The P value for the diet effect on net portal glucose flux (NPF) (Table 4) in the paper by Ingerslev et al. ( Reference Ingerslev, Theil and Hedemann 1 ) was incorrect. It should read: The NPF of glucose were 258 mmol/h on the WSD, 203 mmol/h on the RSD and 242 mmol/h on the AXD (sem 21), and the corresponding P values were P Diet= 0·20, P Time< 0·001 and P Diet × Time< 0·001, respectively.
Table 4 Net portal flux of metabolites from 0 to 5 h after the first daily meal* (Least-squares (LS) means with their standard errors or 95 % confidence intervals)

WSD, Western-style diet; RSD, resistant starch-enriched diet; AXD, arabinoxylan-enriched diet; GLP-1, glucagon-like peptide 1; GIP, glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide; BCFA, branched-chain fatty acids.
a,b,cMean values within a row with unlike superscript letters are significantly different (P< 0·05).
* Mean plasma concentrations were determined in pigs fed either WSD, RSD or AXD.
† Mean values for portal blood flow are determined based on initial blood flow measurements.
‡ P>0·1.
§ Since data were logarithmically transformed before data analysis, sem is not the correct measure of variance. Instead, 95 % CI are given.
In the abstract, the first sentence describing the results (page 1564, line 7) should be: ‘The NPF of insulin was lower (P= 0·04) in AXD-fed pigs (4·6 nmol/h) compared with RSD-fed pigs (10·5 nmol/h), despite similar glucose absorption among diets (203–258 mmol/h, P Diet= 0·20). A prolonged and a lower peak NPF of glucose was observed in RSD-fed pigs (P Diet × Time< 0·001) compared with the WSD- and AXD-fed pigs.’
In the Results section, first paragraph (page 1570, line 9), the sentence should be: ‘Substituting wheat flour with potato and high-amylose maize starches or rye flakes and enzyme-treated wheat bran did not affect the NPF of glucose (P= 0·20). However, RSD-fed pigs showed a significant diet × time interaction (P< 0·001); RSD-fed pigs had a lower peak NPF of glucose (approximately 300 mmol/h) between 45 and 120 min after feeding.’
The authors apologise for this error.