All place-names and names of organizations are indexed under their local forms
Advancement of glaciology: technology in, 66-77
Atmospheric chemistry: global science, 42
Basal net balance: ice dynamics, 37
Bearing capacity: ice, 82-83
Bedrock mapping: ice sheets, 35-36
Bore-hole sampling of deep ice: ice dynamics, 38
Boulton, G.S., (paper: Progress in glacial geology during the last fifty years) 25-32
Causes of glacial/interglacial cycles: Cenozoic ice age, 25-26
Cenozoic ice age: causes of glacial/interglacial cycles, 25-26
Channels: ice formation, 79-80
Clarke, G.K.C., (paper: Short history of scientific investigations on glaciers) 4-24
Climatology: global science, 41-42
Colbeck, S.C., (paper: History of snow-cover research) 60-65
Contemporary research: glacier sliding, 8
Development of glaciology: impact of International Glaciological Society, 86-89
Drilling: glaciers, 11-14
Dynamics: sea ice, 50
Early research: glacier sliding, 7
Electrical methods: glaciers, 15-16
Electromagnetic methods: glaciers, 15
Energy balance: sea ice, 49-50
Extrusion flow: ice dynamics, 39-40
Fluctuations: glaciers, 8-9
Frozen ground: mechanics, 83-84
Future role: of International Glaciological Society, 86-89
Geomorphological products of glaciation, 27-29
Geological products of glaciation, 27-29
Geophysical measurements: glaciers, 14-16
Geophysical surveys:
ice thickness and bedrock mapping, 35-36
ice volume, 36
radio echo-sounding, 35-36
Glacial deposition, 28-29
Glacial erosion, 27-28
Glacial geology, 25-32
Glacial geology: ice dynamics, 38
Glacial/interglacial cycles: causes, 25-26
drilling, 11-14
electromagnetic methods, 15
fluctuations, 8-9
geophysical measurements, 14-16
gravity method, 15
history of scientific investigations on, 4-24
hydrology, 10-11
ice permeability, 10-11
interferometry, 15
internal water channels, 10
length variations, 9-10
mass balance, 9-10
other electrical methods, 15-16
pulsed radar, 15
seismic methods, 14-15
subglacial water channels, 10
surging, 8-9
thermal regime, 11
Glacier sliding:
contemporary research, 8
early research, 7
development of, 86-89
future key technology, 73-74
major advances and responsible technology, 68-73
technology in advancement of, 66-77
Glen, J.W., (paper: Fifty years of progress in ice physics) 52-59
Global geophysics: ice sheets, 42-44
Global science:
atmospheric chemistry, 42
climatology, 41-42
ice sheets, 41-42
Gold, L.W., (paper: Fifty years of progress engineering) 78-85
Gravity method: glaciers, 15
Historical sketch: sea ice, 48-49
scientific investigations on glaciers, 4-24
snow-cover research, 60-65
Hydrology: glaciers, 10-11
as a material, 66-67
bearing capacity, 82-83
Icebergs, 80-81
Icebreakers, 81-82
Ice cover: sea ice, 50
Ice dynamics:
basal net balance, 37
bore-hole sampling of deep ice, 38
extrusion flow, 39-40
glacial geology, 38
mass balance, 37
modelling studies, 41
sliding and internal deformation, 40
surface net balance, 36-37
surging, 40
temperature distribution, 38
Ice engineering: progress in, 78-85
Ice formation: rivers and channels, 79-80
Ice movement:
internal, 37-38
surface, 37
Ice physics: progress in, 52-59
Ice sheets:
form and extent, 33-35
global geophysics, 42-44
global science, 41-42
ice thickness and bedrock mapping, 35-36
satellite altimetry, 33-35
satellite studies of surface form and extent, 33-35
surface features, 33-35
understanding of, 33-47
Ice-sheet studies and global science: ice sheets and climatology, 41-42
Ice thickness: ice sheets, 35-36
Ice volume: geophysical surveys, 36
Icing, 83
Impact: of International Glaciological Society on development of glaciology, 86-89
Interferometry: glaciers, 15
International Glaciological Society: impact on development of glaciology, 86-89
Internal deformation: ice dynamics, 40
Introduction, 3
Key technology: for future glaciology, 73-74
Large-scale glacial depositional patterns, 29
Length variations: glaciers, 9-10
Lewis, E.L., (paper: Fifty years of progress in understanding sea ice) 48-51
Major advances: responsible technology in glaciology, 68-73
Mass balance:
glaciers, 9-10
ice dynamics, 37
sea ice, 49-50
Mechanics: frozen ground, 83-84
Modelling studies: ice dynamics, 41
Models: sea ice, 50
Morphology: sea ice, 50
Navigation, 81-82
Physical properties: sea ice, 49
Pre-late Cenozoic glacial epochs in Earth history, 26-27
glacial geology, 25-32
ice engineering, 78-85
ice physics, 52-59
ice sheets, 33-47
sea ice, 48-51
Pulsed radar: glaciers, 15
Radio echo-sounding: ice thickness and bedrock mapping, 35-36
Rivers: ice formation, 79-80
Robin, G. de Q., and Swithinbank, C, (paper: Fifty years of progress in understanding ice sheets) 33-47
Role: of International Glaciological Society on the development of glaciology, 86-89
Röthlisberger, H., (paper: Introduction) 3
Satellite altimetry: ice sheets, 33-35
Scientific investigations: on glaciers, 4-24
Scientific style: trends, 16-18
Sea ice, 80
Sea ice:
dynamics, 50
energy and mass balances, 49-50
historical sketch, 48-49
ice cover, 50
models, 50
morphology, 50
physical properties, 49
understanding of, 48-51
Seismic methods: glaciers, 14-15
Short history: of scientific investigations on glaciers, 4-24
Sliding: ice dynamics, 40
Snow-cover research:
current (post-1970), 63-64
discovery (1900-36), 61-62
history of, 60-65
preparation (pre-1900), 61
recent (1936-70), 62-63
Surface features: ice sheets, 33-35
Surface form and extent: ice sheets, 33-35
Surface net balance: ice dynamics, 36-37
glaciers, 8-9
ice dynamics, 40
Swithinbank, C, see Robin, G. de Q., and Swithinbank, C.
advancement of glaciology, 66-77
major advances in glaciology, 68-73
Temperature distribution: ice dynamics, 38
Thermal regime: glaciers, 11
Weertman, J., (paper: Impact of the International Glaciological Society on the development of glaciology and its future role) 86-89
Zwally, H.J., (paper: Technology in the advancement of glaciology) 66-77