1. Introduction
Community detection in large networks is a central task in data science. It is often the case that one gets to observe a large network, the links of which depends on some unknown, underlying community structure. A natural task in this case is to detect and recover this community structure to the best possible accuracy. Perhaps the most well-studied model in this topic is the stochastic block model (SBM) where a random graph whose vertex set is composed of several communities,
is generated in a way that every pair of nodes
which belong to communities
$c(u), c(v)$
, will be connected to each other with probability
$p = p(c(v),c(u))$
, hence with probability that only depends on the respective communities, and otherwise independently. The task is to recover the communities
based on the graph. The (unknown) association of nodes with communities is usually assumed to be random and independent between different nodes. See [Reference Abbe1] for an extensive review of this model. A natural extension of the SBM is the geometric random graph, where the discrete set of communities is replaced by a metric space. More formally, given a metric space
, a function
$f\;:\; V \to X$
from a vertex set
to the metric space and a function
$\varphi \;:\;\mathbb R_+ \to [0,1]$
, a graph is formed by connecting each pair of vertices
independently, with probability

This model can sometimes mimic the behaviour of real-world networks more accurately than the SBM. For example, a user in a social network may be represented as a point in some linear space in a way that the coordinates correspond to attributes of her personality and her geographic location. The likelihood of two persons being associated with each other in the network will then depend on the proximity of several of these attributes. A flat community structure may therefore be two simplistic to reflect these underlying attributes. Therefore, a natural extension of the theory of SBMs would be to understand under what conditions the geometric representation can be recovered by looking at the graph. Our focus is on the case that the metric is defined over a symmetric space, such as the Euclidean sphere in
-dimensions. By symmetry, we mean that the probability of two vertices to be connected, given their locations, is invariant under a natural group acting on the space. We are interested in the sparse regime where the expected degrees of the vertices do not converge to infinity with the size of the graph. This is the (arguably) natural and most challenging regime for the SBM.
1.1 Inference in geometric random graphs
For the sake of simplicity, in what follows, we will assume that the metric space is the Euclidean sphere, and our main theorems will be formulated in this setting; It will be straightforward, yet technical, to generalise our results to more general symmetric space (see [Reference De Castro, Lacour and Ngoc6] for further discussion on this point).We begin by introducing a model for a random geometric graph. Let
be the uniform probability measure on
and let
$\varphi \;:\; \mathbb{S}^{d-1} \times \mathbb{S}^{d-1} \to \mathbb R_+$
, be of the form
$\varphi (x,y) = f(\langle x,y\rangle )$
for some
$f\;:\; [-1,1] \to \mathbb R_+$
. Consider
$\{X_i\}_{i=1}^n\sim \sigma$
, a sequence of independently sampled vectors. Let
$G\left (n, \frac{1}{n} \varphi (X_i, X_j)\right )$
be the inhomogeneous Erdös-Rényi graph model where edges are formed independently with probability
$\frac{1}{n} \varphi (X_i, X_j)$
and let
be the adjacency matrix of a random graph drawn from
$G\left (n, \frac{1}{n}\varphi (X_i,X_j)\right )$
. We may freely assume that
is large enough so that, necessarily,
$\frac{1}{n} \varphi (X_i, X_j) \leq 1$
.We now define the task of recovering the latent positions of the sample
from an observation of the random geometric graph.
Definition 1. We say that the model is
$\varepsilon -{reconstructible}$
if, for all
large enough, there is an algorithm which returns an
$n \times n$
such that

Remark that, due the symmetry of the model, it is clear that the locations can only be reconstructed up to an orthogonal transformation, which is equivalent to reconstruction of the Gram matrix.
In order state the conditions under which we prove the possibility of reconstructions, we need some notation. For
as above, define the integral operator
$A_\varphi \;:\; L^2\left (\mathbb{S}^{d-1}\right )\to L^2\left (\mathbb{S}^{d-1}\right )$

It is standard to show that
is a self-adjoint compact operator (see [Reference Hirsch and Lacombe10], for example) and so has a discrete spectrum, except at
. By definition,
is invariant to rotations and so
commutes with the Laplacian. It follows that the eigenfunctions of
are precisely the spherical harmonics which we denote by
$\{\psi _i\}_{i=0}^\infty$
. Thus, if
$\lambda _i(A_\varphi )$
denotes the eigenvalue of
corresponding to
$\psi _i$
we have the following identity,

In particular,
$\psi _0 = 1$
and for
$i = 1,\ldots,d$
$\psi _i$
are linear functionals such that, for
$x,y \in \mathbb{S}^{d-1}$

Note that in our notation the eigenvalues are indexed by the spherical harmonics, and are therefore not necessarily in decreasing order. By rotational invariance it must hold that

