1 Introduction
A finite group is said to be a Dedekind group if all its subgroups are normal. Such groups were precisely classified by Dedekind in [Reference Dedekind6]. Groups having only a few nonnormal subgroups can be considered close to Dedekind groups. There are many results about such groups that characterise the structure of finite groups with a small number of conjugacy classes of nonnormal subgroups (see [Reference Brandl3–Reference Chen and Chen5, Reference Gong, Cao and Chen7, Reference Mousavi9–Reference Mousavi11]). There are also explorations based on the number of orders of nonnormal subgroups.
Let G be a finite group. For convenience, we introduce the notation,

if and only if G is a Dedekind group. Passman in [Reference Passman12] classified finite p-groups, all of whose nonnormal subgroups are cyclic, including finite p-groups with
. Later, Berkovich and Zhang in [Reference Berkovich2, Reference Zhang13] classified finite groups with
, and An in [Reference An1] classified finite p-groups with
. These results are mainly concerned with the structure of G. In particular, Passman in [Reference Passman12] gave several interesting properties of finite p-groups based on the orders of their nonnormal subgroups, which served as inspiration for this study.
The aim of this paper is to estimate the derived length of a finite solvable group G in terms of
. We examine nilpotent groups (Section 2) and solvable nonnilpotent groups (Section 3). In fact, the derived length of a nilpotent group with
is less than the derived length of p-groups with
. Therefore, we consider finite p-groups instead of nilpotent groups.
In [Reference Passman12], Passman showed that, for a finite p-group G, if the maximal order of nonnormal subgroups of G is
, then
$|G'|\leq p^m$
, and hence the nilpotent class
$c(G)\leq m+1$
. Also, it is trivial that
$n_c(G)\leq m$
. We obtain the following result.
Theorem 1.1. Let G be a p-group. If
$n_c(G)=t $
, then
$dl(G)\leq \lceil \log _2(2t+3)\rceil $
Assume that G is a finite solvable nonnilpotent group. We establish an upper bound for the derived length
in terms of
Theorem 1.2. Let G be a solvable nonnilpotent group. If
$n_c(G)=t $
, then the derived length
$dl(G)\leq \lfloor (2t+2)/3\rfloor +1 $
Let G be a finite solvable group with
$|G|=\prod _{i=1}^kp_i^{\alpha _i}$
. For convenience, we define

For the remainder of this paper, all groups are finite and we refer to [Reference Kurzweil and Stellmacher8] for standard notation concerning the theory of finite groups.
2 The p-groups with
In this section, we bound the order of
and the derived length
for a p-group G in terms of the number of orders of nonnormal subgroups
. We begin with four lemmas.
Lemma 2.1 [Reference Berkovich2, Lemma 1.4].
Let G be a p-group and let
$N\unlhd G$
. If N has no abelian normal subgroups of G of type
, then N is either cyclic or a
-group of maximal class.
Lemma 2.2 [Reference Passman12, Lemma 1.4].
Let N be a minimal nonnormal subgroup of a p-group P. Then N is cyclic.
Suppose that G is a group and
$N\unlhd G$
. Note that
is the number of orders of nonnormal subgroups of G containing N. The following lemma is easy but important, and it will frequently be used later in the paper.
Lemma 2.3. Let G be a group. Assume that N is a normal subgroup of G. Then
$n_c(G/N)\leq n_c(G)$
. Moreover, if
, then the orders of all nonnormal subgroups of G are divisible by the order of N.
Proof. Obviously, the projection of the nonnormal subgroups of
onto G are still nonnormal, and hence
$n_c(G/N)\leq n_c(G)$
. If there exists a nonnormal subgroup of G whose order is not divisible by
, then
. This completes the proof.
Let G be a p-group. We say that
$H_1>H_2>\cdots >H_k$
is a chain of nonnormal subgroups of G if each
$H_i\ntrianglelefteq G$
and if
$1\leq i\leq k-1$
. Passman in [Reference Passman12] used
$\mathrm {chn}(G)$
to denote the maximum of the lengths of the chains of nonnormal subgroups of G, and proved that if
$\mathrm {chn}(G)=t$
, then
$s_p(G')\leq 2t+\lfloor 2/p\rfloor $
. It is trivial that
$\mathrm {chn}(G)\leq n_c(G)$
. In the next lemma, we weaken the condition.
Lemma 2.4. Let G be a p-group. If
, then
$s_p(G')\leq 2t+1$
Proof. Let G be a p-group and assume that
. If G has no elementary abelian normal subgroup of order
, then, by Lemma 2.1, G is either a cyclic group or a
-group of maximal class. It is easy to see that
$s_p(G')\leq n_c(G)+1$
and the result follows.
Now, suppose that there exists an elementary abelian normal subgroup N of order
. In this case, we perform induction on t. If
, clearly, G is Dedekind and
$s_p(G')\leq 1$
, as required. Next, suppose that
$t\geq 1$
. We consider the factor group
. Assume that M is a nonnormal subgroup of minimal order of G. Then M is cyclic by Lemma 2.2. Let
. We claim that
$n_c(G/N)\leq t-1$
. If
$p^m\leq p^2$
, it follows from Lemma 2.3 that
$n_c(G/N)\leq t-1$
. Conversely, if
, then
has no nonnormal subgroups of order
. Otherwise, there exists a noncyclic nonnormal subgroup of order
of G, which contradicts the minimality of M. Thus, according to Lemma 2.3, we have
$n_c(G/N)\leq t-1$
, as claimed. Here, by induction on t, it follows that
$s_p((G/N)')\leq 2(t-1)+1$
. Therefore,

