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Published online by Cambridge University Press:  02 January 2025

Gregory Shaffer
Georgetown University, Washington DC
Wayne Sandholtz
University of Southern California
The Rule of Law under Pressure
A Transnational Challenge
, pp. 498 - 532
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Print publication year: 2025
Creative Commons
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Abbott, Tony, 494
Abubakar, Alhaji Atiku, 398399
absence of rule of law in, 495
Security Council and
constitution-shaping, 163, 165166
peacekeeping operations, 46
sanctions, 228
use of force, authorization of, 30
Taliban, 42, 153, 222
UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), 153
UN constitution-shaping in, 160
US invasion of, 75
Africa. See also specific country, agreement, or body
backsliding in, 381
bottom-up analysis of rule of law in, 388389
coups, impacts on rule of law in, 380381, 382383, 389, 390397
elections in, 389
French neocolonialism and, 397
geopolitical factors in, 396397
international measures to support rule of law in, 206208, 209
judicialization of elections in, 381382, 383, 390, 400, 401405
overview, xiv, 382384
regional courts, impact of, 407409
rule of law in African context, 385386
socio-legal analysis, 383384
strategic litigation of rule of law in, 407
successful transfers of power in, 383, 389390
threats to rule of law in, 380381, 387
transnational legal ordering (TLO) in, 405407, 478
transnational rule of law in, 405
African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance (ACDEG), 206
African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, 206208, 253
African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights
elections and, 276
enforcement powers, 206
judicial independence and, 206207
African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights
backlash against, 6667, 408
Benin, backlash against in, 6667
Côte d’Ivoire, backlash against in, 6667
direct effect of international law on domestic law and, 4445
on emergency decrees, 207
enforcement powers, 206
rule of law generally, 207
Rwanda, backlash against in, 6667
Tanzania, backlash against in, 6667
African Peer Review Mechanism, 206
African Union
Burkina Faso, suspension of, 159
constitution-shaping and, 159
Constitutive Act of the Union, 206
Guinea, suspension of, 159
interventions by, 30
Mali, suspension of, 159
Peace and Security Council (PSC), 159, 206
peacekeeping operations, 46
Somalia, peacekeeping operations in, 46
Sudan, suspension of, 159
Agenda 2030, 179
Agenda for Democratization, 161
Akinkugbe, Olabisi D., xiv, 470, 474, 478
Albania, absence of movement toward EU accession, 168169
Albi, Anneli, 169
Alexander II (Russia), 293, 304305
Al Qaida, 42, 222, 228
American Bar Association, 495
American Bar Foundation, 449
American Civil Liberties Union, 79
American Declaration of Human Rights, 186
Ananda (Thailand), 414
anatomical reform, 481
Andropov, Yuri, 294
Security Council sanctions and, 228
UNITA, 228
Annan, Kofi, 3536, 90, 213, 225, 232233, 248
Appiah, Kwane Anthony, 80
Arab Spring, 343
Arajarvi, Noora, 92
arbitrary exercise of power
backsliding and, 112113, 114
defined, 1718
democracy and, 18
ECJ on, 193
ECtHR on, 193
empirical trends in rule of law and, 5658
goal-oriented approach to rule of law and, 384
human rights and, 18
ICJ on, 18
opportunity to be heard, lack of, 1920, 320, 416
predictability of exercise of power, lack of, 19, 416
proportionality, lack of, 20, 417
public reasoning, lack of, 20, 416417
restraint of as function of rule of law, 9899
rule of law as opposing, 56, 7, 1617, 116117, 184, 384385, 388, 473
Security Council and, 214, 229
in Thailand, 411412, 415
in Turkey, 333
war as, 28
well-tempered power as remedy for, 467, 468471
wielders of power not subject to law, 1819, 308, 415416
Arce, Moisés, 143
Arendt, Hannah, 84
Constitution, 353354
IACHR, backlash against, 66
improvement in rule of law in, 131
Arnon Nampa, 419, 421, 424425, 426, 427, 428
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, 457
Association Agreement (EU), 316
asymmetric rupture, 279280, 486487
Atkinson, David, 304305, 306, 309
Auriol, Vincent, 212
Austin, John, 475476
Australia/ANU initiative, 233240, 480481
Australian Research Council, 215, 217, 236
Civil Military Centre, 215
Human Rights Committee and, 36
Security Council and, 215216
Australian National University, 233240
Austria/NYU initiative, 233240, 480481
abuse of rule of law in, 387388, 472, 487488
backsliding and, 113, 115, 120, 130, 140, 142148, 149
in China, 72, 7475, 78, 454455
Erdoğan and, 316, 317
in Hungary, 7778
lawlessness and, 342343
leadership and participation in international organizations, attempts by authoritarian regimes to increase, 7071
neutralization of international organizations, attempts by authoritarian regimes, 6970
Orbán and, 51
in Poland, 7778
Putin and, 78
rogue states (see rogue states)
“rule by law” and, 472
in Russia, 78
“thin” rule of law and, 186
transnational legal ordering (TLO) and, 317318
violence and, 321322
Xi and, 78, 455
Azerbaijan, ECtHR and, 318
Bachelet, Michelle, 64, 69
Bachmann, Ingeborg, 3
backsliding in rule of law. See also specific country
arbitrary exercise of power and, 112113, 114
authoritarianism and, 113, 115, 120, 130, 140, 142148, 149
basic hypothesis, 119, 126130
cluster analysis of countries, 114, 115, 133136, 138142
COVID-19 pandemic and, 131
data collection, 120122
drivers of, 135148
ECJ and, 322323
empirical analysis, 115, 126132
EU, resistance to backsliding by, 52
European Commission and, 322323
incremental nature of, 114, 149
indicators, 122124, 131, 135136, 138142
in Latin America, 381, 482, 484
limited nature of, 114115, 131
origin of term, 112
outstanding questions, 148
overview, xi, 111, 482
populism and, 115, 120, 142148, 149
recent backsliding, 5152
regime change and, 144
resistance to, 52, 488
social impact of, 148149
solutions to
cultural factors, 8485
economic reform, requirement of, 8284
multilevel approach, requirement of, 8082
overview, 4
weakening of limits to state power and, 114, 119120, 130, 140, 144148
Bai Por, 427428
Baka, András, 269
Bangalore Principles, 188189
Bannelier, Karine, 221
Bannon, Steve, 494
Barber, Nicholas, 21
Bazoum, Mohamed, 391392
Beijing Consensus, 454455
absence of rule of law in, 495
backsliding in, 5859, 130
as illiberal state, 169
Benin, backlash against African Court in, 6667
Berlin Conference (1884–85), 32
Bernhardt, Rudolf, 301302
Berra, Yogi, 496
Bhumipol (Thailand), 414, 415, 420
Biden, Joe
generally, 4
China and, 82
reengagement by, 8081
risks of reengagement, 81
“worker-centered trade policy,” 82
bilateral investment treaties, 185
Bindig, Rudolf, 304305, 309
Black’s Law Dictionary, 18
Blokker, Niels, 220221
Boakai, Joseph, 400
Constitution, 352354
hyperpresidential rule, reversal of, 350
Bolsonaro, Jair, 347348, 356, 378
Bondansky, Daniel, 231
Bongo, Omar, 395
Börzel, Tanja, 34
Bosch, Hieronymus, 303
EU accession, absence of movement toward, 168169
Security Council authorization of use of force in, 30
Boutros-Ghali, Boutros, 161
Brandeis, Louis, 19, 20
backsliding in, 55, 62, 130
challenges to rule of law in, 347348
Constitution, 352354
hyperpresidential rule, reversal of, 350, 378
IACHR, backlash against, 66
Breyer, Stephen, 256
Brezhnev, Leonid, 294
British East India Company, 93
Brookings Institution, 157
Bugaric, Bojan, 143
Bukele, Nayib, 348, 356
Bulgaria, CoE accession, 299300, 483484
Bung Por, 427428
Burkina Faso
African Union, suspension by, 159
coups, impact on rule of law, 382, 389, 394395
elections in, 395
French neocolonialism and, 394395
geopolitical factors in, 394395
improvement in rule of law in, 131
Niger and, 393
overview, 383
Russia and, 394395
US and, 394395
Burundi, backlash against ICC in, 67
Bush, George W., 22, 93
Caesar, Winston, 189
Calderón, Felipe, 357, 364, 369
backsliding in, 130
Security Council constitution-shaping in, 163
UN constitution-shaping in, 160, 170
Cameroon, judicial independence in, 206207
Canada, application of international law in domestic courts, 3940
CAR. See Central African Republic (CAR)
Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ), 188189, 190
Carothers, Thomas, 51, 54
Castañeda, Jorge G., 381
Centellas, Miguel, 115
Central African Republic (CAR)
Security Council and
constitution-shaping, 163, 164165, 166
peacekeeping operations, 221
UN constitution-shaping in, 160, 170
Chad, impacts of coup on rule of law, 382
Charlesworth, Hilary, 215, 217
Charter of the United Nations
Russian violations of, 288
Security Council authority under, 210, 218
separation of powers, lack of, 227228
on state sovereignty, 90
transnational law and, 253
on use of force, 30, 176177
Chávez, Hugo, 66, 260
avoiding, 20, 466, 470, 472, 474, 479480
Venice Commission Rule of Law Checklist, 157, 194195, 277
Cheesman, Nick, 72, 385
Chernenko, Konstantin, 294
Chernomyrdin, Viktor, 304
Chesterman, Simon, 14, 21, 215216, 225226, 233234, 235
constituent assembly in, 259
as dual state, 320
IACHR, backlash against, 66
academic debates regarding law, 433443, 453454
activists, prosecution of, 442
Administrative Litigation Law of the People’s Republic of China, 434
authoritarianism in, 78
Belt and Road Initiative, 68, 70
Biden and, 82
Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
authority over judiciary, 435, 444445
on international law, 445
Marxist–Leninist view of law, 445
norm entrepreneurship and, 456
reformers in, 434
Soviet Union and, 432433
supremacy regarding law, 440441
Chinese contexts of rule of law, 431432
Chinese exceptionalism, 455
civil society organizations in, 64, 69, 448449
“comprehensive rule of law” in, 440442
COVID-19 pandemic in, 442
Cultural Revolution, 433, 434, 445
as dual state, 13, 320
economic determinism in, 444, 453
elites, contestation between, 433
engagement with US, 8182
factors influencing shifts in rule of law in, 52
Great Financial Crisis (2008) and, 437
Hong Kong, suppressive measures in, 71, 429, 495
Human Rights Council and, 69
illiberalism in, 73