$\|\varphi \|_\infty = \sup _{x,y} \varphi (x,y)$
. We make the following, arguably natural, assumptions on the function
$\rm A1.$ There exist
$\delta \gt 0$ such that
$\min _{i\neq 1,\ldots, d}|\lambda (\varphi ) - \lambda _i|\gt \delta$ .
$\rm A2.$ Reordering the eigenvalues in decreasing order
$\lambda _{l_0}\geq \lambda _{l_1}\geq \lambda _{l_2}\geq \ldots$ there exists
$C \gt 0$ such that for every
$i\geq 0, |\lambda _{l_i}|\leq \frac{C}{(i+1)^2}$ .
Remark 2. For the spectral algorithm we propose, the eigenspace associated to
$\lambda (\varphi )$
plays as a special role, since it may encode positions of latent vectors in
$\mathbb R^d$
. Therefore, to extract meaningful information from the algorithm, it is crucial that this eigenspace is
-dimensional; a property that is enforced by Assumption A1. However, it is not clear what would happen if, say,
$\lambda _{d+1}$
is very close to
$\lambda _d$
. Our analysis, which is based on stability of the eigenspaces to perturbations of the kernel, fails in this case, but it is plausible the algorithm (or another one) may still succeed.
Regarding Assumption A2. While, it is usually the case that, some integrability of eigenvalues is necessary for the problems we consider, we do not know whether the quadratic decay rate is tight. We have made no efforts to optimise this dependence and are willing to conjecture that there are possible improvements.
Theorem 3.
For every
$\varepsilon \gt 0$
there exists a constant
, such that the model is
-reconstructible whenever

Remark 4. Observe that, since the left hand side of condition (4) is
-homogeneous, whereas its right hand side is
-homogeneous, we have that as long as the left hand side is nonzero, by multiplication of the function
by a large enough constant, the condition can be made to hold true.
Theorem 3 can be compared to the known bounds for recovery in the SBM (see [Reference Abbe1]). In particular, it is illuminating to compare the SBM with two communities to linear kernels in our model. In this case, both models are parameterised by two numbers. In the SBM these are the inter- and intra-communities probabilities and in our model, the coefficients of the linear function. In the SBM, denote the parameters as
, then recovery of the communities depends on the ratio
. The example below gives a similar result for linear kernels, with a dimensional affect, which typically makes reconstruction easier.
Example 5. Consider the linear kernel,
$\varphi (x,y) =\gamma + \zeta \langle x,y\rangle$
, with
$|\zeta |\leq \gamma$
. A calculation shows that

Applying our theorem, we show that the model is reconstructible whenever

Methods and related works
Our reconstruction theorem is based on a spectral method, via the following steps:
1. We observe that by symmetry of our kernel, linear functions are among its eigenfunctions. We show that the kernel matrix (hence the matrix obtained by evaluating the kernel at pairs of the points
$(X_i)$ ) will have respective eigenvalues and eigenvectors which approximate the ones of the continuous kernel.
2. Observing that the kernel matrix is the expectation of the adjacency matrix, we rely on a matrix concentration inequality due to Le-Levina-Vershynin [Reference Le, Levina and Vershynin12] to show that the eigenvalues of the former are close to the ones of the latter.
3. We use the Davis-Kahan theorem to show that the corresponding eigenvectors are also close to each other.
The idea in Steps 2 and 3 is not new, and rather standard (see [Reference Le, Levina and Vershynin12] and references therein). Thus, the main technical contribution in proving our upper bound is in Step 1, where we prove a bound for the convergence of eigenvectors of kernel matrices. So far, similar results have only been obtained in the special case that the Kernel is positive definite, see for instance [Reference Braun4].The paper [Reference Valdivia20] considers kernels satisfying some Sobolev-type hypotheses similar to our assumptions on
(but gives results on the spectrum rather than the eigenvectors). Reconstruction of the eigenspaces has been considered in [Reference Tang, Sussman and Priebe18], for positive definite kernels in the dense regime; in [Reference Sussman, Tang and Priebe17], for random dot products graphs; and in [Reference Valdivia and De Castro2] in the dense and relatively sparse regimes, again for kernels satisfying some Sobolev-type hypotheses. Let us also mention other works which augmented the SBM with geometric information. The paper [Reference Deshpande, Sen, Montanari, Mossel, Bengio, Wallach, Larochelle, Grauman, Cesa-Bianchi and Garnett7] considers the problem of discrete community recovery when presented with informative node covariates, inspired by the spiked covariance model. The authors derived a sharp threshold for recovery by introducing a spectral-like algorithm. However, the model is rather different than the one we propose in which the community structure is continuous. A model which is slightly closer to the one we consider appears in [Reference Galhotra, Mazumdar, Pal and Saha9]. In this model, communities are still discrete but the edge connectivity depends continuously on the latent positions of nodes on some
dimensional sphere. In such a model, recovery of the communities may be reduced to more combinatorial arguments. Indeed, the number of common neighbours can serve as an indicator for checking whether two nodes come from the same community. A similar idea was previously explored in [Reference Bubeck, Ding, Eldan and Rácz5], where a triangle count was used to establish a threshold for detecting latent geometry in random geometric graphs.
1.2 Percolation of geometric information in trees
The above theorem gives an upper bound for the threshold for reconstruction. The question of finding respective lower bounds, in the SBM, is usually reduced to a related but somewhat simpler model of percolation of information on trees. The idea is that in the sparse regime, the neighbourhood of each node in the graph is usually a tree, and it can be shown that recovering the community of a specific node based on observation of the entire graph, is more difficult than the recovery of its location based on knowledge of the community association of the leaves of a tree rooted at this node. For a formal derivation of this reduction (in the case of the SBM), we refer to [Reference Abbe1].This gives rise to the following model, first described in Mossel and Peres [Reference Mossel and Peres15] (see also [Reference Mossel14]): Consider a
-ary tree
of depth
, rooted at
$r \in V$
. Suppose that each node in
is associated with a label
$\ell \;:\; V \to \{1,..,k\}$
in the following way: The root
is assigned with some label and then, iteratively, each node is assigned with its direct ancestor’s label with probability
and with a uniformly picked label with probability
(independent between the nodes at each level). The goal is then to detect the assignment of the root based on observation of the leaves. Let us now suggest an extension of this model to the geometric setting. We fix a Markov kernel
$\varphi (x,y) = f(\langle x,y \rangle )$
, normalised such that
$\int _{\mathbb{S}^{n-1}} \varphi (x,y) d \sigma (y) = 1$
for all
$x \in \mathbb{S}^{d-1}$
. We define
$g\;:\; T \to \mathbb{S}^{d-1}$
in the following way. For the root
is picked according to the uniform measure. Iteratively, given that
is already set for all nodes
at the
-th level, we pick the values
for nodes
at the
$(\ell +1)$
th level independently, so that if
is a direct descendant of
, the label
is distributed according to the law
$\varphi (g(v), \cdot ) d \sigma$
Denote by
$T_k \subset V$
the set of nodes at depth
, and define by
$\mu _k$
the conditional distribution of
$(g(v))_{v \in T_k}$
. We say that the model has positive information flow if

