3.1Mining MNEs in UNCTAD Top 100 ranking of the largest global MNEs
4.1Natural resources matter for GDP and trade for emerging and Latin American countries
5.1Average distance and Capesize vessel shipping price to Port of Qingdao, China
6.2Top countries as ranked according to their share of clean patents in total mining patents, 1990–2015
6BRobustness best of baseline estimation, using further lags and moving-average definition
7.2Effect on innovation and access to finance of price change
7.5Time series estimation, different mining categories, decomposed price cycles
8.4Coapplications and foreign inventors, by mining technology
8.6Technology import contracts by type, by contractor and by supplier (2000–15)
8.7Mining firm contractors (subsidiaries and parent companies)
9.2Percentage of firms that innovate (mining suppliers vis-à-vis the industry and the economy)
9.3Mining-related patents filed in the Chilean Patent Office
9.4Major 10 nonresident (NR) firms filing patents in Chile, by country of origin
9.6IP applications filed in the Chilean Patent Office and abroad, by instrument (%)
9.8Innovating firms’ reasons for not protecting innovations (%)
12.1Mining patent filings by Australians, by technology and entity type
12.2Mining support service patent filings by Australians, by technology and entity type