@pittcon.org; Info: http://www.pittcon.org].
9–12 March 2009
17. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kristallographie. Hannover, Germany. [Contact: Prof. Dr. Josef-Christian Buhl, Institut für Mineralogie, Leibnitz-Universität Hannover, Callinstrasse 1, 30167 Hannover, Germany. Tel: 49 (511) 7 62 3583; Fax: 49 (511) 7 62 2995; E-mail: j.buhl@mineralogie.uni-hannover.de; Info: http://www.conventus.de/dgk2009].
19–20 March 2009
Polymorphism and Crystallization. Brussels, Belgium. [Contact: Kate Laird. E-mail: sciup@scientificupdate.co.uk; Info: http://www.scientificupdate.co.uk/conferences/polymorphism/index.php].
23–27 March 2009
International Centre for Diffraction Data Annual Spring Meeting. Newtown Square, Pennsylvania, USA. [Info: http://www.icdd.com/profile/march09.htm].
5–8 April 2009
Recent Advances in Characterization, Processing, Design, and Modelling of Structural and Functional Materials. Lisbon, Portugal. [Info: http//www.demat.ist.utl.pt/materials2009].
13–17 April 2009
Materials Research Society Spring Meeting. San Francisco, California, USA. [Contact: Materials Research Society, 506 Keystone Drive, Warrendale, PA 15086-7573; Tel: 1 (724) 779 3003; E-mail: info@mrs.org; Info: http://www.mrs.org].
27–30 April 2009
Technart 2009 Non-destructive and Microanalytical Techniques in Art and Cultural Heritage Research. Athens, Greece. Cultural heritage studies are interpreted in a broad sense, including pigments, stones, metals, glass, ceramics, chemometrics on artwork studies, resins, fibers, and forensic applications in art and archaeology. [Info: http://www.inp.democritos.gr/~technart2009].
4–7 May 2009
8th Pharmaceutical Powder X-ray Diffraction Symposium. Glasgow, Scotland, UK. Sponsored by the International Centre for Diffraction Data. Held at the Menzies Glasgow Hotel. Includes optional workshop Characterization of Pharmaceutical Solids (May 4, 2009, same venue). [Contact: Leah Mooney, ICDD, 12 Campus Boulevard, Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073-3273, USA. Tel: 1 (610) 325 9814; Fax: 1 (610) 325 9823; E-mail: http://www.icdd.com/ppxrd; Info: http://www.icdd.com/ppxrd].
30 May–3 June 2009
92nd Canadian Chemical Conference and Exhibition. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. [Info: http://www.csc2009.ca/index.cfm/ciid/5144//laid/1.htm].
14–20 June 2009
14th International Clay Conference. Castellaneta M., Italy. [Contact: Heloisa N. Bordallo, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH, SF6, Glienicker Strasse 100, 14109 Berlin, Germany. Tel: 49 (30) 8062 2924; E-mail: bordello@helmholtz-berlin.de].
18–20 June 2009
4th TOPAS Users Meeting: Development and application of MACROS using the algebraic language of TOPAS University of Trento. Organizers: Paolo Scardi, Robert Dinnebier, and Arnt Kern. [Information and registration form at http://www.fkf.mpg.de/xray/html/topas.html].
21–26 June 2009
Goldschmidt 2009: Challenges to Our Volatile Planet. Davos, Switzerland. [Info: http://www.goldschmidt2009.org].
29 June-1 July 2009
ICNX 2009 International Conference on Neutron and X-ray Scattering. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. [Contact: Abdul Aziz Mohammed, Conference Secretariat, Block 34, Materials Technology Group, Agensi Nuklear Malaysia, 43000 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia. Tel: 60 (3) 8925 0510; Fax: 60 (3) 8925 0907; E-mail: azizmohd@nuclearmalasia.gov.my].