Remark that by symmetry, we have

is the root and
is the north pole.
Our second objective in this work is to make the first steps towards understanding under which conditions the model has positive information flow, and in particular, our focus is on providing nontrivial sufficient conditions on
$q, \varphi$
for the above limit to be equal to zero.
Let us first outline a natural sufficient condition for the information flow to be positive which, as we later show, turns out to be sharp in the case of Gaussian kernels. Consider the following simple observable,

By Bayes’ rule, we clearly have that the model has positive information flow if (but not only if)

This gives rise to the parameter

which is the eigenvalue corresponding to linear harmonics. As
$\langle x, e_1 \rangle$
is an eigenfunction of the Markov kernel, it is preserved under repeated applications. Coupling this observation with the linearity of expectation, we have

Moreover, by symmetry if
$j \neq 1$

from which we may conclude for any
$v \in \mathbb{S}^{d-1}$

For two nodes
$u,v \in T$
define by
the deepest common ancestor of
and by
$\ell (u,v)$
its level. A calculation gives

where in the third equality, we have applied (6) and (7) to
$\mathbb E [g(v)_1 | g(c(u,v))]$
$\mathbb E[g(u)_1 | g(c(u,v))]$
. This gives a sufficient condition for (5) to hold true, concluding:
Claim 6.
The condition
$q \lambda (\varphi )^2 \gt 1$
is sufficient for the model to have positive percolation of information.
We will refer to this as the Kesten-Stigum (KS) bound.
We now turn to describe our lower bounds. For the Gaussian kernel, we give a lower bound which misses by a factor of
from giving a matching bound to the KS bound. To describe the Gaussian kernel, fix
$\beta \gt 0$
, let
be a normal random variable with law
$\mathcal{N}(0,\beta )$
and suppose that
$\varphi \;:\; \mathbb{S}^1 \times \mathbb{S}^1 \to \mathbb R$
is such that

where we identify
with the interval
$[0,2 \pi )$
. We have the following result.
Theorem 7.
For the Gaussian kernel defined above, there is zero information flow whenever
$q \lambda (\varphi ) \lt 1$
Related results in the Gaussian setting
In the discrete setting, an analogous result was obtained in [Reference Mossel13]. In fact, our method of proof is closely related. We use the inherent symmetries of the spherical kernels to decouple the values of
, where
is some vertex which is sufficiently distant from
. This is same idea of Proposition 10 in [Reference Mossel13] which uses a decomposition of the transition matrix to deduce a similar conclusion. Another related result appears in [Reference Mossel, Roch and Sly16]. In the paper the authors consider a broadcast model on a binary tree with a Gaussian Markov random field and obtain a result in the same spirit as the one above. However, since the random field they consider is real valued, as opposed to our process which is constrained to the circle, the method of proof is quite different.
In the general case, we were unable to give a corresponding bound, nevertheless, using the same ideas, we are able to give some nontrivial sufficient condition for zero flow of information for some
$q\gt 1$
, formulated in terms of the eigenvalues of the kernel. To our knowledge, this is the first known result in this direction. In order to formulate our result, we need some definitions.
We begin with a slightly generalised notion of a
-ary tree.
Definition 8. Let
$q \gt 1$
, we say that
is a tree of growth at most
if for every
$k \in \mathbb N$

Now, recall that
$\varphi (x,y) = f(\langle x,y\rangle )$
. Our bound is proven under the following assumptions on the kernel.
$f$ is monotone.
$f$ is continuous.
$\lambda (\varphi ) \gt 0$ and for every
$i \geq 1$ ,
$ |\lambda _i| \leq \lambda (\varphi )$ .
We obtain the following result.
Theorem 9.
satisfy the assumptions above and let
be a tree of growth at most
. There exists a universal constant
$c \gt 0$
, such that if

then the model has zero percolation of information.
Possible connection to reconstruction on random geometric graphs
One might naively expect that the machinery developed in [Reference Mossel and Peres15] might be used, in conjunction with Theorems 7 and 9, to deduce lower bounds for reconstructability in random geometric graphs. However, in contrast to the SBM, if
is a vertex and we condition on the latent positions of all vertices in the boundary of some ball around
, the position of
still retains some dependency with the position of vertices outside the ball.
Because of this fact, reducing a lower bound for the problem of recovering latent positions in random geometric graphs to the continuous broadcast model cannot be as straightforward as in the SBM. We leave the existence of a possible reduction as an interesting question for future research.
2. The upper bound: Proof of Theorem 3
Recall the following identity in

with the eigenvalues
$\lambda _k$
indexed by the spherical harmonics. Define the random matrices
$M_n, \Psi _n$

