1. Introduction
All graphs considered in this paper are finite, have no loops and no parallel edges. Given graphs
, we say that
as a minor, in symbols,
$G\succeq H$
, if a graph isomorphic to
can be obtained from a subgraph of
by contracting edges.
Hadwiger’s colouring conjecture, first stated in 1943 by Hugo Hadwiger [Reference Hadwiger8], is among the most famous and important open problems in graph theory. It claims a deep relationship between the chromatic number of graphs and their containment of graph minors, as follows.
Conjecture 1 (Hadwiger [Reference Hadwiger8]). Let
$t \in \mathbb{N}$
. If a graph
-minor-free, then
$\chi (G)\le t-1$
Hadwiger’s conjecture has been proved for all values
$t \le 6$
, see [Reference Robertson, Seymour and Thomas26] for the most recent result in this sequence, resolving the
-minor-free case. For
, the conjecture states that
-minor-free graphs are
-colorable. Since planar graphs are
-minor-free, this special case already generalises the famous four colour theorem that was proved in 1976 by Appel, Haken and Koch [Reference Appel and Haken1, Reference Appel, Haken and Koch2].
Given that during 80 years of study little progress has been made towards resolving Hadwiger’s conjecture for
$t \ge 7$
, it seems natural to approach the conjecture via meaningful relaxations. For instance, much of recent work has focused on its asymptotic version. The so-called linear Hadwiger conjecture states that for some absolute constant
$C\ge 1$
, every
-minor-free graph is
$\lfloor Ct \rfloor$
-colorable. Starting with a breakthrough result by Norin, Postle and Song [Reference Norin, Postle and Song20] in 2019, there has been a set of papers providing some exciting progress towards this conjecture [Reference Norin and Postle21, Reference Postle23–Reference Postle25]. This culminated in the currently best known upper bound of
$O(t \log \log t)$
for the chromatic number of
-minor-free graphs by Delcourt and Postle [Reference Delcourt and Postle6] in 2021.
Another natural relaxation, proposed by Seymour [Reference Seymour27, Reference Seymour28], suggests replacing the condition that the considered graphs exclude
as a minor by the stronger condition that they exclude a particular, possibly non-complete graph
vertices as a minor.
Conjecture 2 (
-Hadwiger’s conjecture [Reference Seymour27, Reference Seymour28]).
-minor-free graphs are
Note that Hadwiger’s conjecture would imply the truth of this statement for every
. Also note that this upper bound on the chromatic number would be best possible for every
, as the complete graph
has chromatic number
but is too small to host an
-Hadwiger’s conjecture can easily be verified using a degeneracy-colouring approach if
is a forest, and it is also known to be true for spanning subgraphs of the Petersen graph [Reference Hendrey and Wood9]. A particular case of
-Hadwiger’s conjecture which has received special attention in the past is when
is a complete bipartite graph. Woodall [Reference Woodall37] conjectured in 2001 that every
-minor-free graph is
-colorable. Also this problem remains open, but if true it would resolve
-Hadwiger’s conjecture for all bipartite
. Several special cases of this conjecture have been solved by now. Most notably, Kostochka [Reference Kostochka14, Reference Kostochka15] proved that for some function
$t_0(s)=O(s^3\log ^3 s)$
-Hadwiger’s conjecture holds whenever
$t \ge t_0(s)$
. The conjecture is also true for
, which can be seen using the structure theorem for
-minor-free graphs by Wagner [Reference Wagner35] and the fact that planar graphs are
-colorable. In addition, the statement has been proved for
$t \ge 1$
[Reference Chudnovsky, Reed and Seymour5, Reference Myers18, Reference Woodall37, Reference Woodall38], for
$t \ge 6300$
[Reference Kostochka and Prince16] and for
[Reference Jørgensen10]. In a different direction, Norin and Turcotte [Reference Norin and Turcotte22] recently proved
-Hadwiger’s conjecture for all sufficiently large bipartite graphs of bounded maximum degree that belong to a class of graphs with strongly sublinear separators.