The proof is complete.
Corollary 2.5. Let G be a nilpotent group. If
, then
$s_p(G')\leq 2t+1$
Proof. Let
$P_i\in \mathrm {Syl}_{p_i}(G)$
and assume that
$G=P_1\times P_2\times \cdots \times P_k$
. If
, the result is trivial by Lemma 2.4. Now, let
$k\geq 1$
. We assume that
$G=H\times P_{k}$
. Since
, we have
$n_c(H)< t/2$
$n_c(P_k)\leq t/2$
. By induction on k, it follows that
. Therefore,
$s_p(G')\leq 2t+1$
We denote by
the nilpotent class and use
to denote the ith terms of the lower central series and the commutator series for a group G, respectively. We are now ready to prove Theorem 1.1
Proof of Theorem 1.1.
Let G be a p-group and assume that
. By Lemma 2.4, we see that
$|G'|\leq p^{2t+1}$
and thus
$c(G)\leq 2t+2$
. It suffices to show that
$G^{(i)}\leq G_{2^i}$
$ i\geq 1$
since, by induction on i,

Note that
$1=G_{2t+3}=G^{(dl(G))}\leq G_{2^{dl(G)}}$
. Consequently,
$2^{dl(G)}\leq 2t+3$
, that is,
$dl(G)\leq \lceil \log _2(2t+3)\rceil $
. This completes the proof.
3 The solvable nonnilpotent groups with
In this section, we investigate the solvable nonnilpotent groups with
and prove the main result of this paper.
First, we state the characterisation of finite groups with
and provide a basic fact about nilpotent groups.
Lemma 3.1 [Reference Zhang13, Theorem 2.3].
Let G be a finite group. If all nonnormal subgroups of G possess the same order, then G is a finite p-group or
$G=\langle a \rangle \rtimes \langle b \rangle $
, where
$p_1, p_2$
are primes with
$p_1< p_2$
$[a, b^{p_1}]=1$
. Moreover, if
$G=\langle a \rangle \rtimes \langle b \rangle $
, as stated, then all nonnormal subgroups of G are of order
${p_1}^{n_1} $
Lemma 3.2 [Reference Kurzweil and Stellmacher8, Lemma 5.1.2].
Let G be a group and let
$N \leq Z(G)$
. Then G is nilpotent if and only if
is nilpotent.
For solvable nonnilpotent groups, we have the following further conclusion based on Lemma 2.3.
Lemma 3.3. Let G be a solvable nonnilpotent group. Then there exists a minimal normal subgroup N such that
$n_c(G/N)\leq n_c(G)-s_p(N)$
Proof. By Lemma 2.3,
$n_c(G/N)\leq n_c(G)$
. First, we claim that there exists a minimal normal subgroup N of G such that
. Let
$P_i\in \mathrm {Syl}_{p_i}(G)$
. Noting that G is nonnilpotent, we may assume that
is a nonnormal Sylow subgroup of G. If, for
$i\geq 2$
, there exists a Sylow subgroup
such that
is nonnormal, we may assume that
is nonnormal. Then
is always true for any minimal normal subgroup
$N\neq 1$
. Otherwise, by Lemma 2.3, the orders of both
are divisible by the order of N, so that
, which is a contradiction. On the other hand, if
$P_i\unlhd G$
for all
$i\geq 2$
, we may take
$N\leq P_2$
. According to Lemma 2.3 again,
since the order of
is not divisible by the order of N. This proves the claim.
$ N $
is a minimal normal subgroup of G, it follows that N is an elementary abelian p-group and proper subgroups of N are nonnormal subgroups of G. There are
nonnormal subgroups of G contained by N. Thus,