Note that
is an
$n \times n$
matrix, while
$\Psi _n$
, has infinitely many columns. Furthermore, denote by
the diagonal matrix
$\mathrm{diag}\{\lambda _i\}_{i=0}^\infty$
. Then,
-almost surely, for every
$i,j \in [n],$

$r \in \mathbb N$
we also denote

the finite rank approximation of
$\Lambda ^r = \mathrm{diag}\{\lambda _k\}_{k=0}^r$
, and
$\Psi _n^r$
the sub-matrix of
$\Psi _n$
composed of its first
columns. Finally, denote

As before, let
be an adjacency matrix drawn from
$G\left (n, \frac{1}{n}\varphi (X_i,X_j)\right )$
so that
$\mathbb E \left [A|X_1,\ldots,X_n\right ] = M_n$
. Our goal is to recover
$\Psi _n^{d+1}$
from the observed
. The first step is to recover
$\Psi _n^{d+1}$
. We begin by showing that the columns of
$\Psi _n^r$
are, up to a small additive error, eigenvectors of
. To this end, denote

$C(n,r) = \left \lVert E_{n,r}\right \rVert ^2_{op}$
, and
$K = \max _i{\lambda _i}$
Lemma 10.
be the
’th column of
$\Psi _n$
and let
$\eta \gt 0$
. Then

Moreover, whenever
$n\geq l(r) \log (2r/\eta )$
, we have with probability larger than

only depends on
and on the dimension.
Proof. Let
$e_i\in \mathbb R^r$
be the
’th standard unit vector so that
$u_i = \Psi _n^re_i$
. So,

We then have

To bound the error, we estimate
$\left \lVert M_n^ru_i - \lambda _iu_i\right \rVert _2^2=\left \lVert \Psi _n^r\Lambda ^rE_{n,r}e_i\right \rVert _2^2$

It remains to bound
. Let
$X_i^r = ( \psi _0(X_i),\ldots, \psi _{r-1}(X_i))$
stand for the
’th row of
$\Psi _n^r$
. Then,
$E_{n,r} = \frac{1}{n}\sum _{i=1}^n\left ((X_i^r)^T X_i^r - \mathrm{Id}_r\right )$
, is a sum of independent, centred random matrices. We have

Furthermore, the norm of the matrices can be bounded by

Note that the right-hand side of the two last displays are of the form
$\frac{1}{n} l(r)$
depends only on
(not on
). Applying matrix Bernstein ([Reference Tropp19, Theorem 6.1]) then gives

depends only on
. Choose now
$t_0 = \frac{4 l(r)\log (2r/\eta )}{n}$
. As long as
$n\geq l(r) \log (2r/\eta )$
$t_0 \leq 4$
, and the above bound may be refined to

With the above conditions, it may now be verified that
$2r \exp \left (-\frac{n}{l(r)}\frac{t_0^2}{7} \right ) \leq \eta$
, and the proof is complete.
We now show that as
increases, the subset of eigenvectors of
, that encode the latent positions of
, converge to those of
. Order the eigenvalues in decreasing order
$\lambda _{l_0}\geq \lambda _{l_1} \geq \lambda _{l_2} \geq \ldots$
and let
$\Lambda _{\gt r} = \sum _{i=r}^\infty \lambda _{l_i}^2$
. Note that it follows from assumption A2 that
$\Lambda _{\gt r} = O(r^{-3})$
. We will denote by
$\lambda _i(M_n), \lambda _i(M_n^r)$
the respective eigenvalues of
, ordered in a decreasing way, and by
their corresponding unit eigenvectors. Suppose that
is such that

Moreover, define

The next lemma shows that
is close to
whenever both
are large enough.
Lemma 11.
be the constants from Assumption A1 and Assumption A2. For all
, let
be the orthogonal projection onto
. Then, for all
$\eta \gt 0$
there exist constants
, which may depend on
, and
, such that for all
$n\gt n_0$
$r\gt r_0$
, we have with probability at least
that, for all
$w\in V_n$

Proof. We have

Applying Markov’s inequality gives that with probability

Theorem 1 in [Reference Valdivia20] shows that there exists
large enough such that with probability larger than
, one has

being the constant from Assumption A1. It follows that

while by (10) and Weyl’s perturbation theorem (e.g., [Reference Bhatia3, Corollary III.2.6]), for
large enough with probability

Combining (10), (11) and (12) it follows from the classical Davis-Kahan theorem (see e.g. [Reference Bhatia3, Section VII.3]) that with probability at-least
, for every
$w \in V_n$


A combination of the last two lemmas produces the following:
Theorem 12. One has

in probability, as
$n \to \infty$
Proof. Denote


We will show that the two terms on the right hand side converge to zero. Let
be a function converging to infinity slowly enough so that
$C(n,r)\to 0$
, for the constant
defined in Lemma 10. Taking
$\eta = \eta (n)$
to converge to zero slowly enough and applying Lemma 10, gives for all
$1 \leq i \leq d$

’th column of
$\Psi _n^{r}$
and where
$\varepsilon _n \to 0$
$n\to \infty$
. Now, if we write

the last inequality becomes

Recall that, by (12), for
$j \notin \{l_{s+1},..,l_{s+d}\}$
, we have
$\frac{3\delta }{4}\leq |\lambda _j(M_n^r) -\lambda (\varphi )|$
. Hence.