international commercial arbitration and, 449450
Iraq War, effect of rise of China on, 75
Judges Law of the People’s Republic of China, 435
lack of criticism in, 484
leadership and participation in international organizations, attempts at, 7071
legal instrumentalism in, 444, 451453
linearity of institutional change in, 444
maritime areas, claims over, ixx
masses, interests of, 431
neo-authoritarianism in, 454455
neutralization of international organizations, attempts at, 6970
Niger and, 392
norm entrepreneurship and, 456
outside world, interactions with, 443444, 445446, 448
overview, xivxv, 444445
Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) and, ixx, 67, 450
Philippines, territorial dispute with, 450
private law in, 16
promotion of rule of law in, 434435
property law in, 436437
Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Arrest and Detention, 433
repression of internal dissent in, 71
rise of as authoritarian regime, 72, 7475
Russia and, 81
Security Council peacekeeping operations and, 69
Sinicized Marxism, 454, 455
socialist market economy in, 434
“socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics,” 440, 495
South China Sea Arbitration, 450
on sovereign equality, 9293
Soviet model, 432433
territorial disputes and, 450
“Three Supremes” Doctrine, 437
Tibetans, suppression of, 71
trade war with US, 31
transnational legal ordering (TLO) in, 447
transnational rule of law, impact on
actors and, 449451, 457
civil society organizations and, 448449
debates regarding, 446
dominant normative framework, adoption of, 447448
exposure to outside world, variation in, 448
firms and, 448
fundamental norms and, 451457
growing engagement with outside world and, 445446
interests and, 447
international commercial arbitration and, 449450
international organizations and, 450451, 457
marginal effect on, 454, 455457
state-centered analysis, drawbacks of, 447
territorial disputes and, 450
transnational legal ordering (TLO) and, 447
Trump and, 82
“turn against law” in, 437440
UN special rapporteurs and, 69
US and, 8081, 442
Uyghurs, suppression of, 71, 93, 94, 321
WTO and, 74, 156, 167168, 434, 446
Christakis, Théodore, 221
civil society organizations
in China, 64, 69, 448449
empirical trends in rule of law and, 63, 64
in Israel, 64
López Obrador’s attempts to weaken, 358359, 377
Mexico, attempts to weaken, 358359, 377
in Russia, 64
climate change
Human Rights Committee and, 36
minimalist perspective on rule of law and, 32
Paris Agreement, 77, 80, 231
threat from, 32, 75
Closa, Carlos, 485
cluster analysis of countries, 114, 115, 133136, 138142
Conde, Alpha, 395396
Cold War
absence of transnational rule of law during, 491492
post-Cold War expansion in rule of law, 5051
Security Council during, 212213, 228
Constitution, 353354
hyperpresidential rule, reversal of, 350, 378
IACHR, backlash against, 66
judicial review in, 351
state of exception in, 352
colonialism, 1011
Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission)
African Commission compared, 206207
constitution-shaping and, 158159
elections and, 277
emergency decrees and, 277278
Hungary and, 275276
judicial independence and, 203
Poland and, 275276
rogue states and, 275276
Rule of Law Checklist, 157, 194195, 277
rule of law generally, 37, 194196
“soft law” and, 198
Turkey and, 332333, 336, 339
Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), 231
Compaoré, Blaise, 394
conceptualization of rule of law
arbitrary exercise of power, as opposing (see arbitrary exercise of power)
checklists (see checklists)
colonialism and, 1011
continuum of legality, 320
critical theory and, 1011
defining rule of law, 16, 117, 318319
democracy, relation to, 910, 17
dual state and, 1213
formalism, avoiding (see formalism, avoiding)
freedom, relation to, 78
functionalist approach, 319
fundamental rights, relation to, 1516
goal-oriented approach (see goal-oriented approach to rule of law)
human rights, relation to, 17, 320
imperialism and, 1011
as institutionalized practice, 67, 21, 385
manifest functions of, 7
market-oriented policies and, 16
meta-principle of rule of law, 224
moral approach, 319
multiple levels, 322
overview, 4
phenomenological conception of, 26
as principle and practice, 223224
“rule by law” compared, 1112, 118, 338340, 472
as social order, 408
as societal equilibrium, 118119
substance of law, relation to, 89
teleological view (see goal-oriented approach to rule of law)
“thick” rule of law (see “thick” rule of law)
“thin” rule of law (see “thin” rule of law)
conditionality mechanism, 155, 197, 204206, 267268
Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, 295
Congo, Democratic Republic of (DRC)
domination by powerful states, 32
elections in, 398
Security Council peacekeeping operations in, 221
separation of powers in, 206207
constituent assemblies, 258260
constitutionalism, populism as challenge to, 347
“constitutionalism of fusion,” 351
constitution-shaping. See also specific country
adoption of constitutions without external assistance compared, 171
African Union and, 159
conditionalities, 156159
Council of Europe and, 169
critiques of, 171174
economic development, lack of, 174
elections and, 163164, 166
EU and, 168169
Europe, success of in, 168170
fragility of institutions, problem of, 171
Global South, success of in, 170
IMF and, 157158, 172173
inclusiveness in, 164165
international financial institutions (IFIs) and, 157158, 167168, 172173, 178179
local rule-of-law cultures and, 173, 177178
membership conditions, 155156
neoliberalism, criticism regarding, 172173
OAS and, 159
overview, xi, 153154
as peacemaking, 160162
perceived lack of control and, 181
Security Council and, 163167
“social” rule of law and, 178180
state sovereignty, respecting, 174177
strategies for, 181
substance of constitution and, 165166
Ukraine War, effect of, 181
UN and, 160, 162163, 170
Venice Commission and, 158159
World Bank and, 157158, 172173
WTO and, 167168
conventionality control, 188
Convention of the Law of the Sea, 450
Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention), 333
Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes, 45
Correa, Rafael, 260, 356, 378
empirical trends in rule of law and, 53
Inter-American Commission on Corruption, 157
Costa Rica, Constitution, 352354
Côte d’Ivoire
African Court, backlash against, 6667
UN constitution-shaping in, 160
Council of Europe (CoE). See also specific country
generally, 32
accession to, 261, 297298
Committee of Ministers, 268269, 297, 345346
Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights, 299, 303, 305, 307, 315
Committee on Political Affairs, 299, 305, 306, 307
Committee on Relations with European Non-Member Countries, 299
constitution-shaping and, 169
Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention), 333
ECHR, incorporation into national law (see European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR))
European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission) (see Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission))
EU versus, 295
former Soviet bloc states, accession of, 298, 299300
Gorbachev and, 284286, 294296
membership conditions, 155, 156, 483
Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), 270, 284285, 297298, 306
Putin and, 308309
Russia and (see Russia)
suspension of members, 264
Venice Commission (see Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission))
Yeltsin and, 304
Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), 37, 116117
Couso, Javier, 352353
COVID-19 pandemic
backsliding and, 131
in China, 442
conditionality mechanism and, 204, 205
Hungary, COVID-19 pandemic relief in, 205
Poland, COVID-19 pandemic relief in, 204, 205
populism and, 76
Crawford, James, 35, 4748, 94
critical theory, 1011
Croatia, EU accession, 168169
Constitution, 352353
Marxism and, 353
revolution in, 353
“culture of conduct,” 290, 292293, 474475
EU accession, 325326
UN Good Offices Mediation Team, 217
Czech Republic
CoE accession, 299300
EU constitution-shaping in, 169
Danube Institute, 494
Daranee Charnchoengsilpakul, 417418
decline in rule of law. See backsliding in rule of law
Dedov, Dmitry, 284
de Gaulle, Charles, 292
Demirtaş, Selahattin, 330, 335337
arbitrary exercise of power and, 18
asymmetric rupture and, 279280, 486487
defined, 380
empirical trends in rule of law and, 5962
liberal democracy, 60
polyarchy, 5960
populism as challenge to, 347
rule of law, relation to, 910, 17, 112, 185, 255, 320, 344, 385
“third wave” of democratization, 491
violating domestic law to restore, 279281, 282, 486487, 488489
Democracy Cluster Classification Index, 115
“democratic careening,” 262263
democratic peace theory, 2930
Deng Xiaoping, 433, 434, 446, 451
Denmark, backlash against ECtHR in, 66
Dewey, John, 7
Dicey, Alfred Venn, 21, 102, 464465, 478
direct effect of international law on domestic law
assessment of international organizations, 4849
complementarity, 4546
overview, 27
regional courts and, 4445, 47
dispute resolution
ECtHR, as goal of, 32
EU and, 32
ICJ, as goal of, 3031
ITLOS, as goal of, 3031
minimalist perspective on rule of law, 3032
PCA, as goal of, 3031
WTO, as goal of, 31
Dominican Republic
IACHR, withdrawal from, 66
IACtHR, backlash against, 66
DRC. See Congo, Democratic Republic of (DRC)
dual states, 1213, 320321
Duombouya, Mamady, 395
Durkheim, Emile, 474
Duterte, Rodrigo, 76, 428429
Dworkin, Ronald, 15
East African Court of Justice (EACJ), 208
East Timor. See Timor Leste
ECHR. See European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR)
ECJ. See European Court of Justice (ECJ)
Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)
Community Court of Justice, 207208
creation of, 207208
interventions by, 30
Niger and, 393
ECtHR. See European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR)
Constitution, 353354
Council of Social Accountability and Participation, 378
hyperpresidential rule, reversal of, 350, 378
in regional organizations, 261
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 64, 77
Egypt, backsliding in, 55
elections. See also specific country