Here, if
, then, similarly, both the orders of
are divisible by p, which is a contradiction. Hence,
$n_c(G/N)\leq n_c(G)-s_p(N)$
and the proof is complete.
The next crucial lemma establishes an upper bound on the order of
in terms of
for a solvable nonnilpotent group G.
Lemma 3.4. Let G be a solvable nonnilpotent group. If
, then
$s_p(G')\leq t$
Proof. Assume that
. The proof will be done by induction to t. If
, then, by Lemma 3.1,

$p_1, p_2$
are different primes. Since
$G/\langle a\rangle $
is cyclic, we have
Now, let
$t\geq 2$
. According to the proof of Lemma 3.3, it suffices to show that there exists a minimal normal subgroup N such that
Case 1:
is nonnilpotent.
In this case, since
, it follows that
$s_p((G/N)')\leq n_c(G/N)$
by induction on t. In addition,
$|G'|=|G'\cap N||(G/N)'|$
$(G/N)'\cong G'/(G'\cap N)$
. Hence,
is divisible by
. Therefore,

By Lemma 3.3,
$n_c(G/N)\leq n_c(G)-s_p(N)$
, and hence

This completes the proof in Case 1.
Case 2:
is nilpotent. In this case, we consider the following two situations.
Case 2a: there exists a minimal normal subgroup M such that
$M\neq N$
Since G is a nonnilpotent group, it follows that
is also nonnilpotent. Otherwise, since
$G/(M\cap N) \lesssim G/M \times G/N$
, we see that
$G/(M\cap N)$
is nilpotent. However,
$G/(M\cap N)\cong G$
is nonnilpotent, which is a contradiction. Now, assume that
, where
are different primes. We consider two cases, namely,
$m\geq 2$
. If
$m\geq 2$
, since
$N_1M_1\ntrianglelefteq G$
for all
$1\leq N_1\leq N$
, then

Here, it follows easily by induction that
$s_p((G/M)')\leq n_c(G/M)$
. This condition is similar to Case 1 and it follows that

Now suppose that
, that is,
. If there exists a nonnormal subgroup H such that
is not divisible by p, then
$n_c(G/M)\leq n_c(G)-1$
from Lemma 2.3, and so
$s_p((G/M)')\leq n_c(G/M)$
by induction. As before, the result holds. On the other hand, if, for every subgroup H of
whose order is not divisible by p, H is always normal, then we may assume that
, where K is a Hall
-subgroup of G. Obviously, all subgroups of K are normal and P is nonnormal. We consider the following two cases.
(i) If there exists a minimal normal subgroup T of G contained in K satisfying
$T\neq N$
, then
is nonnilpotent. It suffices to show that
$n_c(G/T)\leq n_c(G)-1$
by Lemma 2.3, and thus
$s_p((G/T)')\leq n_c(G/T)$
by induction. As before, the result holds.
(ii) If N is a unique minimal normal subgroup of G contained in K, then K is a group of prime power order. It follows from Lemma 2.1 that K is either a cyclic group or a
-group of maximal class. In addition, since every subgroup of K is a normal subgroup of G, it follows that K is either a cyclic group or a quaternion group
. We claim that K is cyclic. Otherwise,
$K\cong Q_8$
. Note that
$N\leq Z(G)\cap Q_8$
is nilpotent. According to Lemma 3.2, G is nilpotent, which is a contradiction. Now, let K be a cyclic group of order
$r\geq 2$
. For
$1\leq K_1\leq K$
, it follows that
is nonnormal as
$P_1\leq P$
$P_1\ntrianglelefteq G$
. Also, there exists a maximal subgroup M of P that is normal in P, but
is a nonnormal subgroup of G for
$1\leq K_1<K$
. Hence,

