Yves Agid ICM Paris Brain Institute
Paris, France
Email: Kushnertk@gmail.com
Jennifer Blumenthal-Barby
Baylor College of Medicine
Center for Medical Ethics and Health Policy
Houston, Texas USA
Robert Burton
Robert A. Burton, MD
Sausalito, California, USA
Email: raburton@pacbell.net
Ilona Cenolli
Independent Scholar
Email: Ilona.cenolli@hotmail.com
Katherine Cheung
Department of Bioethics, New York University
New York, NY USA
Email: kc5251@nyu.edu
Natalie Dorfman
University of Washington
Department of Philosophy
Settle, Washington, USA
Email: nataliejdorfman@gmail.com
Catherine Duclos
University of Montreal, QC, CA
Email: ctherine.duclos@umontreal.ca
Brian D. Earp
Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics
University of Oxford, Oxford UK
Email: brian.earp@philosophy.ox.ac.uk
Nathan Emmerich
Australian National University
Canberra, Australia
Email: Nathan.emmerich@anu.edu.au
Joseph J. Fins
Weill Cornell Medical College
New York, New York, USA
Email: jjfins@med.cornell.edu
Matteo Grasso
University of Wisconsin—Madison, WI
Email: mattes.grasso86@gmail.cm
John Harris
Professor Emeritus, University of Manchester and Faculty of Philosophy, University of Oxford
Email: johnmorleyharris@gmail.com
Jaimie M. Henderson
Stanford University School of Medicine
Stanford, CA
Email: henderj@stanford.edu
Meghan Hurley
Baylor College of Medicine
Center for Medical Ethics and Health Policy
Houston, Texas, USA
Email megan.hurley@bcm.edu
Zirui Huang
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI
Email: huangzu@med.umich.edu
Anthony G. Hudetx
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI
Email: ahedetz@medumich.edu
Bryce Humphries
Australian National University
Canberra, Australia
Email: Bryce.humphries@anu.edu.au
Anneli Jefferson
School of English, Communication and Philosophy
Email: JeffersonA1@cardiff.ac.uk
Barbara J. King
Department of Anthropology
College of William & Mary
Williamsburg, Virgina, USA
Email: bjking@wm.edu
Eran Klein
Center for Neurotechnology (CNT)
University of Washington
Email: kleineuw@uw.edu
Kristin Kostick Quenet
Baylor College of Medicine
Center for Medical Ehics and Health Policy
Houston, Texas, USA
Email: Kristin.kostick@bcm.edu
Andrea Lavazza
Centro Universitario Internazionale
Arezzo, Italy
Email: lavazza67@gmail.com
Gabriel Lazaro-Munoz
Harvard Medical School
Center for Bioethics
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Email: glazero@hms.harvard.edu
Matthew Owen
Yakama Valley College
Email: matthewkeithowen@gmail.com
Kyle Patch Department of Bioethics,
National Institutes of Health Clinical Center
Bethesda, MD 20892
Email: kyle.patch@nih.gov
Stephen Rainey
Ethics and Philosophy of Technology Section,
Delft University,
Delft, The Netherlands
Email: S.Rainey@tudelft.nl
Nicolas D. Schiff
Weill Cornell Medical College
New York, New York
Email: mds2001@med.cornelledu
Kaiulani S. Shulman
Weill Cornell Medical College
New York, New York, USA
Jared Smith (listed as corresponding author, but Jennifer Blumenthal-Barby sent the paper originally and corresponded with me about changes. I would send proofs for this paper to Blumenthal-Barby)
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, Texas, USA
Email: smith.jaredn@gmail.com
Eric Storch
Baylor College of Medicine
Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Houston, Texas, USA
Email: eric.storch@bcm.edu
Julian Savulescu
Oxford University, Oxford, United Kingdom,
Email: jsavules@nus.edu.sg
Paul Tubig
Department of Philosophy & Religious Studies
Georgia Southern University
Email: ptubig@georgiasouthern.edu
Megan S. Wright
Pennsylvania State University
University Park Pennsylvania
Email: msw331@psu.edu
David B. Yaden Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Email: dyaden1@jhmi.edu
Hazem Zohny
Department of Philosophy, Oxford University, Oxford, United Kingdom
Email: philosophy.ox.ac.uk