and thus

Define a
$d\times d$
$B_{i,j}=\alpha _{i, l_{s+j}}$
. Then we can rewrite the above as

Now, since for two
$n\times d$
we have
$\|RR^T - SS^T\|_F\leq (\|R\|_{op} +\|S\|_{op})\|R-S\|_F$
. It follows that

Observe that

implying that

$E = E_{n,r}$
. Consequently we have

which implies that

Combining with (14) finally yields

in probability, as
$n\to \infty$
. If
is the orthogonal projection onto
, and
is the orthogonal projection onto
, then Lemma 11 shows that for all
$\eta \gt 0$
, with probability at least
, as
$n\to \infty$
$r=n^{\frac{1}{2d}}\to \infty$
), we have for every unit vector

with some
$\varepsilon _n \to 0$
. By symmetry, we also have for every unit vector

(this uses that fact that both
are projections into subspaces of the same dimension). The last two inequalities easily yield that
$\|P - Q\|_{op} \leq \varepsilon _n$
. Since this is true for every
$\eta \gt 0$
, it follows that

in probability, as
$n\to \infty$
Now, after establishing that
is close to
$\Psi _n^{d+1}$
, the second step is to recover
(and therefore
$\Psi _n^{d+1}$
), from the observed
. For the proof we will need the following instance of the Davis-Kahan theorem.
Theorem 13. ([Reference Yu, Wang and Samworth21, Theorem 2]). Let
be symmetric matrices with eigenvalues
$\lambda _0\geq \ldots \geq \lambda _p$
$\hat \lambda _0\geq \ldots \geq \hat{\lambda }_p$
with corresponding orthonormal eigenvectors
$\hat v_0,\ldots, \hat v_p$
. Let
$V=(v_{s+1},\ldots, v_{s+d})$
$\hat V = (\hat v_{s+1},\ldots, \hat v_{s+d})$
. Then there exists an orthogonal
$ d \times d$
such that

Our main tool to pass from the expectation of the adjacency matrix to the matrix itself is the following result regarding concentration of random matrices, which follows from [Reference Le, Levina and Vershynin11, Theorem 1.1] (see also [Reference Le, Levina and Vershynin12, Theorem 5.1]).
Theorem 14.
be the adjacency matrix of a random graph drawn from
$G\left (n, \frac{1}{n} \varphi (X_i, X_j)\right )$
. For every vertex of degree larger than
$\max _{ij}\varphi (X_i,X_j)$
, remove all incident edges and let
denote the new adjacency matrix. Then,

We can now prove the main reconstruction theorem.
Proof of Theorem 3. Let
be the adjacency matrix of a random graph drawn from the model
$G\left (n, \frac{1}{n} \varphi (X_i, X_j)\right )$
and let
be the adjacency matrix defined in Theorem 14.
Denote by
$\lambda'_{\!\!0}\geq \lambda'_{\!\!1}\geq \ldots$
the eigenvalues of
and by
$v'_{\!\!0}, v'_{\!\!1},\ldots$
the corresponding orthonormal eigenvectors. Let
$Y = (v'_{\!\!l_{s+1}},\ldots,v'_{\!\!l_{s+d}})$
. By Theorem 13 there exists an
$R\in \mathcal{O}(d)$
such that

Hence by Theorem 14 we have

with probability
. It follows that

Combining this with Theorem 12 yields


which gives the desired reconstruction bound.
3. Lower bounds
Our approach to proving lower bounds will be to exploit some symmetries which are inherent to well behaved kernel functions. We thus make the following definition:
Definition 15. (DPS property). Let
be a probability measure on
, and let
$w \in \mathbb{S}^{d-1}$
. We say that
has the diminishing post-translation symmetry (DPS) around
property with constant
, if there exists a decomposition,

$\mu _w^s$
is a probability measure, invariant to reflections with respect to
. In other words, if
$R = \mathrm{Id}_d - 2ww^T$
$R_*\mu _w^s = \mu _w^s$
. For such a measure we denote
$\mu \in \mathrm{DPS}_w(\varepsilon )$
If instead
is a measure on
, we say that
$\mu \in \mathrm{DPS}^k_w(\varepsilon )$
if a similar decomposition exists but now the reflections should be applied to each coordinate separately.
We now explain the connection between the DPS property and percolation of information in trees. For this, let us recall the random function
$g:T \to \mathbb{S}^{d-1}$
, introduced in Section 1.2, which assigns to the root,
, a uniformly random value and for any other
$u \in T$
, the label
is distributed according to
$\varphi (g(\mathrm{parent}(u)),\cdot )d\sigma$
Lemma 16.
Suppose that there exist a sequence
$\lim _{k\to \infty } p_k= 1$
such that for every
$w,x_0 \in \mathbb{S}^{d-1}$
and every
$k \gt 0$

Then there is zero percolation of information along
Proof. Denote
$X = g(r)$
$Y = g(v)_{v\in T_k}$
and let
$\rho _{X|Y}$
be the density of
with respect to
. Our aim is to show that
$\mathbb E_Y\left [\mathrm{TV}(X|Y,\sigma )\right ] = o(1)$
. We first claim that it is enough to show that for all
$x,x' \in \mathbb{S}^{d-1}$
and all
$\delta \gt 0$
one has,

Indeed, let
$H = \left \{\frac{\rho _{X|Y}(x) }{ \rho _{X|Y}(x') } - 1 \leq \delta \right \}$
. Note that, by Bayes’ rule,