25–30 July 2009
American Crystallographic Association Annual Meeting. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. [Contact: American Crystallographic Association, Post Office Box 96 Endicott Station, Buffalo, NY 14205-0096, USA; Tel: 1 (716) 898 8690; Fax: 1 (716) 898 8695; E-mail: aca@hwi.buffalo.edu; Info: http://www.amercrystalassn.org/meetingspglist/futuremeetings.html].
27–31 July 2009
Denver X-ray Conference. Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA. Held at the Crown Plaza Hotel. “…The world’s largest X-ray conference.” Sessions on the latest advances in X-ray diffraction and X-ray fluorescence techniques; the emphasis is on practical applications for the study of materials. Includes 12 half-day workshops on various aspects of XRD and XRF analysis and one full-day workshop: Quantitative Analysis via Rietveld Analysis. [Contact: E-mail: dxc@icdd.com; Info: hptt://www.dxcicdd.com.]
Summer 2009
14th International XAFS Conference. Camerino, Italy. Held at the University of Camerino. [Info: http://gnxas.unicam.it/XASLABwww/pagxafs2009.html].
2–7 August 2009
Sagamore XVI. Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. [Contact: Dr. Thomas Proffen, Lujan Neutron Scattering Center, Los Alamos National Laboratory, MS 05, Los Alamos, NM 87545, USA. [Info: http://www.sagamoreXVI.org].
7–9 August 2009
Symmetry and Crystallography in Turkish Art and Culture. Istanbul, Turkey. This is a satellite conference of the 25th European Crystallographic Meeting in Istanbul, sponsored by the IUCr Commission on Mathematical and Theoretical Crystallography. It includes a do-it-yourself workshop and a short excursion. [Contact: E-mail: mathcryst.satellite@lcm3b.uhp-nancy.fr].
9–14 August 2009
25th European Crystallographic Meeting. Istanbul, Turkey. [E-mail: ecm25@ecm25.org; Info: http://www.ecm25.org].
8–10 September 2009
SRPS 4 Synchrotron Radiation in Polymer Science IV. Kerkrade, The Netherlands. A satellite conference of the XIV International Conference on Small-angle Scattering in Oxford, UK on 13–18 September. Held in the Rolduc Abbey, founded in 1104, close to Maastricht and Aachen. [Contact: Info: http://srps4.chem.tue.nl/indexl.html].
13–18 September 2009
SAS-2009 XIV International Conference on Small-angle Scattering. Oxford, England, UK. [Contact: E-mail: sas2009@diamond.ac.uk; Info: http://www.sas2009.org].
20–23 September 2009
GISAS 2009 Grazing-incidence Small angle Scattering Satellite Conference. Hamburg, Germany. A satellite conference of the XIV International Conference on Small-angle Scattering in Oxford, UK on 13–18 September. [Contact: Christine Berber, DESY, Notkestrasse 85, 22607 Hamburg, Germany. Tel: 49 (40) 8998 1541; E-mail: gisas2009@desy.de; Info: https://indico.desy.de/conferenceDisplay.py?confld=797].
10–12 November 2009
MECA SENS V 5th International Conference on Mechanical Stress Evaluation by Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation. Mito, Japan. [Contact: Oliver Kirstein, Bragg Institute, Building 87, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation PMB 1, Menai NSW, 2234, Australia. Tel: 61 (2) 9717 9452; Fax: 61 (2) 9717 3606; E-mail: oliver.kirstein@ansto.gov.au; Info: http://nsrc.jaea.go.jp/mecasens-5/information1/html].
24–29 July 2010
American Crystallographic Association Meeting. Chicago, Illinois, USA.
29 September-5 October 2010
26th European Crystallographic Meeting. Darmstadt, Germany. [Info: http://www.ecanews.org/meetings.htm].
28 May–2 June 2011
American Crystallographic Association Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
August 2011
22nd IUCr General Assembly and International Congress of Crystallography. Madrid, Spain.
No CrossRef data available.