The authors regret the inclusion of an error in the text of the above item.
Page 1 from the main text line 9:
“Several authors have stressed the progressive alienation of young people from mainstream forms of democratic life (Delli Carpini 2000; Quintelier 2007; Ross 2018). Yet, recent scholarship has questioned these findings, suggesting instead that younger generations engage through other forms of participation, which challenge traditional understandings of democratic politics (Earl, Maher and Elliott 2017; Pickard 2019)”.
Should read:
“Several authors have stressed the progressive alienation of young people from mainstream forms of democratic life (Delli Carpini 2000; Quintelier 2007). Yet, recent scholarship has questioned these findings, suggesting instead that younger generations engage through other forms of participation, which challenge traditional understandings of democratic politics (Earl, Maher and Elliott 2017; Pickard 2019; Ross 2018).”