$x \in \mathbb{S}^{d-1}$
be some fixed point and let
be uniformly distributed is
and independent from
. We will use
$\mathbb E_{x'}$
to denote integration with respect to
, which has density
$\rho _X$
. Similarly,
$\mathbb E_{Y}$
stands for integration with respect to the density
$\rho _Y$
$\mathbb{E}_{x', Y}$
is with respect to the product
$\rho _X\cdot \rho _Y$
. The symbol
$\mathbb P$
will always mean probability over
As a consequence of the assumption in (16), as long as
is large enough, we have,

For any Borel measurable set
, we denote the projection:

Define now the set

In particular, for every
$y \in \Pi _YH'$

and by Fubini’s theorem,
$\mathbb P\left (H'|X = x\right ) \geq 1 - 4\delta$
Consider the random variables
$\alpha \;:\!=\; \alpha (Y) = \frac{\rho _{Y|X=x}(Y)}{ \rho _{Y}(Y) }$
$\beta \;:\!=\;\beta (x',Y) = \frac{\rho _{Y|X=x'}(Y)}{\rho _Y(Y)}$
. By definition of
, we have

Moreover, for almost every


Observe that
$\mathbb E_Y\left [\alpha \textbf{1}_{ \Pi _Y{H'}}\right ] = \mathbb P\left (\Pi _Y{H'}|X=x\right ) = 1- o(1)$
, where the second equality is a consequence of Fubini’s theorem. Hence, let us write
$h_1(\delta )$
, so that

Markov’s inequality then implies,

Now, we integrate over
to obtain,

which implies

Keeping in mind the previous displays, we may choose
$h_2(\delta )$
, which satisfies
$\lim \limits _{\delta \to 0} h_2(\delta ) = 0$
$\alpha \textbf{1}_{H'} \leq 1 + h_2(\delta )$
$\mathbb E_{x', Y}\left [\alpha \textbf{1}_{H'}\right ] \geq 1 - h_2(\delta )$
So, an application of the reverse Markov’s inequality for bounded and positive random variables shows,

Note that as
$\delta \to 0$
the RHS goes to
. Thus, by combining the above displays, there exists a function
, which satisfies
$\lim \limits _{\delta \to 0}h(\delta ) = 0$
and some
$H'' \subset H'$
, with
$\mathbb P\left (H'\right ) \geq 1 -h(\delta )$
, such that, by (19) and (20),

which implies, together with (17) and (18)

This then gives

We can thus conclude,

Take now
$\delta \to 0$
to get
$\mathbb E_Y \mathrm{TV} \left ( X|Y, X \right ) \to 0$
Thus, we may assume towards a contradiction that there exist
$x, x' \in \mathbb{S}^{d-1}$
and a set
$F\subset (\mathbb{S}^{d-1})^{|T_k|}$
, such that

and under
$\{Y \in F \}$

for some constant
$\delta \gt 0$
$w\in \mathbb{S}^{d-1}$
be such that the reflection
$R\;:\!=\;\mathrm{Id}_d - 2ww^T$
$Rx = x'$
. Under our assumption, there exists an event
, which satisfies

and such that
-invariant. By (21), we also have

and thus there exists
$y \in F$
such that

By continuity, we can make sense of conditioning on the zero probability event
$E \;:\!=\; \bigl \{X = x, \; Y \in \{y, R y\} \bigr \}$
, in the sense of regular probabilities. Note that we have by symmetry and since
$y \in F$

On the other hand, we have by definition of

which implies that

which contradicts (24). The proof is complete.
3.1 The Gaussian case
Our aim is to show that certain classes of kernel functions satisfy the DPS condition. We begin by considering the case where the kernel
is Gaussian, as in (8). In this case, the function
may be defined as follows. Let
be a
-ary tree. To each edge
$e \in E(T)$
we associate a Brownian motion
$(B_e(t))_{t \in (0,1)}$
of rate
such that for every node
$v \in V$
we have

denotes the shortest path from the root to
For every node
$v \in T_k$
let us now consider the Brownian motion
defined by concatenating the Brownian motions
along the edges
$e \in P(v)$
. Define by
the event that the image of
$B_v \mathrm{mod} \pi$
contains the entire interval
$[0, \pi )$
, and define
$E_k = \bigcap _{v \in T_k} E_v$
. Our lower bound relies on the following observation.
Claim 17.
$v\in T_k$
and set
$p_k \;:\!=\; \mathbb P(E_k)$
. Then, for every
$\theta,x_0 \in \mathbb{S}^1$
$\mathrm{Law}(g(v)|g(r)=x_0)\in \mathrm{DPS}^k_\theta (p_k).$
Proof. Fix
$\theta \in [0, \pi )$
. Given the event
, we have almost surely that there exists a time
$t_v \leq k$
such that
$B_v(t_v) \in \{\theta - \pi, \theta \}$
. By symmetry and by the Markov property of Brownian motion, we have that the distribution of
conditioned on the event
$\{B_v(t_v) = \theta, \;\; \forall v\}$
is symmetric around
. Thus, by considering
$(B_v(t))_{v\in T_k}$
, under the event
$\{t_v \leq k|v \in T_k \}$
we get that for any
$\mathrm{Law}((g(v))_{v\in T_k}|g(r)=x_0)$
is symmetric around
. So,