1.1. List colouring
-minor-free graphs
In this paper, we shall be concerned with the list chromatic number of graphs that exclude a fixed graph
as a minor. List colouring is a well-known and popular subject in the area of graph colouring, whose introduction dates back to the seminal paper of Erdős, Rubin and Taylor [Reference Erdős, Rubin and Taylor7]. A list assignment for a graph
is a mapping
$L:V(G)\rightarrow 2^{\mathbb{N}}$
assigning to every vertex
$v \in V(G)$
a finite set
of colours, also called the list of
. An
-colouring of
is a proper colouring
$c:V(G)\rightarrow \mathbb{N}$
for which every vertex must choose a colour from its list, that is,
$c(v) \in L(v)$
for every
$v \in V(G)$
. Finally, we say that
-choosable for some integer
$k \ge 1$
if there exists a proper
-colouring for every list assignment
$|L(v)|\ge k$
for all
$v \in V(G)$
. The list chromatic number of
, denoted
$\chi _\ell (G)$
, is the smallest integer
such that
-choosable. Note that trivially
$\chi (G)\le \chi _\ell (G)$
for every graph
, but conversely no relationship holds, as
$\chi _\ell (G)$
is unbounded even on bipartite graphs
, see [Reference Erdős, Rubin and Taylor7].
The first open problem regarding list colouring of minor-closed graph classes was raised already in 1979 in the seminal paper by Erdős, Rubin and Taylor [Reference Erdős, Rubin and Taylor7], who asked to determine the maximum list chromatic number of planar graphs. This question was answered in the 1990s in work of Thomassen [Reference Thomassen33] and Voigt [Reference Voigt34]. Thomassen proved that every planar graph is
-choosable, and Voigt gave the first examples of planar graphs
with list chromatic number
$\chi _\ell (G)=5$
The latter result also answered a question by Borowiecki [Reference Borowiecki4] in the negative, who had asked whether one could potentially strengthen Hadwiger’s conjecture to the list colouring setting by asserting that every
-minor-free graph
$\chi _\ell (G)\le t-1$
Given the previous discussion, it is natural to study the maximum list chromatic number of
-minor-free graphs, see also [39] for an open problem garden entry about this problem. To make the following presentation more convenient, for every graph
we denote by
$f_\chi (H)$
$f_\ell (H)$
, respectively, the maximum (list) chromatic number of
-minor-free graphs. Note that with this notation, the
-Hadwiger’s conjecture amounts to saying that
$f_\chi (H)={\textrm{v}}(H)-1$
Let us briefly summarise previous work regarding bounds on
$f_\ell (K_t)$
. The construction of Voigt mentioned above shows that
$f_\ell (K_5)\ge 5$
. Thomassen’s result regarding the
-choosability of planar graphs was later extended by Škrekovski [Reference Škrekovski29] to
-minor-free graphs, thus proving that
$f_\ell (K_5)=5$
. Until today none of the values
$f_\ell (K_t)$
$t \ge 6$
have been determined precisely, a list of the currently best known lower and upper bounds for
$f_\ell (K_t)$
for small values of
can be found in [Reference Barát, Joret and Wood3]. In 2007, Kawarabayashi and Mohar [Reference Kawarabayashi and Mohar12] made two conjectures regarding the asymptotic behaviour of
$f_\ell (K_t)$
, namely that (A)
$f_\ell (K_t)=O(t)$
, this is known as the list linear Hadwiger conjecture, and that (B)
$f_\ell (K_t)\le \frac{3}{2}t$
for every
. In 2010, Wood [Reference Wood36], inspired by the fact that
$f_\ell (K_5)=5$
, proposed an even stronger conjecture stating that
$f_\ell (K_t)=t$
for every
$t \ge 5$
. This strong conjecture was refuted in 2011 by Barát, Joret and Wood, who gave a construction showing that
$f_\ell (K_t) \ge \frac{4}{3}t-O(1)$
. However, the weaker conjecture (B) by Kawarabayashi and Mohar still remained open. Recently, a new lower bound of
$f_\ell (K_t) \ge 2t-o(t)$
was established by the second author [Reference Steiner30], thus refuting conjecture (B). As for upper bounds, the best currently known bound is
$f_\ell (K_t) \le Ct (\!\log \log t)^6$
, which was established in 2020 by Postle [Reference Postle25]. Some previous work also addressed bounds on
$f_\ell (H)$
is non-complete. In particular, Woodall [Reference Seymour27] conjectured in 2001 that
$f_\ell (K_{s,t})=s+t-1$
for all integers
$s, t \ge 1$
, and proved this in the case when
. From the previously mentioned works [Reference Chudnovsky, Reed and Seymour5, Reference Myers18, Reference Woodall37, Reference Woodall38] it was also known that
$f_\ell (K_{2,t})=t+1$
$t \ge 1$
. Additionally, a result by Jørgensen [Reference Jørgensen10] implied the truth of the conjecture for
, and Kawarabayashi [Reference Kawarabayashi11] proved that
$f_\ell (K_{4,t})\le 4t$
for every
. Despite this positive evidence, Woodall’s conjecture was recently disproved by the second author [Reference Steiner31] showing that
$f_\ell (K_{s,t})\ge (1-o(1))( 2s+t)$
for all large values of
$s \le t$
. A positive result comes from the aforementioned result of Norin and Turcotte [Reference Norin and Turcotte22], which also works for list colourings and shows that
$f_\ell (H)={\textrm{v}}(H)-1$
for all large bipartite graphs
of bounded maximum degree in a graph class with strongly sublinear separators.
