doi:10.1017/S0714980810000383, published by Cambridge University Press, 9 September 2010
There are two errors in figure legends in the article by Grignon et al. in the September 2010 issue of Canadian Journal on Aging:
The time frame in the legend for Figure 1 is incorrectly listed as 1995–2000. The correct time frame is 1995–2005. In Figure 3, the note below the figure legend incorrectly indicates that “Proportions are relative to age group 40–49.” The figure is not related to the 40- to 49-year age group, and the note should not have been added.
Figures 1 and 3, with their correct legends, appear below:

Figure 1: Observed Percentages of AMI Admissions Receiving Specified Treatments, by Age and Sex, All Hospitals, Ontario, 1995–2005.

Figure 3: Observed and Predicted Proportions of AMI Admissions Receiving CABG, All Hospitals and 20 Hospitals with most AMI Admissions, Ontario, 1995–2005.