On page 216, in the Acknowledgment section: 4th and 7th line from the bottom: replace “at” with “for” (“for the annual meeting”, “for their invaluable comments”).
On page 228, 12th line from the top: show (remove “s” from shows).
On page 18, replace Table 3 with the following:
R 2 = .43, Goodness of fit measures are NFI = .08, RFI = .67, CFI = .81, PRATIO = .62, RMSEA = .07, and AIC = 1212.52, --- = not calculated
a Numbers in cells are standardized regression weights using simultaneous equations procedure for path analysis. The principal dependent variable was a composite based upon respondents' reported political activities, coded 0 thru 6. All variables specified are statistical significance (p < .05); other indicators are omitted from final calculation. Missing values among observations were imputed using full-information maximum likelihood estimation (FIML), N = 1846.