in Africa, 389
African Commission and, 276
constitution-shaping and, 163164, 166
ECHR and, 276277
EU and, 276277
judicialization of, 381382, 383, 390, 400, 401405
Orbán and, 263264
process versus outcome, 400401
rule of law, relation to, 386387
Treaty on European Union (TEU) and, 276
Venice Commission and, 277
El Salvador
backsliding in, 130
challenges to rule of law in, 348
emergency decrees, 207
empirical trends in rule of law
arbitrary exercise of power and, 5658
backsliding, 115, 126132
challenges in measurement, 5254
civil society organizations and, 63, 64
corruption and, 53
democracy and, 5962
economic focus, shifts in, 75
ECtHR, backlash against, 6566
enmeshment of national and international law, 72, 79
external factors, 72
“gradual autocratization,” 51
importance of studying, 86
indexes for measuring rule of law, 5253
internal factors, 72
international courts, backlash against, 6567
international trends, 6472
judicial independence and, 63
leadership and participation in international organizations, attempts by authoritarian regimes to increase, 7071
media independence and, 6364
national trends, 5464
neutralization of international organizations, attempts by authoritarian regimes, 6970
nonbinding instruments, increased use of, 6768
overview, 4, 49
parallel shifts at national and international levels, 4950
populism, rise of, 7677
post-Cold War expansion in, 5051
recent backsliding in, 5152
resistance to backsliding in, 52
“rule-of-law revival,” 51
“soft law,” increased use of, 6768
“end of history,” 492493
environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices, 42
Equator Principles, 42
Erdoğan, Recvep Tayyip
generally, xiii
attempted coup against, 327, 331332, 344
authoritarianism and, 316, 317
consolidation of power, 327, 332333
constitutional immunity and, 329330
election of, 324
failures of ECtHR regarding, 345346
HDP, suppression of, 335336
judicial independence and, 326327
lawlessness and, 343344
move away from rule of law, 343344
one-party rule and, 344
Orbán compared, 344
populism and, 76
rule-of-law reforms by, 325
erga omnes obligations, rogue states and, 262, 271274, 280
CoE accession, 299300
EU constitution-shaping in, 169
E10 Influence Project, 217218, 237238
Europe. See also specific country, agreement, or body
constitution-shaping, success of, 168170
illiberalism in, 73
European Arrest Warrant, 201
European Coal and Steel Community, 32
European Commission
backsliding and, 322323
defining rule of law, 195
infringement actions brought by, 197198, 200202, 272
judicial independence and, 200, 202
Justice Scoreboard, 198
Rule of Law Framework, 198, 204
rule of law generally, 116117, 195196
Rule of Law Report, 198
“soft law” and, 198
European Community
accession to, 155
infringement actions, 197199
rule of law in, 192
European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR)
CoE, ratification required for membership, 156
elections and, 276277
erga omnes obligations and, 271272, 274
former Soviet bloc states, accession of, 50
Hungary and, 263
incorporation into national law, 38
Poland and, 263
rule of law in, 65, 190, 195196
Russia and (see Russia)
supererogatory compliance and, 276277
transnational legal ordering (TLO) and, 210211
Turkey, ratification by, 316
European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR)
on arbitrary exercise of power, 193
backlash against, 322323
binding nature of decisions, 265, 268269
Denmark, backlash against in, 66
direct effect of international law on domestic law and, 4445
dispute resolution as goal of, 32
empirical trends in rule of law, 6566
Erdoğan, failures regarding, 345346
erga omnes obligations and, 271272
Hungary, ECtHR cases, 269, 270, 273
indirect effects of rulings, 39
judicial independence and, 194, 203
jurisdiction of, 271
lack of enforcement power, 192
legality principle in, 193
Poland, ECtHR cases, 264265, 269270, 273274
Putin, backlash against by, 65
resilience of, 80
rule of law in, 65, 195196
Russia and (see Russia)
Switzerland, backlash against in, 66
transnational legal ordering (TLO) and, 191, 210211
Turkey and (see Turkey)
UK, backlash against in, 66
unheard cases, 323, 337342
European Court of Justice (ECJ)
on arbitrary exercise of power, 193
backsliding and, 322323
erga omnes obligations and, 271272
Hungary, ECJ cases, 265, 266267, 270
judicial independence and, 193194, 197, 199202
legality principle in, 192193
Poland, ECJ cases, 264266, 270
Portuguese Judges case, 199200, 202203
right of sovereigns to redress in, 106107
rule of law generally, 192
supranational rule of law in, 192
terrorism and, 4243, 185, 229
European Union. See also specific country
accession to, 261
Charter of Fundamental Rights (CFR), 37, 267268, 271
Common Provisions Regulation, 267, 272
conditionality mechanism, 155, 197, 204206, 267268
Conditionality Regulation, 267
constitution-shaping and, 168169
Copenhagen criteria, 37, 155, 261, 325
Council of Europe versus, 295
Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), 37, 116117
dispute resolution and, 32
elections and, 276277
erga omnes obligations and, 271272, 274
former Soviet bloc states, accession of, 50
freezing of funds of member states, 267268
incentives for accession, 50
Joint Transatlantic Agenda, 8081
national constitutions versus, 202203, 209
Orbán and, 485
overview, xiixiii
peacekeeping operations, 46
promotion of rule of law and, 463
Recovery and Resilience Regulation, 267, 272
resistance to backsliding by, 52
rule of law generally, 495
supererogatory compliance and, 276277
TEU (see Treaty on European Union (TEU))
transnational law and, 253
transnational legal ordering (TLO) and, 109, 191192
“exit doors,” 352353
Fallon, Richard, 97
Farrall, Jeremy
generally, xii
Australia/ANU initiative and, 215, 233234, 237238
on avoiding formalism, 470
on extrapolation from domestic law, 477
on peacekeeping operations, 492
on recency of transnational rule of law, 489490
on rule of law, 236
Security Council and, 213, 216218, 225, 248, 480481, 490
Financial Action Task Force, 211
financial assistance, rule of law as condition for, 462
Finland, NATO and, 344
Foner, Eric, 1213
Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), 70
Ford, Lisa, 11
Ford Foundation, 449
formalism, avoiding, 13, 116, 344345, 385, 386, 466, 470, 479480
former Soviet bloc states
CoE accession, 298, 299300
ECHR accession, 50
EU accession, 50
proposed human rights organization, 307
WTO accession, 50
Fraenkel, Ernst, 3, 12
backsliding in, 140
constitutional transition in, 292
variations in rule of law in, 131
freedom, relation to rule of law, 78
Freedom House, 5253, 5860, 63, 111, 257
Fukuyama, Francis, 492493
Fuller, Lon, 14, 19, 21, 53
functions of rule of law
arbitrary exercise of power, restraint of, 9899
economic development, 9899
freedom and dignity, 9899
horizontal functions, 99
institutional function, 9899
manifest functions, 7
security and trust, 9899
vertical functions, 99
fundamental rights, relation to rule of law, 1516
Gabon, impacts of coup on rule of law, 382, 383, 389, 395
Gambia, impacts of coup on rule of law, 382
Gargarella, Roberto, 351
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), 4041
General Assembly (of UN)
Countering the Use of Information and Communications Technologies for Criminal Purposes, 71
Declaration on Principles of International Law (1970), 104
Declaration on the Rule of Law at the National and International Levels (2012), 92, 102104, 107, 489490
Guidance Note on the UN Approach to Rule of Law Assistance (2008), 153154, 162, 163
Guidance Note to Constitution-Making Processes (2009), 162163, 176
Rule of Law and Transnational Justice (2004), 177
Security Council and, 227228
geopolitics, transnational rule of law and. See also specific country
in Africa, 396397
Cold War, absence of transnational rule of law during, 491492
“end of history” and, 492493
fall of communism and, 491, 492
overview, 463, 489
persistence of transnational rule of law and, 495496
potential decline of transnational rule of law and, 493494
“third wave” of democratization and, 491
Georgia, Russian annexation of territory in, 288
Constitution, 258259
economic blocs and, 31
EU and, 32
international human rights law, incorporation of, 38
Nazi Germany as dual state, 12, 320
Solange jurisprudence, 47
Gessen, Masha, 429
Ginsburg, Tom
generally, xixii
on attempts by authoritarian regimes to neutralize international organizations, 69
on backsliding in EU, 483
on CoE, 317
defining democracy, 380
on democracy, 345
on enmeshment of national and international law, 476
on indicators, 5253, 55
on regional TLOs, 482
on state sovereignty, 485
on threat from authoritarianism, 322
on transnational legal ordering (TLO), 484
Global Compact on Migration, 77, 80
globalization, 82
Global Reporting Initiative, 42
goal-oriented approach to rule of law
anatomical approach distinguished, 466467
arbitrary exercise of power and, 384
formalism, avoiding, 344345
forward and backward reasoning, 7
overview, 56, 319, 463
possibility of, 479
Gorbachev, Mikhail
generally, xiii, 315
on “Common European Home,” 284286, 306
Council of Europe and, 284286, 294296
glasnost’ and, 285
as head of Soviet Union, 284
perestroika and, 285
pragmatism of, 285
rule of law, attempts to introduce, 290292, 293294
Russian abandonment of vision of, 289
Gordon, Robert, 10
Grattet, Ryken, 6
Great Financial Crisis (2008), 75, 437
Guatemala Constitution, 352353
Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, 42
African Union, suspension by, 159
impacts of coup on rule of law, 382, 389, 395396
overview, 383
presidential term limits in, 395396
impacts of coup on rule of law, 382
Security Council constitution-shaping in, 164165
UN constitution-shaping in, 160
Gusinksy, Vladimir, 313
Guyana, judicial independence in, 188
Haberkorn, Tyrell, xiv
Habermas, Jürgen, 910, 15, 20
Haiti, Security Council and
constitution-shaping, 164165
peacekeeping operations, 46, 219
use of force, authorization of, 30
Halliday, Terence
generally, xii
on avoiding formalism, 470
on extrapolation from domestic law, 477