1.2. Our contribution
The above discussion shows that when excluding a sufficiently large complete or a sufficiently large balanced complete bipartite graph
, the value of
$f_\ell (H)$
exceeds the trivial lower bound
$f_\ell (H) \ge{\textrm{v}}(H)-1$
by at least a constant factor. This means that, in a strong sense, one cannot hope for extending Hadwiger’s conjecture to list colouring with the same quantitative bounds. However, note that if
is a complete or a balanced complete bipartite graph, then
is quite dense in the sense that it has a quadratic number of edges. On the other extreme of the spectrum, the previously mentioned result by Norin and Turcotte [Reference Norin and Turcotte22] shows that
$f_\ell (H)={\textrm{v}}(H)-1$
does hold for large classes of graphs
with a constant maximum degree (and thus, with a linear number of edges). This naturally opens up a new question, as follows: How sparse must the desired minor
be, such that one can hope for a list colouring extension of
-Hadwiger’s conjecture? Concretely, which structural and density properties of graphs
guarantee that
$f_\ell (H)={\textrm{v}}(H)-1$
? While one might be tempted to hope for a nice description of the class of all graphs
$f_\ell (H)={\textrm{v}}(H)-1$
, Theorem 3 below speaks a word of caution: Any given graph
can be augmented, by the addition of sufficiently many isolated vertices, to a graph
in this class.
Theorem 3.
For every graph
there exists
such that for every
$k \ge k_0$
the graph
obtained from
by the addition of
isolated vertices satisfies
$f_\ell (H)={\textrm{v}}(H)-1$
. In fact, every
-minor-free graph is
This shows that arbitrary graphs
can show up as induced subgraphs of graphs
$f_\ell (H)={\textrm{v}}(H)-1$
. To avoid such artificial constructions and to make a nice structural description of the graph class at hand more likely, it seems natural to ask for the largest class that is closed under taking subgraphs such that all members
of this class satisfy
$f_\ell (H)={\textrm{v}}(H)-1$
Problem 4.
Characterise the class
of graphs
such that
$f_\ell (H')={\textrm{v}}(H')-1$
for all
$H'\subseteq H$
The main contributions of this paper are Theorems 5 and 7 below, which establish new lower bounds on
$f_\ell (H)$
and strongly limit the horizon for positive instances of Problem 4. The first result proves a lower bound on
$f_\ell (H)$
in terms of
and the vertex-connectivity
$\kappa (H)$
, implying that
$f_\ell (H)$
by a constant factor for all large graphs of linear connectivity.Footnote
Theorem 5.
For every
$\varepsilon \gt 0$
there exists
$n_0=n_0(\varepsilon )\in \mathbb{N}$
such that every graph
on at least
vertices satisfies
$f_\ell (H)\ge (1-\varepsilon )({\textrm{v}}(H)+\kappa (H))$
In particular, this result immediately generalises both of the lower bounds of
$f_\ell (K_t)\ge 2t-o(t)$
$f_\ell (K_{s,t})\ge (1-o(1))(2s+t)$
previously established by the second author in [Reference Steiner30, Reference Steiner31] by noting that
$\kappa (K_t)=t-1$
$\kappa (K_{s,t})=s$
$s \le t$
. It also has the following simple consequence, showing that the graphs in
have a subquadratic number of edges.