By Lemma 2.4,
$s_p((G/K)')\leq 2(t-r)/(r+1)+1$
. Note that
$n_c(G)=t\geq 2r+1$
$r\geq 2$
. Therefore,

Case 2b: N is a unique minimal normal subgroup of G.
In this case,
is nilpotent for
$1\neq H\unlhd G$
. We can assume that
$G/N=P_1\rtimes P_2$
$N\leq P_1$
. Let
. Then there are
nonnormal subgroups of G contained in N. Clearly, if
is nonnormal in G for
$K\leq G$
, then
$K\ntrianglelefteq G$
. Note that
$P_2N\unlhd G$
is a nonnormal subgroup of G. Moreover, we can always find
$gN\in Z(G/N)$
such that
$g\in G-N$
$g^p\in N$
is nilpotent. Also,
$\langle g\rangle N\unlhd G$
$\langle g\rangle $
is nonnormal in G. Therefore,

It follows that
$n_c(G/N)\leq (t-k-1)/2$
and, by Lemma 2.5,
$s_p((G/N)')\leq t-k$
. Hence,

The proof is complete.
Next, we will prove Theorem 1.2. To do this, we need the following lemma.
Lemma 3.5. Let G be a solvable group. If
, then
$dl(G)\leq \lfloor (2n+2)/3\rfloor $
Proof. We prove the result by induction on n. If
$ n=1$
, the result is trivially true. Assume that
$n\geq 2$
. If
$s_p(G/{G'})\geq 2$
, then
$s_p(G')\leq n-2$
. It follows that
$dl(G')\leq \lfloor (2n-2)/3\rfloor $
by the inductive hypothesis applied to
. Hence,

In this case, the proof is complete.
Now, let
, that is,
. We may assume that
$k\geq 2$
. Then
. Also, suppose that N is a maximal abelian normal subgroup of G containing
. If
$s_p(N)\geq 2$
, we see that
$s_p(G/N)\leq n-2$
. Application of the inductive hypothesis to
$dl(G/N)\leq \lfloor (2n-2)/3\rfloor $
. Thus,

and the result follows.
The remaining case is where
, which implies that
. Since
$G/N=N_G(N)/C_G(N)\lesssim \mathrm {Aut}(N)$
is cyclic, it suffices to show that
$N=G^{(k)}\leq Z(G')$
. Hence,

is nonabelian since
$G^{(k)}\neq 1$
. We claim that
$s_p(G^{(k-1)})\geq 3$
. Otherwise,
is a nonabelian group of order
$p\neq q$
. Since
is cyclic, it suffices to show that
is an abelian group, which is a contradiction. Hence,
$s_p(G/G^{(k-1)})\leq n-3$
. Apply the inductive hypothesis to
. Then
$dl(G/{G^{(k-1)}})\leq \lfloor (2n-4)/3\rfloor $
. Therefore,

The proof is complete.
Finally, we are ready to prove Theorem 1.2.
Proof of Theorem 1.2.
Suppose that G is a solvable nonnilpotent group with
. From Lemma 3.4,
$s_p(G')\leq t$
, and hence, by Lemma 3.5,

$dl(G)\leq \lfloor (2t+2)/3\rfloor +1$
. The proof is complete.
In addition, if G be a solvable nonnilpotent group, the number of prime divisors of
can be bounded by
. For convenience, we use
$\pi (G)$
to denote the number of prime divisors of
Corollary 3.6. Let G be a solvable nonnilpotent group. If
, then
$\pi (G)\leq t+1$
Proof. Assume that
$\pi (G)\geq t+2$
. Since G is a solvable group, G possesses a Sylow system
$\mathcal {S}$
. Suppose that
$\mathcal {S}=\{P_1,P_2,\ldots ,P_{t+2},\ldots \}$
. Note that G is nonnilpotent and we may assume that
is a nonnormal Sylow subgroup of G. Let

Obviously, for
$1\leq i\leq t+2$
is a subgroup of G. If, for the set
$\mathcal {T}$
, there are two or more normal subgroups of G, then
is a normal subgroup, which is a contradiction. Thus, at most one normal subgroup is contained in the set
$\mathcal {T}$
and it follows that
$n_c(G)\geq t+1$
. This contradicts the hypothesis and the proof is complete.