on multiple levels of rule of law, 322
on peacekeeping operations, 492
on recency of transnational rule of law, 489490
Security Council and, 217, 480481
“soft law” and, 6
on transnational legal ordering (TLO), 24, 26, 184, 405406
hate crimes, 6
Hayek, Friedrich A., 19, 43, 83, 97, 102
Helfer, Laurence, 39
Helsinki Accords, 286
Helsinki Final Act, 295
Henri-Damiba, Paul, 394
Heritage Foundation, 5253
Hobbes, Thomas, 119
Hobsbawm, Eric, 491492
horizontal benefits of rule of law for sovereigns
analogy of states to individuals, 105106
coercive penetration of sovereignty disfavored, 9192
courts, right of sovereigns to redress in, 106107
criticism of sovereignty, 91
domestic rule of law analogy, 100102
dual nature of national governments and, 100102
nested dualism of states and individuals and, 8995
1970 General Assembly Declaration and, 104
overview, xxi, 8889
purpose of noninterference principle, 9091
skepticism of Western motives, 9394
sovereign equality and, 9293
transnational legal ordering (TLO) and, 108110
treaties and, 106
2012 General Assembly Declaration and, 92, 102104, 107
Waldron’s argument against, xxi, 87, 89, 95, 96, 99100
horizontal functions of rule of law, 99
Hull, Cordell, 31
humanitarian intervention, 3334
human rights. See also specific agreement or body
arbitrary exercise of power and, 18
former Soviet bloc states, proposed human rights organization, 307
Latin America, international human rights law in, 39
national human rights institutions, 36
rule of law, relation to, 17, 320
in Russia, 301303
Human Rights Committee
Australia and, 36
climate change and, 36
individual claims before, 36
Human Rights Council
backlash against, 77
neutralization, attempts by authoritarian regimes, 69
reports to, 36
Humphreys, Stephen, 479
Huneeus, Alexandra, 188
abuse of rule of law in, 485
authoritarianism in, 7778
backsliding in, 55, 5859, 62, 130, 196
CoE accession, 263, 299300
Constitution, 259
constitution-shaping in, 157, 169
COVID-19 pandemic relief in, 205
directly applicable laws, enforcement of, 265270
as dual state, 263264
ECHR and, 263
ECJ cases, 265, 266267, 270
ECtHR cases, 269, 270, 273
elections in, 263264, 275
emergency decrees in, 272, 277278
in EU, 263
EU constitution-shaping in, 169
Fidesz Party, 272
freezing of funds by EU, 267268
as hybrid regime, 263264
as illiberal state, 190, 484
infringement actions against, 197198, 201, 272
judicial independence in, 37, 63, 197198, 201, 269, 272273
Kúria (Supreme Court), 269
laws limiting EU authority over, 272273
membership conditions, impact of, 267268
opposition in, 280281
PACE and, 270
populism in, 76
proposals to remedy backsliding in, 257258, 260
resistance to backsliding in, 52, 483484
state sovereignty and, 485
“super milestones,” 273
surveillance in, 274
Ukraine War and, 205
Venice Commission and, 275276
Hurd, Ian, 22, 108
Hussein, Saddam, 93
hyperpresidential rule in Latin America, 350, 378
IACHR. See Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
IACtHR. See Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR)
Iancu, Alexandra, 172, 173174
Ibrahim Index of African Governance (IIAG), 391
ICC. See International Criminal Court (ICC)
ICCPR. See International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)
ICJ. See International Court of Justice (ICJ)
Belarus as illiberal state, 169
in China, 73
in Europe, 73
Hungary as illiberal state, 190, 484
Poland as illiberal state, 190
of populism, 494495
in Russia, 73
Serbia as illiberal state, 169
Ukraine as illiberal state, 169
in US, 72
IMF. See International Monetary Fund (IMF)
immigration, 84
imperialism, 1011
backsliding in, 140
ICSID and, 67
media independence in, 6364
indirect effect of international law on domestic law
application of international law in domestic courts, 3940
individual claims, 36
international organizations and, 4041
multinational companies and, 4344
national constitutions, rule of law incorporated into, 3536, 50
national human rights institutions, 36
nonstate entities and, 42
overview, 27, 34
private actors and, 4344
regional organizations and, 3738
reporting, 3637
Indonesia, ICSID and, 67
Indo-Pacific Economic Framework, 8081
Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), 70
infringement actions, 197199, 272
institutionalized practice, rule of law as, 67, 21, 385
Inter-American Commission on Corruption, 157
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, 186188
Inter-American Convention on Human Rights (IACHR)
Argentina, backlash against in, 66
backlash against, 66
Brazil, backlash against in, 66
Chile, backlash against in, 66
Colombia, backlash against in, 66
conventionality control and, 188
Dominican Republic, withdrawal of, 66
judicial protection and, 187
obligation to appear and, 189190
overview, 186188
Paraguay, backlash against in, 66
political participation and, 187
transnational law and, 253
Trinidad and Tobago, withdrawal of, 66
Venezuela, withdrawal of, 66
withdrawals from, 66
Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR)
backlash against, 66
creation of, 186188
direct effect of international law on domestic law and, 4445
Dominican Republic, backlash against in, 66
enhanced role of, 354356
indirect effects of rulings, 39
Mexico and, 371, 374, 375376
resilience of, 80
rule of law in, 190
Trinidad and Tobago, backlash against in, 66, 189190
Venezuela, backlash against in, 66
Inter-American Democratic Charter, 159, 186188
Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty, 77
International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), 67
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), 70
international commercial arbitration, 449450
International Commission of Jurists, 184185
International Court of Justice (ICJ)
on arbitrary exercise of power, 18
dispute resolution as goal of, 3031
right of sovereigns to redress in, 106
Security Council and, 227228
on state sovereignty, 90
Ukraine War and, 88
international courts. See also specific court
backlash against, 6567
proliferation of, 50
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)
individual claims under, 36
rule of law in, 35
International Covenant on Economic, Cultural and Social Rights (ICESCR), 35
International Criminal Court (ICC)
backlash against, 66, 67, 77
Burundi, backlash against in, 67
direct effect of international law on domestic law and, 45
Office of the Prosecutor, 45
Philippines, backlash against in, 67
Rome Statue, 211
transnational legal ordering (TLO) and, 210211
US and, 72, 77
International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol), 7071
International Electrotechnical Committee (IEC), 70
international financial institutions (IFIs), 157158, 167168, 172173, 178179
international investment arbitration, 3132, 185
international law
application in domestic courts, 3940
direct effect of international law on domestic law (see direct effect of international law on domestic law)
importance to rule of law, 86
indirect effect of international law on domestic law (see indirect effect of international law on domestic law)
nested dualism of states and individuals in, 8995
as recursive process, 25
role in transnational rule of law, 2224
rule of law, relation to, 407408
skepticism regarding existence of, 2122, 476
socio-legal theory of, 2324
International Law Commission, 6768
international measures to support rule of law
in Africa, 206208, 209
in Europe (see specific topic)
in Latin America, 186188, 189190, 209
overview, xixii, 182184, 208209
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
constitution-shaping and, 157158, 172173
promotion of rule of law and, 463
transnational legal ordering (TLO) and, 109
international organizations. See also specific organization
assessment of, 4849
constitution-shaping (see constitution-shaping)
importance to rule of law, 86
indirect effect of international law on domestic law and, 4041
leadership and participation in, attempts by authoritarian regimes to increase, 7071
national rule of law and, 185
neutralization of, attempts by authoritarian regimes, 6970
supranational rule of law and, 185
International Standardization Organization (ISO), 70
International Telecommunications Union (ITU), 70, 71
International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS)
dispute resolution as goal of, 3031
right of sovereigns to redress in, 106
investor–state arbitration, 67
Iran, nuclear deal with, 77
Iraq War (see Iraq War)
Kuwait, invasion of, 232
right to benefits of rule of law, 106
Security Council and
peacekeeping operations, 46
sanctions, 228
use of force, authorization of, 30, 221
Iraq War
as breach of rule of law, 106
in context of Western abuses of international law, 94
false justifications for, 94
reappraisal of military force and, 232
rise of China, effect on, 75
Islamic conceptions of rule of law, 13
Israel, civil society organizations in, 64
Issofou, Mohamadou, 391392
Istanbul Convention, 333
ITLOS. See International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS)
iusnaturalism, 352
backsliding in, 62
Constitution, 258259
economic blocs and, 31
media independence in, 6364
Joint Transatlantic Agenda, 8081
judicial independence. See also specific country
African Commission and, 206207
ECJ and, 200, 202, 193194, 197, 199200
ECtHR and, 194, 203
empirical trends in rule of law and, 63
European Commission and, 199, 202
infringement actions involving, 197199, 200202
local rule-of-law cultures and, 173
Orbán and, 197
TEU and, 199203
transnational rule of law and, 200
Venice Commission and, 203
Kaczyński, Jarosław, 485
Kahn, Jeffrey, xiii, 482, 483
Kahraman, Fritz, 1213, 321
Kant, Immanuel, 90, 105, 109
Kara-Murza, Vladimir, 314
backsliding in, 114
improvement in rule of law in, 131
Keleman, R. Daniel, 487
Kelsen, Hans, 255
Kenya, judicialization of elections in, 401402
Khasbulatov, Ruslan, 287, 301
Khodorkovsky, Mikhail, 313
Korean War
Security Council authorization of use of force in, 4647, 220221
Soviet abstention and, 220221
EU accession, absence of movement toward, 168169
NATO/EU peacekeeping operations in, 46
Security Council, 219