Corollary 6.
For every
$n \in \mathbb{N}$
, let
denote the maximum possible number of edges of an
-vertex graph in
. Then
$\lim _{n\rightarrow \infty }\frac{h(n)}{n^2}=0$
Proof. Towards a contradiction, suppose the statement is not true. Then there is some constant
$\delta \gt 0$
such that there exist arbitrarily large graphs
$H \in \mathcal{H}$
with average degree at least
. By a classical result of Mader [Reference Mader17], every graph of average degree at least
for some integer
$k \ge 2$
contains a
-connected subgraph. As
is closed under subgraphs, this implies that there are arbitrarily large graphs
$H \in \mathcal{H}$
with connectivity at least
$\frac{\delta }{4}{\textrm{v}}(H)$
. Then, using
$\varepsilon \;:\!=\; \frac{\delta }{8}$
and Theorem 5, for sufficiently large
$H \in \mathcal{H}$
with average degree at least
, we have
$f_\ell (H) \geq (1-\varepsilon )(1+\frac{\delta }{4}){\textrm{v}}(H) = (1+\frac{\delta }{8}-\frac{\delta ^2}{32}){\textrm{v}}(H) \gt{\textrm{v}}(H)$
. However, we have
$f_\ell (H) ={\textrm{v}}(H)-1$
by the definition of
, which yields the desired contradiction and concludes the proof.
Our second result addresses to what extent sparsity of
can push
$f_\ell (H)$
closer to the trivial lower bound
, by showing that for any fixed
$\varepsilon \gt 0$
, asymptotically almost all
-vertex graphs
with average degree of order
$C\log n$
for a sufficiently large constant
are far from being in
, in the sense that
$f_\ell (H)$
is separated from
by a factor of at least
Theorem 7.
For every
$\varepsilon \gt 0$
there exists a constant
$C=C(\varepsilon )\gt 0$
such that asymptotically almost every graph
vertices with
$\lceil C n\log n \rceil$
edges satisfies
$f_\ell (H)\ge (2-\varepsilon ) n$
Together with Corollary 6, this hints at the graphs in
typically being quite sparse. It also shows that the lower bound
$f_\ell (K_t)\ge 2t-o(t)$
for complete graphs from [Reference Steiner30] applies in equal strength to almost all
-vertex graphs
$\omega (t \log t)$
edges, despite them being (much) sparser than
Our proofs of Theorems 5 and 7 are based on several extensions and refinements of the probabilistic approach for lower bounding
$f_\ell (K_t)$
$f_\ell (K_{s,t})$
introduced by the second author in [Reference Steiner30, Reference Steiner31]. However, several new ideas are required to overcome obstacles arising from the largely increased generality of the setup. For instance, to prove Theorem 7 one has to construct graphs avoiding rather sparse graphs
as a minor. While the constructions in [Reference Steiner30, Reference Steiner31] were based on the fact that clique sums of graphs under mild assumptions preserve
- and
-minor-freeness, a corresponding statement is no longer true for sparse graphs
of much lower connectivity.
1.3. Organisation of the paper
In Section 2 we prove two probabilistic results on random bipartite graphs that exhibit properties of these graphs that are crucial for our constructions in the proofs of Theorems 5 and 7. We then present the proofs of our main results Theorem 5 and Theorem 7 in, respectively, Section 3 and Section 4. Finally, in Section 5 we separately prove Theorem 3. The latter proof is self-contained and independent of the results in the other three sections.