We will also need the following bound, shown for example in [Reference Ernst and Shepp8].
Lemma 18.
be a Brownian motion of rate
on the unit circle. Then,

We are now in a position to prove Theorem 7.
Proof of Theorem 7. Lemma 18 immediately implies that for all
$v \in T_k$

On the other hand, a calculation gives
$\lambda (\varphi ) = \mathbb E[\cos (B_1)] = e^{-\beta/2}$
. Thus, applying a union bound implies that for some constant
$C \gt 0$
$\mathbb P(E_k)\geq 1-Cq^k\lambda (\varphi )^k$
. Hence, by Claim 17,

The result is now a direct consequence of Lemma 16.
In the next section, we generalise the above ideas and obtain a corresponding bound which holds for distributions other than the Gaussian one.
3.2 The general case
3.2.1 On symmetric functions
We begin this section with simple criterion to determine whether a measure belongs to some
class. In the sequel, for
$w \in \mathbb{S}^{d-1}$
, we denote,

Lemma 19.
$f\;:\; [-1,1] \to \mathbb R^+$
satisfy the assumptions of Theorem
and let
$y \in \mathbb{S}^{d-1}$
. If
$\mu = f(\langle \cdot,y\rangle )d\sigma$
, then for any
$w \in \mathbb{S}^{d-1}$
$\mu \in \mathrm{DPS}_w(2\cdot p_w)$
, where
$p_w = \min \left (\mu (H_w^+),\mu (H_w^-)\right )$
Proof. Without loss of generality let us assume that
$y \in H_w^+$
. Monotonicity of
$\mu (H_w^+)\geq \mu (H_w^-)$
. Now, if
$R = \mathrm{Id}_d - 2ww^T$
is the reflection matrix with respect to
, then we have for any
$x \in H^-_w$

This follows since
$\langle x,y\rangle \leq \langle Rx,y\rangle$
Let us now define the measure
$\tilde{\mu }_w^s$
such that

$\tilde{\mu }_w^s$
is clearly
-invariant and the above observation shows that
$\tilde{\mu }_w^s(\mathbb{S}^{d-1}) \leq 1$
. We can thus define
$\tilde{\mu }_w = \mu - \tilde{\mu }_w^s$
. To obtain a decomposition, define
$\mu _w^s = \frac{\tilde{\mu }^s_w}{\tilde{\mu }_w^s(\mathbb{S}^{d-1})}$
$\mu _w = \frac{\tilde{\mu }_w}{\tilde{\mu }_w(\mathbb{S}^{d-1})}$
, for which

The proof is concluded by noting
$\tilde{\mu }_w^s(\mathbb{S}^{d-1}) = 2\mu (H_w^-)$
Our main object of interest will be the measure
$\mu _\varphi (y)$
which, for a fixed
, is defined by

Let us now denote,

which is the marginal of the uniform distribution on the sphere. We now show that the spectral gap of
may determine the
properties of
$\mu _\varphi (y)$
Lemma 20.
$w \in \mathbb{S}^{d-1}$
and suppose that
is monotone. If
$|\langle w,y\rangle |\leq \frac{1-\lambda (\varphi )}{16\sqrt{d}}$
, then

Proof. Assume W.L.O.G. that
$\langle y,w\rangle \gt 0$
. By Lemma 19 it will be enough to bound
$\int \limits _{H_w^-}\mu _{\varphi }(y)$
from below. Let
$X \sim \mu _{\varphi }(y)$
and define
$Z = \langle X,y\rangle$
. We have
$\mathbb E\left [Z\right ] = \lambda (\varphi )$
and by Markov’s inequality,

$t \in [-1,1]$
, set
$S_t = \{x \in \mathbb{S}^{d-1}| \langle x,y\rangle = t\}$
and let
stand for
-dimensional Hausdorff measure. To bound
$\int \limits _{H_w^-}\mu _{\varphi }(y)$
we would first like to estimate
$\frac{\mathcal{H}^{d-2}(S_t\cap H_w^-)}{\mathcal{H}^{d-2}(S_t)}$
We know that
$0 \leq \langle w,y\rangle \leq \frac{1-\lambda (\varphi )}{16\sqrt{d}}$
. Denote
$t_y \;:\!=\; \langle w,y\rangle$
and fix
$t \leq t_0 \;:\!=\; \frac{1+\lambda (\varphi )}{2}$
. With no loss of generality, let us write
$w = e_1$
$y = t_ye_1 + \sqrt{1-t_y^2}e_2$
. Define now
$z = -\sqrt{1-t_y^2}e_1+t_ye_2$
. We claim that

$v\in S_t$
, its projection onto the plane
, can be written as
$t\cdot y + \sqrt{1-t^2}c\cdot z$
, for some
$c\in [-1,1]$
. So,

Now, whenever

we get
$\langle v,w\rangle \lt 0$
. Also,

where we have used
$ t \leq \frac{1}{2}$
for the first inequality and
$t_y \leq \frac{1}{2\sqrt{d}}$
in the second inequality. By combining the above displays with
$\frac{\langle v,z\rangle }{\sqrt{1-t^2}} = c$
, (26) is established. Thus, by taking the marginal of
in the direction of
, we see

where we used
$\frac{\Gamma (\frac{d-1}{2})}{\Gamma (\frac{d-2}{2})} \geq \frac{\sqrt{d}}{5},$
valid for any
$d \geq 3$
. We use the above estimates with Fubini’s theorem to obtain:

3.2.2 Mixing
Recall the random function
$g:T \to \mathbb{S}^{d-1}$
, introduced in Section 1.2, which assigns to the root,
, a uniformly random value and for any other
$u \in T$
, the label
is distributed according to
$\varphi (g(\mathrm{parent}(u)),\cdot )d\sigma \;=\!:\; \mu _\varphi (\mathrm{parent}(u))$
. Suppose that
$v \in T_k$
and let
denote the simple path from
. Fix
$x_0 \in \mathbb{S}^{d-1},$
$i = 0,\ldots,k$
, we now regard,

as a random walk on
. Observe that given
$X_i\sim \mu _\varphi (X_{i-1}).$
The following lemma shows that this random walk is rapidly mixing.
Lemma 21.
$w \in \mathbb{S}^{d-1}$
, let

and set
$k_0 = \frac{\ln \left (\frac{\lambda (\varphi )(1-\lambda (\varphi ))}{32 f(1)}\right )}{\ln (\lambda (\varphi ))}$
. Then, if
satisfies the assumptions of Theorem

Proof. Note that if
$U \sim \mathrm{Uniform}(\mathbb{S}^{d-1})$
, then

It will then suffice to show that
$\mathbb P(X_{k_0} \in S(w))$
can be well approximated by
$\mathbb P(U \in S(w))$
. Since
has density
$A^{k_0-1}_\varphi f(\langle x,x_0\rangle )$
, the following holds true,

We now decompose the density as
$f(\langle x,x_0\rangle ) = \sum \limits _{i = 0}^\infty \lambda _i \psi _i(x)\psi _i(x_0)$
. So that

We know that
$\psi _0 \equiv 1$
with eigenvalue
$\lambda _0 = 1$
, and we’ve assumed that
$|\lambda _i|\leq \lambda _1 = \lambda (\varphi )$
for every
$i \geq 1$
. Thus,

where in the last inequality we have used
$f(1) = \sum \lambda _i\psi _i(y)\psi _i(y)$
, which is valid for any
$y \in \mathbb{S}^{d-1}$
. Thus, since
$k_0 = \frac{\ln \left (\frac{\lambda (\varphi )(1-\lambda (\varphi ))}{32 f(1)}\right )}{\ln (\lambda (\varphi ))}$
, by (27), we get,

Since the random walk
mixes well, we now use Lemma 20 to show that after enough steps,
will be approximately invariant to a given reflection.
Lemma 22.
$w,x_0 \in \mathbb{S}^{d-1}$
. Then,

$p = \left (1-\frac{\ln (\lambda (\varphi ))}{\ln \left (\frac{\lambda (\varphi )(1-\lambda (\varphi ))}{32 f(1)}\right )}\frac{(1-\lambda (\varphi ))^2}{600}\right )$
Proof. Let
$R =\mathrm{Id}_d - 2ww^T$
denote the linear reflection with respect to
. Then, the claim is equivalent to the decomposition,

is invariant to reflections by
$P \sim \mathrm{Bernoulli}(s_k)$
is independent from
$s_k \leq \left (1-\frac{\ln (\lambda (\varphi ))}{\ln \left (\frac{\lambda (\varphi )(1-\lambda (\varphi ))}{32 f(1)}\right )}\frac{(1-\lambda (\varphi ))^2}{600}\right )^{k}$
Consider the case that for some
$i = 0,\ldots,k$
$|\langle X_i, w \rangle | \leq \frac{1-\lambda (\varphi )}{16\sqrt{d}}$
. In this case, from Lemma 20, given
, we have the decomposition,

$\mu _{\varphi,w}^s(X_i)$
We now generate the random walk in the following way. For
$i = 0,\ldots,k$
, let

be an i.i.d sequence. Given
, if
$|\langle X_i, w \rangle | \gt \frac{1-\lambda (\varphi )}{16\sqrt{d}}$
$X_{i+1} \sim \mu _\varphi (X_i)$
. Otherwise,
$|\langle X_i, w \rangle | \leq \frac{1-\lambda (\varphi )}{16\sqrt{d}}$
. To decide on the position of
we consider
. If
$P_i = 0$
$X_{i+1} \sim \mu _{\varphi,w}(X_i)$
. If
$P_i = 1$
, we generate
$X_{i+1} \sim \mu _{\varphi,w}^s(X_i)$
. We denote the latter event by
$A = \cup _{i=0}^{k-1}A_i$
It is clear that, conditional on
$RX_k \stackrel{law}{=} X_k$
. Thus, to finish the proof, if
is the complement of
, we will need to show

Towards this, let
be as in Lemma 21. Coupled with (28), the lemma tells us that

Now, by restarting the random walk from
if needed, we may show,

The claim now follows by taking a union bound over all paths. Indeed, for each
$v \in T_k$
define the corresponding event
. Then, with a union bound,

By definition, conditioned on
$\bigcap _{v\in T_k}{A_v}$
$\{X_v\}_{v\in T_k}$
is symmetric around
, which completes the lemma.
3.2.3 Proving Theorem 9
Proof. By Lemma 22, for every
$w,x_0 \in \mathbb{S}^{d-1}$

$p = \left (1-\frac{\ln (\lambda (\varphi ))}{\ln \left (\frac{\lambda (\varphi )(1-\lambda (\varphi ))}{32 f(1)}\right )}\frac{(1-\lambda (\varphi ))^2}{600}\right )$
. By assumption

and Lemma 16 gives the result.
We are grateful to two anonymous referees for carefully reading the paper and providing many insightful comments.