Kozyrev, Andrei, 286287
Krygier, Martin
on arbitrary exercise of power, 18, 184, 333, 345
goal-oriented approach to rule of law, 319
on lack of clarity in rule of law, 240
on purpose of rule of law, 98
on rule of law as prevailing value, 226
on social goals and practices, 5
on telos of rule of law, 9697
transnational perspective on rule of law, xv
Krylenko, Nikolai, 293
Kudryatsev, Vladimir, 290291
Kuhelj, Alenka, 143
Kumm, Mattias, 10
Kurban, Dilek, xiii, 482483
Kuwait, Iraqi invasion of, 232
Kwankwaso, Rabiu Musa, 398399
Lacey, Nicola, 21
La Forest, Gérard, 3940
Lalumière, Catherine, 286, 295296
Lam, Esther, 167168
Lánczi, András, 255
Lander, Jennifer, 477478
Latin America. See also specific country, agreement, or body
ambivalence toward constitutionalism in, 352353
backsliding in, 381, 482, 484
bills of rights in, 355
challenges to rule of law in, 349
compromised state of constitutionalism in, 352
“constitutionalism of fusion,” 351
early constitutions, 351
executive branches, changes in, 354
“exit doors,” 352353
expansion in rule of law in, 355356
free-market ideology in, 353
hyperpresidential rule in, 350, 378
international human rights law in, 39
international measures to support rule of law in, 186188, 189190, 209
iusnaturalism, 352
judicial review in, 351352
Judiciary Councils, 354
last-wave constitutions in, 350, 353355
legislative branches, changes in, 354
Marxism and, 353
overview, xiiixiv, 350351
presidential powers, expansion of, 356357
remaining challenges in, 356
resilience of rule of law in, 79
“third wave” of democratization in, 491
Latvia, EU constitution-shaping in, 169
Lavrov, Sergei, 289290
Law, David, 5152
“law and development,” 184185
lawfare, 22
“law talk,” 22
League of Nations mandate system, 3233
“legal black holes,” 20
legality principle, 2223, 192193
legally ordered communities, 9798, 467468, 469
Leopold (Belgium), 32
Le Pen, Marine, 52, 494
Leuprecht, Peter, 298, 306, 308
Leventhal, Harold, 256
Levitzky, Steven, 113
Li, Ji, xivxv, 13, 429
liberal democracy, 60
elections in, 387, 398, 400401
nonjudicialization of elections in, 400
Security Council sanctions and, 228
successful transfer of power in, 383, 387, 389390, 398, 400401
UN Mission in Liberia, 217
Security Council and
constitution-shaping, 163, 164166
use of force, authorization of, 33, 222223
UN constitution-shaping in, 160
Lied, Harold, 295
CoE accession, 299300
EU constitution-shaping in, 169
Litvinenko, Alexander, 314
Llewellyn, Karl N., 7
local rule-of-law cultures, 173, 177178
López Obrador, Andrés Manuel
abandonment of left-wing ideals by, 348349, 358
antipathy toward rule of law, 362, 376
checks and balances, attempts to weaken, 377
civil society organizations, attempts to weaken, 358359, 377
criticism of INE, 364365
election of, 358
independent agencies, attempts to weaken, 377
initial reform plans for INE, 364365
judicial barriers to, 377378
judiciary, attempts to weaken, 377
legislature, attempts to weaken, 377
militarization of society generally, 377378
National Guard and, 370371
“Plan B” for INE, 366369
pluralism, disdain for, 358359
populism and, 358
public expenditures and, 361
social programs, cutbacks in, 359360
transfer programs and, 360361
Lukin, Alexander, 294
Lula da Silva, Luis Inácio, 378
Madagascar, elections in, 398
Madison, James, 119
Malawi, judicialization of elections in, 401402
African Union, suspension by, 159
impacts of coup on rule of law, 382
Niger and, 393
Security Council constitution-shaping in, 165166
Malinowski, Bronisław, 479480
manifest functions of rule of law, 7
manipulation of rule of law, 255256
Mao Zedong, 433, 440, 444
Marcos, Ferdinand, 428429
Marcos, Ferdinand “Bongbong,” 76, 428429
Markert, Thomas, 158
market-oriented policies, 16
Marshall, John, 39
China, Marxist–Leninist view of law in, 445
Cuba and, 353
Latin America and, 353
Sinicized Marxism, 454, 455
Soviet Union, Marxist–Leninist view of law in, 293
McCann, Michael, 1213, 321
media independence
empirical trends in rule of law and, 6364
in India, 6364
in Japan, 6364
Medvedev, Dmitri, 313
Meierhenrich, Jens, 21, 26, 320
Meloni, Giorgia, 52, 494
Mercan, Zeynep, 339
meta-principle of rule of law, 224
Acuerdo Militarista (Militarist Decree), 373374, 375
amparo writ, 351
army, 372374
automatic pretrial imprisonment in, 370371
backsliding in, 362363
challenges to rule of law in, 348349
civil society organizations, attempts to weaken, 358359, 377
Constitution, 353354
“dirty war,” 369
elections in
reforms, 363364
reliability of, 357
rigged nature of early elections in favor of PRI, 363
General Law of the Public Security System, 370, 372
health care in, 359360
IACtHR and, 371, 374, 375376
independent agencies, attempts to weaken, 377
Instituto de Salud para el Bienestar (INSABI), 359360
Instituto Federal Electoral (IFE), 363
Instituto Nacional Electoral (INE)
constitutional protection of, 377
controversias, 367368
creation of, 363364
duties of, 364
initial reform plans, 365366
overview, 350, 362
“Plan B,” 366369
presidential recall and, 365
Supreme Court invalidation of “Plan B,” 368369
Interior Security Act, 369370
judiciary, attempts to weaken, 377
Law on the National Guard, 370, 371372, 374375
Law on the National Registry of Detentions, 370, 372
legislature, attempts to weaken, 377
marines, 373
Mexicana de Aviación, 373
militarization of society generally, 350, 362, 377378
MORENA Party, 358, 364, 366367, 375, 377
National Commission of Human Rights, 374
National Guard
Amendment Decree, 371
army, authority of, 373374
challenges to, 371
creation of, 370371
opposition to, 371
Supreme Court and, 375
transfer to military command, 374375
National Law on the Use of Force, 370, 372
national ombudsperson, 377378
national registries, 372
National Research Council, 359
National System of Public Security Information, 372
overview, xiv
Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI), 358, 363
presidential recall, 365
preventive imprisonment in, 375376
public expenditures in, 361
regional human rights regimes and, 378379
remaining challenges in, 357358
resilience of rule of law in, 79
Seguro Popular, 359360
social programs, cutbacks in, 359360
strength of political rights in, 357
Supreme Court
Acuerdo Militarista (Militarist Decree) and, 375
National Guard and, 375
“Plan B,” invalidation of, 368369
preventive imprisonment and, 375376
transfer programs in, 360361
violence in, 357
“war against drugs,” 369, 370, 357
micro-TLOs, 233242
“militant rule of law,” 489
minimalist perspective on rule of law
climate change and, 32
democratic peace theory and, 2930
dispute resolution as goal of, 3032
domination by powerful states and, 3234
humanitarian intervention and, 3334
overview, 27
peace as goal of, 2830
responsibility to protect (R2P) and, 3334
Modi, Narendra, 6364, 76
Moldova, improvement in rule of law in, 131
Mongolia, transnational legal ordering (TLO) in, 478
Montenegro, absence of movement toward EU accession, 168169
Montesquieu, 5, 109, 471
Montoya, Ana María, xi, 7677, 482
Morales, Evo, 356
Moreno, Lenin, 378
Morocco, variations in rule of law in, 131
Moustafa, Tamir, 12
Mozambique, Security Council and, 219
Mugabe, Robert, 67
Mühlemann, Ernst, 305, 306, 315
Mukum Mbkau, John, 387
multinational companies, indirect effect of international law on domestic law and, 4344
Mutua, Makau, 13, 396, 401
absence of rule of law in, 495
attacks on rule of law in, 428429
Nardin, Terry, 1516, 94, 105, 319
national constitutions
EU versus, 202203, 209
rule of law incorporated into, 3536, 50
Universal Declaration of Human Rights incorporated into, 35
national human rights institutions, 36
national rule of law
defined, 184
international organizations and, 185
international rule of law versus, 186
overview, 475476
rogue states, ineffectiveness in bringing about change in, 279
as rule of law “writ small,” 252
NATO. See North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
Nattaporn Toprayoon, 422426
Navalnyy, Alexei, 314
Nemtsov, Boris, 314
New York University Institute for International Law and Justice, 233240
Nicaragua, backsliding in, 130
Nicholas II (Russia), 293
backsliding in, 5859
Burkina Faso and, 393
China and, 392
economic factors in, 392
ECOWAS and, 393
elections in, 391
French neocolonialism and, 392393
geopolitical factors in, 392393
impacts of coup on rule of law, 382, 389, 391394
Mali and, 393
overview, 383
Russia and, 392393
transfer of power in, 391392
uranium mining in, 392
US and, 393
absence of military leaders from ballot, 399
All Progressive Congress (APC), 398399, 403
elections in, 398399
election technology in, 399
judicialization of elections in
danger of legitimizing authoritarianism, 404405
high-profile elections, 402404, 405
legitimacy, effect on, 401, 402404, 405
Liberia compared, 400
overview, 383, 390
social media and, 403, 404
Labour Party (LP), 398399, 403
New Nigeria Peoples Party (NNPP), 398399
People’s Democratic Party (PDP), 398399, 403
successful transfer of power in, 383, 389390, 398399
third parties in, 399
variations in rule of law in, 131
Nixon, Richard, 18
nonbinding instruments, increased use of, 6768
nonstate entities, indirect effect of international law on domestic law and, 42
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 67
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
backlash against, 77
Finland and, 344
Kosovo, NATO/EU peacekeeping operations in, 46
Libya, intervention in, 33
membership conditions, 155
peacekeeping operations, 46
Sweden and, 344
US and, 77
North Macedonia, absence of movement toward EU accession, 168169
“North Star” effect, 282
Oakeshott, Michael, 7
OAS. See Organization of American States (OAS)
Obama, Barack, 81
Obio, Peter, 398399
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, 36
Ondimba, Ali Bongo, 395, 397
Open Skies Treaty, 77
Opium War, 93
Orbán, Viktor
generally, 255, 494
abuse of rule of law by, 487, 488
authoritarian aims of, 51
consolidation of power by, 257258, 272
elections and, 263264
Erdoğan compared, 344
EU and, 485
judicial independence and, 197
populism and, 76
Ukraine War and, 485
Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)
Office of Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), 274275, 277
promotion of rule of law and, 463
Organization of African Unity, 206
Organization of American States (OAS). See also specific agreement or body
constitution-shaping and, 159
rule of law generally, 186
overstatement of rule of law, 462
Palau, UN trusteeship system and, 3233
Palombella, Gianluigi, 15
Panupong Jadnok, 421, 424425, 426, 427, 428
Panusaya Sitthijirawattanakul, 419420, 421, 424425, 426, 427, 428
Constitution, 353354
IACHR, backlash against, 66
Paris Agreement, 77, 80, 231
Paris Principles, 36
Parit Chiwarak, 420421, 427
Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), 270, 284285, 297298, 306
Pavel, Carmen, 91
Pavin Chachavalpongpun, 414
PCA. See Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA)
peacekeeping operations. See also specific country
African Union, 46
emergence of, 492
EU, 46
expansion of Security Council powers, 219
as external focus of Security Council, 223
NATO, 46
Rule-of-law challenges, 221
Security Council generally, 46
Pech, Laurent, 112, 487
Pegasus software, 273274
Peña Nieto, Enrique, 369370
Peng Zhen, 434
Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA)
backlash against, 67
China and, ixx, 67, 450
dispute resolution as goal of, 3031
Permanent Court of International Justice, 31
Perón, Juan Domingo, 349, 352353
Constitution, 353354
variations in rule of law in, 131
Peters, Anne, xi, 482, 485486, 495
Petro, Gustavo, 378
Pettit, Philipp, 1718
phenomenological conception of rule of law, 26
attacks on rule of law in, 428429
backsliding in, 55, 62, 130
China, territorial dispute with, 450
ICC, backlash against, 67
South China Sea Arbitration, 450
variations in rule of law in, 131
Pita Limjaroenrat, 428
Plato, 18
abuse of rule of law in, 485
authoritarianism in, 7778
backsliding in, 55, 5859, 62, 130, 196
CoE accession, 263, 299300
Constitution, 202
Constitutional Tribunal, 200, 202, 270, 281
constitution-shaping in, 157
COVID-19 pandemic relief in, 204, 205
directly applicable laws, enforcement of, 265270
Disciplinary Chamber of Supreme Court, 266, 270
ECHR and, 263
ECJ cases, 264266, 270
ECtHR cases, 264265, 269270, 273274
elections in, 264265, 275, 484
in EU, 263
EU constitution-shaping in, 169
Extraordinary Chamber of Supreme Court, 270
freezing of funds by EU, 267268
as illiberal state, 190
infringement actions against, 198, 199203
judicial independence in, 37, 63, 199203, 264265, 266, 269270, 273
Law and Justice Party (PiS), 264265, 281
membership conditions, impact of, 267268
National Judicial Council, 266, 270
opposition, electoral success of, 281282
PACE and, 270
resistance to backsliding in, 52, 483484
state sovereignty and, 485
surveillance in, 273274
Ukraine War and, 205
Venice Commission and, 275276
Polanyi, Karl, 83
polyarchy, 5960
Ponce, Alejandro, xi, 7677, 482
backsliding and, 115, 120, 142148, 149
as challenge to rule of law, 347
constitutionalism, as challenge to, 347
COVID-19 pandemic and, 76
democracy, as challenge to, 347
Erdoğan and, 76
in Hungary, 76
hypocritical attitude toward rule of law, 494
illiberalism of, 494495
immigration and, 84
López Obrador and, 358
Orbán and, 76
rise of, 7677
Trump and, 76, 77
well-tempered power and, 488
backsliding in, 140
ECJ Portuguese Judges case, 199200, 202203
Postema, Gerald, 6, 29
“postnational liberal international order,” 34
Pou Giménez, Francisa, xiiixiv, 79, 482, 484
arbitrary exercise of power (see arbitrary exercise of power)
concepts of, 5
law as vehicle for exercise and communication of, 468
rule of law, relation to, 469
well-tempered power (see well-tempered power)
Prayuth Chan-ocha, 410, 418
pressure on rule of law, 461462
private actors, indirect effect of international law on domestic law and, 4344
Project on International Courts and Tribunals, 50
Prost, Kimberly, 229
Pufendorf, Samuel, 89
Putin, Vladimir
generally, xiii, 313, 315, 429
abandonment of legal reforms, 289
authoritarianism and, 78
Council of Europe and, 308309
ECtHR, backlash against by, 65
humanitarian intervention, invasion of Ukraine portrayed as, 3334
justifications for Ukraine War, 8788
repudiation of treaties by, 289290
Second Chechen War and, 309
traditional values, invasion of Ukraine viewed as supporting, 78
Rajah, Jothie, 12, 26, 231, 406
Ratner, Steven, 2829
Raz, Joseph, 14, 19, 102, 472473
Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, 457
regional courts. See also specific court
Africa, impact in, 407409
backlash against, 209
direct effect of international law on domestic law and, 4445, 47
overview, 183
as “trustee courts,” 4445
regional organizations. See also specific organization
backlash against, 209
Ecuador in, 261
indirect effect of international law on domestic law and, 3738
overview, 183
peace as goal of, 30
Russia in, 261
Turkey in, 261
Venezuela in, 261
Reporters Without Borders, 63
responsibility to protect (R2P), 3334, 222223
Review of African Political Economy, 393
Ristei Gugiu, Mihaiela, 115
Roch Kaboré, March, 394
Rodrik, Dani, 83
rogue states
abuse of rule of law by, 487488
asymmetric rupture and, 279280, 486487
directly applicable laws, enforcement of, 262, 265270, 280
erga omnes obligations and, 262, 271274, 280
membership conditions, impact of, 260, 261262, 267268
national rule of law, ineffectiveness of in bringing about change, 279
supererogatory compliance and, 262, 274278
Transition 2.0 and, 259, 260263
transnational rule of law, use of to restore democracy, 256257, 278279
Venice Commission and, 275276
violating domestic law to restore democracy in, 279281, 282, 486487, 488489
Romania, CoE accession, 299300, 483484
Rosen, Laurence, 13
Rotterdam Rules, 211
Rudden, Bernard, 292
Ruggie, John, 79
“rule by law,” 1112, 118, 338340, 472
rule of law. See specific topic
Russia. See also Soviet Union
absence of rule of law in, 495
annexation of Ukrainian territory by, 88
assassinations committed by, 314
authoritarianism in, 78
Burkina Faso and, 394395
China and, 81
civil society organizations in, 64
Constitutional Court, 65, 301, 314
constitutional crisis in, 301
Council of Europe and
accession to, 307308
early engagement with, 286287, 290, 296297, 303306
“eminent lawyers” report, 299, 301303
expulsion from, xiii, 65, 78, 169, 264, 287288, 290
failures of, 482
overview, 314315
reluctance to admit, 298299
revisionist account of, 289290
“therapeutic admission,” 298, 299, 306, 307, 482, 483
Crimea, annexation of, 288
Criminal Procedure Code, 304305
ECHR and
backlash against, 288289
expulsion from, 65, 78, 287288
incompatibility of criminal code with, 302
promise to accede to, 304
ratification of, 287, 309
violations of, 309313
ECtHR and
backlash against, 65
cases against Russia in, 309313
challenges to authority of, 314
consent to jurisdiction, 309
failures of, 318, 483
opposition to reforms in, 288289
elections in, 306
factors influencing shifts in rule of law in, 52
First Chechen War, 303, 305
Georgia, annexation of territory in, 288
Gorbachev, abandonment of vision of, 289
human rights in, 301303
as illiberal state, 73, 169
lack of criticism in, 484
leadership and participation in international organizations, attempts at, 71
neutralization of international organizations, attempts at, 69
Niger and, 392393
overview, xiii
in regional organizations, 261
Second Chechen War, 309
separation of powers in, 304305
on sovereign equality, 9293
as successor to Soviet obligations, 286
Ukraine War (see Ukraine War)
UN Charter, violations of, 288
US and, 8081
Rutskoi, Alexander, 301
Rwanda, backlash against African Court in, 6667
Ryan, Alan, 217
Rybkin, Ivan, 304
Saeed, Kais, 207
Sajó, András, 489
Salgado Macedonio, Félix, 364365
sanctions. See also specific country
bodies of experts, 228
expansion of Security Council powers, 220
as external focus of Security Council, 223
monitoring bodies, 228
rule-of-law challenges, 222
Sanctions Committees, 228
Security Council generally, 42, 46
Working Group on General Issues of Sanctions, 228
Sandholtz, Wayne
on abuse of rule of law, 289
on arbitrary exercise of power, 112113, 117, 184, 214, 229, 308, 333, 345, 384385, 411412, 415, 467, 468
on avoiding formalism, 385, 386, 470
on backlash against rule of law, 495
on backsliding, 482
conception of rule of law, 350351
on “culture of conduct,” 290, 474475
on democracy, 112
on democracy and rule of law, 344
on democratic participation, 241
on enmeshment of national and international law, 317318, 476
on goal-oriented approach to rule of law, 344345, 384, 466
on indicators, 63, 114, 122, 123
on institutionalized practice, 385
on international law, 252, 407408
on lack of opportunity to be heard, 320, 416
meta-principle of rule of law and, 224
on metrics for measuring rule of law, 386
on multiple levels of rule of law, 322
on recursive nature of international law, 25
on rule of law as principle and practice, 223224
on social order, 408
on transnational legal ordering (TLO), 287, 388, 406407
on “virtuous transnational cycle,” 240241
Sankara, Thomas, 394
Santos, Juan Manuel, 378
São Tomé and Príncipe, impacts of coup on rule of law, 382
Sato, Yuko, 143
Scalia, Antonin, 256
Scheppele, Kim Lane
generally, xiixiii
on abuse of rule of law by rogue states, 487, 488
on authoritarianism, 322
on backsliding, 112
on international courts, 38
on rule of law “writ large,” 253, 486487
on rule of law “writ small,” 252, 475
on Security Council, 211212, 216, 225226
terrorism and, 47
on violating domestic law to restore democracy, 488489
Schmitt, Carl, 11, 19, 255
Schoppe, Christoph, xixii, 476, 482, 483, 484, 485
Security Council. See also specific country
arbitrary exercise of power and, 214, 229
Australia/ANU initiative, 233240, 480481
Austria/NYU initiative, 233240, 480481
bodies of experts, 228
during Cold War, 212213, 228
constitution-shaping and, 163167
discourse regarding rule of law, 224226
emergence of rule of law in, 213, 232233, 490
empirical data, 216218
external formulation of rule of law, 223, 224, 225226, 227, 230
formal powers to promote rule of law, 218