1.4. Notation and terminology
$\kappa (G)$
we denote the vertex-connectivity of a graph
, i.e., the minimum
such that
-connected. Given integers
$m, n \ge 1$
and an edge-probability
$p \in [0,1]$
, we use
to denote the bipartite Erdős-Rényi random graph with bipartition classes
of sizes
, respectively, and in which a pair
$a\in A$
$b \in B$
is chosen as an edge of
independently with probability
. For integers
$m, n \ge 1$
we denote by
a random graph drawn uniformly from all graphs on vertex set
with exactly
While the original definition of the graph minor-containment relation
is via edge contractions and deletions, for proving the results in this paper it will be more convenient to think about graph minor models. Given a graph
and a graph
, an
-minor model is a collection
$(Z_h)_{h \in V(H)}$
of pairwise disjoint and non-empty subsets of
with the property that
is a connected graph for every
$h \in V(H)$
and such that for every edge
$h_1h_2 \in E(H)$
, there exists at least one edge in
with endpoints in
. The sets
$Z_h, h \in V(H)$
are also called the branch sets of the minor model. It is well-known and easy to see that for every pair of graphs
we have
$G \succeq H$
if and only if there exists an
-minor model in
2. Probabilistic lemmas
In this short preparatory section we prove two simple auxiliary results (Lemmas 9 and 11) that will be used in the proofs of both our main results in Section 3 and 4. The lemmas capture two simple but important properties exhibited by bipartite Erdős-Rényi random graphs. These properties will later be used to lower bound the list chromatic number of the graphs in our constructions for Theorems 5 and 7 and to argue that they exclude a given graph as a minor.
Two basic tools from probability theory that we will use in the following are the classical Chernoff concentration bounds, stated below. A standard application of the Chernoff bounds yields an upper bound on the maximum degree of bipartite graphs with linear expected degree, stated below without proof.
Lemma 8 (Chernoff). Let
be a binomially distributed random variable. Then the following bounds hold for every
$\delta \in (0,1]$

Lemma 9.
$p \in (0,1]$
be a constant. Then w.h.p. the random bipartite graph
$G=G(n, n; p)$
has maximum degree at most
In order to compactly state and refer to our next lemma below, it is convenient for us to introduce a technical definition for the following relationship between a graph
and a bipartite graph
with vertex bipartition
. Let
denote the graph complement of
. We are interested in the existence of
-minor models in
, where
is a subgraph of
. For fixed integers
, consider the situation where
$X_1, \ldots, X_{k} \subseteq A, Y_1, \ldots, Y_k \subseteq B$
are pairwise disjoint subsets of
$x_1,\ldots,x_k, y_1, \ldots, y_l \in V(H)$
are distinct vertices of
. Let
be the induced subgraph by the vertices
$\{x_1,\ldots,x_k, y_1, \ldots, y_l\}$
and let
$Z_{x_1} \;:\!=\; X_1, \ldots, Z_{x_k} \;:\!=\; X_k, Z_{y_1} \;:\!=\; Y_1, \ldots, Z_{y_l} \;:\!=\; Y_l$
. Then the branch sets
$(Z_v)_{v \in V(\widetilde{H})}$
form an
-minor model in
if and only if each branch set is connected and for each edge of the form
$x_i y_j \in E(H)$
there is an edge between
. Therefore,
$(Z_v)_{v \in V(\widetilde{H})}$
is not an
-minor model in
if there is an edge
$x_i y_j \in E(H)$
such that
contains all edges between
. This relationship, with some additional constraints on branch set size and subgraph size, is captured by the following property.
Definition 10 (Property
). Let
$0\lt \delta \lt 1$
$s \in \mathbb{N}$
and let
be a graph on
vertices. We say that a bipartite graph
with bipartition
$\{A, B\}$
satisfies property
$\textsf{P}(H, \delta,s)$
if for all integers
$k, l \geq \delta n$
the following holds:
$x_1,\ldots,x_k, y_1, \ldots, y_l \in V(H)$
are distinct vertices satisfying
${\textrm{e}}_H(\{x_1,\ldots,x_k\},\{y_1,\ldots,y_l\}) \ge s$
$X_1, \ldots, X_{k} \subseteq A$
$Y_1, \ldots, Y_{l} \subseteq B$
are pairwise disjoint sets of size at most
$\frac{1}{\delta }$
each, then there exists an index pair
$(i,j) \in [k]\times [l]$
such that
$x_iy_j \in E(H)$
$xy \in E(G)$
for every
$(x,y) \in X_i \times Y_j$
Lemma 11.
