doi:10.1017/S0024282909007889, Published online for the British Lichen Society by Cambridge University Press, 8 January 2009.
Some typesetting errors appeared in Table 3 on page 89 in this paper (Jüriado et al. 2009). These errors were drawn to our attention by the authors but unfortunately their corrections were not transferred to the marked proof.
The corrected version of the Table is printed here.
Table 3 Partitioning of variation in epiphytic lichen communities using three sets of explanatory variables in variation partitioning analysis (pCCA).

* T = tree level environmental variables (‘bark pH’, ‘bryophyte cover’, ‘circumference’, ‘Ulmus glabra’ and ‘Fraxinus excelsior’); S = stand level variables (‘forest length’, ‘height of klint’ and ‘distance to sea’); G = geographical variables (Regions 1, 2, 3 and 4) (see Table 1). Symbol ‘|’ means covarying out variable sets, ‘∪’ refers to union of variable sets, ‘∩’ refers to intersection of variable sets.
† EV (the sum of all canonical eigenvalues) is given in inertia units (IU; total inertia 9.331 IU) as well as the fraction of the total variation explained (FTVE; %).