General Assembly and, 227228
as “hard case” relating to rule of law, 213214
ICJ and, 227228
internal formulation of rule of law, 223, 224, 225, 226227, 228229
interventions authorized by, 30, 33
meetings on rule of law, 242248
micro-TLOs and, 233242
monitoring bodies, 228
Office of the Ombudsperson, 4243, 4748, 222, 228229, 238, 239240
overview, xii, 212
peace as goal of, 30
peacekeeping operations (see peacekeeping operations)
power of, 109
procedure and rules regarding rule of law, 224, 226227
reform efforts, 80
reluctance to apply rule of law to itself, 211212
Resolution 1373, 47
sanctions (see sanctions)
sanctions committees, 228
scholarly focus on, 214216
structures regarding rule of law, 224, 227230
terrorism and, 4243, 47, 185, 216, 229
transnational law and, 253
transnational legal ordering (TLO), in context of, 210211
UN Charter, authority under, 210, 218
use of force, authorization of (see use of force, authorization of)
veto power, 3334
well-tempered power and, 480
Working Group on General Issues of Sanctions, 228
Selznick, Philip, 15, 20
Sen, Amartya, 78
separation of powers
African Charter and, 206207
Austria/NYU initiative and, 236, 241, 481
in DRC, 206207
local rule-of-law cultures and, 173
in rule of law, 19
in Russia, 304305
UN Charter, lack of in, 227228
in US, 19
September 11 terrorist attacks, 42, 47, 232
Serbia as illiberal state, 169
Shaffer, Gregory
on abuse of rule of law, 289
on arbitrary exercise of power, 112113, 117, 184, 214, 229, 308, 333, 345, 384385, 411412, 415, 467, 468
on avoiding formalism, 385, 386, 470
on backlash against rule of law, 495
on backsliding, 482
conception of rule of law, 350351
on “culture of conduct,” 290, 474475
on democracy, 112
on democracy and rule of law, 344
on democratic participation, 241
on enmeshment of national and international law, 317318, 476
on goal-oriented approach to rule of law, 344345, 384, 466
on indicators, 114, 122, 123
on institutionalized practice, 385
on international law, 252, 407408
on lack of opportunity to be heard, 320, 416
meta-principle of rule of law and, 224
on metrics for measuring rule of law, 386
on multiple levels of rule of law, 322
on rule of law as principle and practice, 223224
on social order, 408
“soft law” and, 6
on transnational legal ordering (TLO), 24, 26, 184, 287, 388, 405407
on US–China relations, 8182
on “virtuous transnational cycle,” 240241
Shanghai Cooperation Organization, 71
Sharlet, Robert, 292
Shklar, Judith, 5, 465
Shumeyko, Vladimir, 304
Sierra Leone
elections in, 398
Security Council and
peacekeeping operations, 46
sanctions, 228
Sikkink, Kathryn, 51
Singapore as dual state, 12
Singapore Mediation Convention, 450
Slater, Dan, 263
Slaughter, Anne-Marie, 105
Slovakia, CoE accession, 299300, 483484
CoE accession, 483484
EU constitution-shaping in, 169
Smith, Adam, 82
Smith, Ian, 220
“social” rule of law, 178180
societal constitutionalism, 479480
societal equilibrium, 118119
socio-legal analysis, 383384
“soft law”
generally, 81
European Commission and, 198
increased use of, 6768
Venice Commission and, 198
Solange jurisprudence, 47
solutions to backsliding
cultural factors, 8485
economic reform, requirement of, 8284
multilevel approach, requirement of, 8082
overview, 4
African Union peacekeeping operations in, 46
Security Council and
constitution-shaping, 164, 165166
use of force, authorization of, 30
Somchai Preechasilapakun, 413
South Africa
Constitution, 259
as dual state, 320
ICSID and, 67
Security Council sanctions against, 46, 220
variations in rule of law in, 131
South African Development Community, 67
South China Sea Arbitration, 450
Southern Rhodesia, Security Council sanctions against, 46, 220
South Korea, backsliding in, 55, 62, 140
South Sudan
Security Council constitution-shaping in, 163, 164166
UN constitution-shaping in, 170
UN role in creation of, 160
sovereign equality, 9293
Soviet Union. See also former Soviet bloc states; Russia
China and, 432433
collapse of, 24, 46, 232
Constitution, 291292
Council of Europe and, 284, 294296
elections in, 286
glasnost’, 285
Gorbachev as head of, 284
Korean War, Soviet abstention and, 220221
lack of rule of law in, 292293
Marxist–Leninist view of law in, 293
perestroika, 285
Russia as successor to Soviet obligations, 286
Sripati, Vijayashri, 172173, 176
state sovereignty
constitution-shaping respecting, 174177
Hungary and, 485
ICJ on, 90
Poland and, 485
UN Charter on, 90
Stone Sweet, Alec, 32, 4445
Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, 289290
Stuchka, Pyotr, 293
substance of law, relation to rule of law, 89
African Union, suspension by, 159
impacts of coup on rule of law, 382
Security Council sanctions and, 228
supranational rule of law
defined, 184
in ECJ, 192
international organizations and, 185
overview, 208209
in Hungary, 274
in Poland, 273274
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 179180
Sweden, NATO and, 344
Switzerland, backlash against ECtHR in, 66
Taliban, 42, 153, 222
Tamanaha, Brian
generally, xxi
on avoiding checklists, 474
defining rule of law, 6
on development of rule of law, 473
functionalist approach to rule of law, 319
on horizontal benefits of rule of law for sovereigns (see horizontal benefits of rule of law for sovereigns)
on legality principle, 2223
on legally ordered communities, 467468, 469
on manifest functions of rule of law, 7
on state sovereignty, 485
on support for rule of law, 463
on well-tempered power, 469
Tamntawan Tuatulanon, 427
Tandja, Mamadou, 392
African Court, backlash against, 6667
rule of law in, 207
Tecmed arbitration, 4344
teleological view of rule of law. See goal-oriented approach to rule of law
telos of rule of law, 9697
due process and, 4243, 185
ECJ and, 4243, 185, 229
rule of law and, 4243
Security Council and, 4243, 47, 185, 216, 229
September 11 terrorist attacks, 42, 47, 232
tension between suppression and due process and proportionality, 73, 229
US and, 72
“war on terror,” 46, 75
TEU. See Treaty on European Union (TEU)
Teubner, Gunther, 479480
arbitrary exercise of power in, 411412, 415
Article 49 of Constitution, proceedings under, 422426
Article 112 of Criminal Code
arrest of dissidents under, 421422, 427428
challenges to, 417418, 428
increase in prosecutions under, 414415
opportunity to be heard, lack of, 416
overview, 410, 412
predictability of exercise of power, lack of, 416
proportionality, lack of, 417
public reasoning, lack of, 416417
wielders of power not subject to law, 415416
“attitude adjustment” in, 414
backlash against of rule of law in, 411, 412, 420426
Campaign Committee for the Amendment of Article 112 (CCAA112), 417
challenges facing, 429430
Constitution (1997), 413
Constitution (2017), 415416, 418
Constitutional Court, 422, 424426, 428
coups in, 412414
demands of protest movement, 418420
elections in, 410, 428, 429430
Move Forward Party, 410, 428
National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO), 410, 413415, 417418, 422, 428
overview, xiv
People’s Party, 412
protest movement in, 410, 412, 418420
royalist nature of law, 413
“rule of coups” in, 413
“shattering the ceiling,” 420
Shattering the Palace, 427
Thai Lawyers for Human Rights (TLHR), 415, 417418
treason in, 426
United Front of Thammasat and Demonstration (UFTD), 419421, 422423
violence against dissidents in, 415
working toward rule of law in, 412, 427428
Thaksin Shinawatra, 413414
“thick” rule of law, 1314, 1516, 116, 252, 472
“thin” rule of law, 1315, 116, 186, 252, 472
“third wave” of democratization, 491
Third World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL), 22, 172
Thompson, E.P., 186
Thongchai Winichakul, 413
Timor Leste
Security Council and
constitution-shaping, 163, 165166
peacekeeping operations, 46, 219
use of force, authorization of, 221
UN role in creation of, 160
Tinubu, Bola Ahmed, 398399, 403
TLO. See transnational legal ordering (TLO)
Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, 81
Transition 1.0, 261
Transition 2.0, 259, 260263
transnational law
EU and, 253
IACHR and, 253
Security Council and, 253
UN Charter and, 253
WTO and, 253
transnational legal ordering (TLO)
actor mismatch and, 235
in Africa, 405407, 478
authoritarian states and, 317318
in China, 447
commerce and, 109
conceptual aspects of, 231
ECHR and, 210211
ECtHR and, 191, 210211
EU and, 109, 191192
expansion in rule of law and, 50
horizontal benefits of rule of law for sovereigns and, 108110
ICC and, 210211
IMF and, 109
legally ordered communities, 9798
micro-TLOs, 233242
in Mongolia, 478
overview, 2426, 230
presenting problem, 231232, 233234
recursive cycles, 234235, 343344
regional TLOs, 482
Security Council in context of, 210211
tensions in, 484
transnational rule of law and, 2426, 182, 184185
in Turkey, 343344
UN and, 109
World Bank and, 109
WTO and, 109
transnational rule of law
in Africa, 405
defined, 252
direct effect of international law on domestic law (see direct effect of international law on domestic law)
domestic analogies, 476477
empirical trends (see empirical trends in rule of law)
extrapolation from domestic law, 477, 480
“growing” versus “grafting,” 496497
indirect effect of international law on domestic law (see indirect effect of international law on domestic law)
judicial independence and, 200
“law talk” and, 22
minimalist perspective on rule of law (see minimalist perspective on rule of law)
as moving beyond national focus, 252255, 282283
multiple levels of, 476
“North Star” effect, 282
overview, xv, 4
recency of, 489491
rise of, 463
rogue states, use in to restore democracy, 256257, 278279
role of international law in, 2224
socio-legal theory of, 2324
time, relevance of, 496
transnational legal ordering (TLO) and, 2426, 182, 184185
Trans-Pacific Partnership, 77, 81
Traoré, Ibrahim, 394
Treaty for Establishment of the East African Community, 207
Treaty on European Union (TEU)
accession criteria, 155
backsliding, response to, 197
elections and, 276
erga omnes obligations and, 272
infringement actions under, 197199, 200202
judicial independence and, 199203
rule of law in, 37, 190, 196, 204205
Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe, 289290
Treaty on the Carriage of Goods by Sea (Rotterdam Rules), 211
Trechsel, Stefan, 302303
Trindade, Antonio Cançado, 189190
Trinidad and Tobago
corporal punishment in, 189190
IACHR, withdrawal from, 66
IACtHR, backlash against, 66, 189190
Trump, Donald
“America First” policies, 72, 77
Bolsonaro compared, 348
China and, 82
populism and, 76, 77
resistance to policies, 79
withdrawal from treaties by, x, 77
WTO and, 31
“trustee courts,” 4445
Trusteeship Council, 172
Tsighe Taye, Mihreteab, 382
Tunisia, emergency decrees in, 207
arbitrary exercise of power in, 333
backsliding in, 55, 5859, 62, 130
constitutional complaint mechanism, 338340, 345
Constitutional Court (AYM), 326, 330, 331, 338340, 341342, 345
constitutional immunity in, 329331
Council of Europe and, 316, 317, 345
curfews in, 328329, 343344
Democratic People’s Party (DEHAP), 325, 333334
ECHR, ratification of, 316
ECtHR and
adverse judgments in, 317
arbitrary exercise of power and, 345
challenges to authority of, 326, 337338
on disenfranchisement of minorities, 335337
dual role of, 333
electoral threshold and, 333335, 344
failures of, 345346, 482483
inaccessibility of, 317
inadmissible cases, 323, 326, 337338
overview, xiii, 318, 323324
positive judgments in, 316
unheard cases, 337342
electoral threshold in, 324325, 333335, 344
emergency rule in, 331332
EU and, 316, 317, 325326, 343, 345
failure to sanction, 316, 317
Fethullah Gülen movement, 327, 331, 343
High Council of Judges and Prosecutors (HSYK), 326327
Istanbul Convention, withdrawal from, 333
judicial independence in, 326327
Justice and Development Party (AKP), 316, 324, 326327, 332, 334
Kurds, military attacks on, 341342, 343344
lawlessness in, 341342, 343344
move away from rule of law, 343344
Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), 329, 332
one-man rule, move toward, 332333
one-party rule in, 344
overview, xiii
Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), 328, 329331, 332, 335336, 343
PKK, war with, 328
in regional organizations, 261
“rule by law” in, 338340
rule of law reforms in, 325
snap elections in, 328, 329
State of Emergency Inquiry Commission, 339340
transnational legal ordering (TLO) and, 343344
Ukraine War and, 343
Venice Commission and, 332333, 336, 339
annexation of territory by Russia, 88
as illiberal state, 169
right to benefits of rule of law, 102, 106
Ukraine War (see Ukraine War)
Ukraine War
generally, ix, xiii
as breach of rule of law, 102, 106
constitution-shaping, effect on, 181
General Assembly and, 88
humanitarian intervention, invasion portrayed as, 3334
Hungary and, 205
ICJ and, 88
justifications for, 8788, 93
Orbán and, 485
Poland and, 205
Putin’s justifications for, 8788
traditional values, invasion viewed as supporting, 78
Turkey and, 343
war crimes in, 94
UNESCO. See Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
United Kingdom
Brexit, 52, 73
Brighton Conference, 66
ECtHR, backlash against in, 66
Human Rights Act, 38, 66
international human rights law, incorporation of, 38
variations in rule of law in, 131
United Nations. See also specific agreement or body
Charter (see Charter of the United Nations)
constitution-shaping and, 160, 162163, 170
consultants on rule of law, 41
defining rule of law, 117
General Assembly (see General Assembly (of UN))
Paris Principles, 36
peace as goal of, 30
peacemaking, constitution-shaping as, 160162
phenomenological conception of rule of law and, 26
promotion of rule of law and, 463
on rule of law, 16
rule of law generally, 495
Security Council (see Security Council)
South Sudan, role in creation of, 160
Timor Leste, role in creation of, 160
transnational legal ordering (TLO) and, 109
trusteeship system, 3233
Ukraine War and, 88
United States
Afghanistan, invasion of, 75
backsliding in, 5859, 62, 148, 381
Burkina Faso and, 394395
China and, 8081, 442
courts, right of sovereigns to redress in, 107
as dual state, 1213
engagement with China, 8182
factors influencing shifts in rule of law in, 52
Guantanamo Bay detainees, 20, 93
Human Rights Council and, 72, 77, 80
ICC and, 72, 77
ICSID and, 67
illiberalism in, 72
Indo-Pacific Economic Framework and, 8081
Iran, nuclear deal with, 77
Iraq War (see Iraq War)
Joint Transatlantic Agenda, 8081
Libya, intervention in, 33
minorities in, 10
“Muslim ban,” 79
NATO and, 77
Niger and, 393
Paris Agreement and, 77, 80
resilience of rule of law in, 79
as revisionist power, 7273
Russia and, 8081
separation of powers in, 19
September 11 terrorist attacks, 42, 47, 232
terrorism and, 72
trade war with China, 31
UNESCO and, 77, 80
variations in rule of law in, 131
“war on terror,” 46, 75
WHO and, 77
withdrawal from treaties by, x, 77
WTO and, x, 31, 4041, 67, 77
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
generally, 286
national constitutions, rule of law incorporated into, 35
rule of law in, 3435
University of New South Wales, 237
University of Queensland, 237
Uprimny, Rodrigo, 355
Uribe, Álvaro, 378
Uruguay, Constitution, 352353
use of force, authorization of. See also specific country
expansion of Security Council powers, 220221
as external focus of Security Council, 223
responsibility to protect (R2P), 3334, 222223
rule-of-law challenges, 222223
Security Council generally, 4647
UN Charter on, 30, 176177
use of term “rule of law,” 464466
USSR. See Soviet Union
Uzbekistan, improvement in rule of law in, 131
Vajiralongkorn (Thailand), 414, 415, 420
Vallelersundi, Loyola de Palacio, 296
Van Aken, Anne, 45
Vargas, Getulio, 349, 352353
Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem), 5860, 111, 121, 257
Vattel, Emer de, 8990
backsliding in, 55, 130
Constitution, 353354
IACHR, withdrawal from, 66
IACtHR, backlash against, 66
judicial review in, 351
lack of criticism in, 484
in regional organizations, 261
Venice Commission. See Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission)
Versteeg, Mila, 5253, 55
vertical functions of rule of law, 99
Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, 77
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (VCLT), 176177
Voeten, Eric, 39
Volpe, Valentina, 180
V-Party, 143
Wald, Patricia M., 256
Waldron, Jeremy
generally, 102
on analogy of states to individuals, 105106
on contestation, 19
on discursive quality of rule of law, 15
on domestic rule of law, 100102
on general norms, 14
horizontal benefits of rule of law for sovereigns, argument against, xxi, 87, 89, 95, 96, 99100
inconsistency with international law, 102
on purpose of rule of law, 97, 98
on rule of law as “solution concept,” 466467
on states with legal rights but not protection of rule of law, 107
Wanchalearm Satsaksit, 418
“war on terror,” 46, 75
Watts, Arthur, 92, 104, 105106
Weah, George, 400
well-tempered power
arbitrary exercise of power, as remedy for, 467, 468471
“culture of conduct” and, 474475
how to achieve, 474
limiting versus modifying power, 471472
populism and, 488
requirements for, 462
Security Council and, 480
as telos of rule of law, 473474
Wichai (Thai dissident), 415, 417418
Williams, Bernard, 28
Woolcock, Michael, 496497
World Bank
applications for project financing, 176
constitution-shaping and, 157158, 172173
consultants on rule of law, 41
Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes, 45
country policy and institutional assessments (CPIA), 157158
defining rule of law, 16
on good governance, 179
indexes for measuring rule of law, 5253
phenomenological conception of rule of law and, 26
power of, 109
promotion of rule of law and, 463
rule of law generally, 495
transnational legal ordering (TLO) and, 109
World Health Organization (WHO), 77
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), 70
World Justice Project
data collection, 121122
defining rule of law, 117
indicators, 122123
phenomenological conception of rule of law and, 26
Rule of Law Index, 5254, 5558, 113114, 118, 120, 124126, 131132
transnational rule of law and, 184185
World Summit Outcome (2005), 104, 179
World Trade Organization (WTO)
backlash against, 67, 77
China and, 74, 156, 167168, 434, 446
constitution-shaping and, 167168
dispute resolution as goal of, 31
former Soviet bloc states, accession of, 50
membership conditions, 156
right of sovereigns to redress in, 106
rule of law and, 4041
transnational law and, 253
transnational legal ordering (TLO) and, 109
Trump and, 31
US and, x, 31, 4041, 67, 77
WTO. See World Trade Organization (WTO)
Xi Jinping
generally, xivxv
abuse of rule of law by, 321
authoritarianism and, 78, 455
on “comprehensive rule of law,” 440442
legal reform and, 444445
on rise of East and decline of West, 493
Yeltsin, Boris
generally, xiii, 286, 315
constitutional crisis and, 301
Council of Europe and, 304
First Chechen War and, 303
legal reforms of, 289
reelection of, 306
resignation of, 308309
Security Council constitution-shaping in, 163, 164165
UN constitution-shaping in, 160
Yingluck Shinawatra, 417
Yugoslavia, civil wars in, 232
Yukos Oil Company, 313
Yüksekdağ, Figen, 330, 337
Zaldívar, Arturo, 368
Ziblatt, Daniel, 113
elections in, 398
improvement in rule of law in, 131
South African Development Community, backlash against, 67
Zorkin, Valery, 301
Zürn, Michael, 34

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  • Index
  • Edited by Gregory Shaffer, Georgetown University, Washington DC, Wayne Sandholtz, University of Southern California
  • Book: The Rule of Law under Pressure
  • Online publication: 02 January 2025
  • Chapter DOI:
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  • Index
  • Edited by Gregory Shaffer, Georgetown University, Washington DC, Wayne Sandholtz, University of Southern California
  • Book: The Rule of Law under Pressure
  • Online publication: 02 January 2025
  • Chapter DOI:
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  • Index
  • Edited by Gregory Shaffer, Georgetown University, Washington DC, Wayne Sandholtz, University of Southern California
  • Book: The Rule of Law under Pressure
  • Online publication: 02 January 2025
  • Chapter DOI:
Available formats