$\delta, p \in (0,1)$
be constants. Then there exists a constant
$D=D(\delta,p)\gt 1$
and a sequence
such that with
$s=s(n)\;:\!=\;\lceil D n \log n \rceil$
for every
-vertex graph
the random bipartite graph
$G = G (n,n;p)$
$\textsf{P}(H, \delta,s)$
with probability at least
Proof. Choose any constant
$D\gt \max \{1,3p^{-(1/\delta ^2)}\}$
. Let
$A, B$
be the vertex bipartition of
$|A| = |B| = n$
, let
be an
-vertex graph and let
$k, l \ge \delta n$
. There are at most
choices of distinct vertices
$x_1, \ldots, x_k, y_1, \ldots, y_l \in V(H)$
and at most
choices of disjoint vertex sets
$X_1, \ldots, X_k \subseteq A, \ Y_1, \ldots, Y_l \subseteq B$
. Consider a fixed such choice satisfying the premises in Definition 10 and the random event that for every pair
$(i,j) \in [k]\times [l]$
such that
$x_iy_j \in E(H)$
, not all of the potential edges between
are included in
. The probability that this holds is
$\prod _{x_iy_j \in E(H)}(1-p^{|X_i||Y_j|}) \leq (1-p^{(1/\delta ^2)})^{Dn\log n}$
, where we used the premises that the sets
$X_i, Y_j$
are of size at most
$\frac{1}{\delta }$
and that there are at least
$s\ge Dn\log n$
edges of the form
$x_iy_j\in E(H)$
. Using a union bound over the choices described above, we have

We have
$3-p^{(1/\delta ^2)}D\lt 0$
and thus the above expression tends to
$n\rightarrow \infty$
. Setting
$q_n\;:\!=\;1-\exp\!((3-p^{(1/\delta ^2)}D)n\log n)$
then concludes the proof of the lemma.
3. Proof of Theorem 5
In this section, we present the proof of Theorem 5. We start off by making use of Lemmas 9 and 11 from the previous section to establish the existence of small
-minor-free graphs that are in a sense “almost complete”, as follows.
Lemma 12.
For every
$\varepsilon \in (0,\frac{1}{2})$
there exists an integer
$N=N(\varepsilon )$
such that for every
$n \ge N$
and every
-vertex graph
$\kappa (H)\ge \varepsilon n$
there exists a graph
with the following properties:
• The vertex set of
$F$ can be partitioned into two disjoint sets
$A$ and
$B$ such that both
$A$ and
$B$ form cliques in
$F$ and
$|A|=\lfloor (1-2\varepsilon )\kappa (H)\rfloor$ ,
$|B|=\lfloor (1-2\varepsilon )n\rfloor$ .
• Every vertex in
$B$ has at most
$\varepsilon n$ non-neighbors in
$F$ .
$F$ is
$H$ -minor-free.
Proof. Define
$p\;:\!=\;\frac{\varepsilon }{2}$
$\delta \;:\!=\;\varepsilon ^2$
. By Lemma 9 there is a sequence
such that
has maximum degree at most
$2pn=\varepsilon n$
with probability at least
, and by Lemma 11 there exists an absolute constant
$D\gt 0$
and a sequence
such that for every
-vertex graph
the probability that
satisfies property
$\textsf{P}(H, \delta, \lceil Dn\log n\rceil )$
is at least
. Let
be such that
$p_n, q_n\gt \frac{1}{2}$
for every
$n \ge n_1$
. Moreover, let
$n_2 \in \mathbb{N}$
be chosen large enough such that the inequality
$\delta ^2 n^2\ge D n \log n$
holds for every
$n \ge n_2$
. Finally, we put
$N\;:\!=\;\max \{n_1,n_2\}$
and let
$n \geq N$
be arbitrary. By our choice of
, there then exists at least one bipartite graph
with bipartition
such that
has maximum degree at most
$\varepsilon n$
, and
satisfies property
$\textsf{P}(H,\delta, \lceil Dn\log n\rceil )$
. Let
$A \subseteq A', B \subseteq B'$
be chosen (arbitrarily) such that
$|A|=\lfloor (1-2\varepsilon )\kappa (H)\rfloor$
$|B|=\lfloor (1-2\varepsilon )n\rfloor$
. Note that this is possible as
$\kappa (H)\lt{\textrm{v}}(H)=n$
. We now define
as the graph complement of the induced subgraph
$G[A \cup B]$
. Since
are independent sets in
, they form cliques in
