The article ‘Border closures and externalization of immigration controls in the Mediterranean: A comparative analysis of Morocco and Turkey’(1)(2) was published twice under two separate DOIs. The Editors and Cambridge University Press apologise to the author for this mistake and have retracted the duplicate article from New Perspectives on Turkey, 59. The original article has been placed in New Perspectives on Turkey, 60.
(1) Üstübici, A., & İçduygu, A. (2018). Border closures and the externalization of immigration controls in the Mediterranean: A comparative analysis of Morocco and Turkey. New Perspectives on Turkey, 59, 7-31. doi:10.1017/npt.2018.21
(2) Üstübici, A., & İçduygu, A. (n.d.). Border closures and the externalization of immigration controls in the Mediterranean: A comparative analysis of Morocco and Turkey. New Perspectives on Turkey, 60, **-** . doi:10.1017/npt.2018.16