. Thus the first item of the lemma is satisfied. To verify the second item, it suffices to note that since
has maximum degree at most
$\varepsilon n$
, the same is true for
$G[A \cup B]$
, and thus every vertex in
can have at most
$\varepsilon n$
non-neighbors in
It thus remains to prove that
is indeed
-minor-free. Towards a contradiction, suppose that there exists an
-minor model
$(Z_h)_{h \in V(H)}$
. Let
$X_A, X_B, X_{AB}$
be the partition of
defined as follows:
$X_A\;:\!=\;\{h \in V(H)|Z_h \subseteq A\}$
$X_B\;:\!=\;\{h \in V(H)|Z_h \subseteq B\}$
contain those branch sets which are subsets of
or of
, respectively, and
$X_{AB}\;:\!=\;\{h \in V(H)|Z_h \cap A \neq \emptyset \neq Z_h \cap B\}$
contains the branch sets which overlap with both
Our goal now is to find at least
$\delta n$
vertices in
and in
whose corresponding vertex subsets of
or of
have size at most
$\frac{1}{\delta }$
and which have at least
$D n \log n$
edges between them. We will then be able to use property
$\textsf{P}(H,\delta,\lceil Dn\log n\rceil )$
to complete the proof.
Note that we have
$|X_B|+|X_{AB}|\le |B|\le (1-2\varepsilon )n$
as the sets in
$(Z_h)_{h \in V(H)}$
are pairwise disjoint. Given that
, this implies that
$|X_A| \ge 2\varepsilon n$
. Since the sets
$(Z_h)_{h \in X_A}$
are disjoint and since
$|A|\le (1-2\varepsilon )\kappa (H)\lt (1-2\varepsilon )n\lt n$
, there cannot be more than
$\delta n$
sets of size greater than
$\frac{1}{\delta }$
in the collection
$(Z_h)_{h \in X_A}$
. Hence, there exists
$k \ge 2\varepsilon n-\delta n\ge \delta n$
distinct vertices
$x_1, \ldots,x_k \in X_A$
such that
$|Z_{x_i}| \le \frac{1}{\delta }$
. Note that
has minimum degree at least
$\kappa (H)$
, for otherwise one could separate a vertex in
from the rest of the graph by deleting fewer than
$\kappa (H)$
vertices. Using this, we have

for every
, where in the last step we used that
$\kappa (H)\ge \varepsilon n$
by assumption. Consider for any fixed index
$i \in [k]$
the set collection
$(Z_h)_{h \in N_H(x_i) \cap X_B}$
. Since the sets are pairwise disjoint and contained in the set
of size at most
, as above it follows that at most
$\delta n$
sets in this collection can be of size greater than
$\frac{1}{\delta }$
. Consequently, for each
$i \in [k]$
there exists a subset
$N_i \subseteq N_H(x_i) \cap X_B$
of size at least
$2\delta n-\delta n=\delta n$
such that
$|Z_h| \le \frac{1}{\delta }$
for every
$h \in N_i$
$i \in [k]$
. Let
$y_1,\ldots,y_l \in X_B$
be distinct vertices such that
$\{y_1,\ldots,y_l\}=\bigcup _{i=1}^{k}{N_i}$
. Then clearly,
$l \ge |N_1|\ge \delta n$
. Furthermore, we have

where in the last step we used our assumption that
$n \ge N \ge n_2$
We can now use that
satisfies property
$\textsf{P}(H,\delta,\lceil Dn\log n\rceil )$
, which directly implies that there exists a pair
$(i,j) \in [k]^2$
such that
$x_iy_j \in E(H)$
contains all edges of the form
$(x,y) \in Z_{x_i}\times Z_{y_j}$
. However, by definition of
this means that there exists no edge in
which has endpoints in both
. This is a contradiction to our initial assumption that
$(Z_h)_{h \in V(H)}$
form an
-minor model in
. Thus,
does not contain
as a minor, which establishes the third item of the lemma and concludes the proof.
Our next lemma below guarantees that for sufficiently well-connected graphs
, the property of being
-minor-free is preserved when pasting together two graphs along a sufficiently small clique. This statement will then be used in the proof of Theorem 5 to glue several copies of the
-minor-free graph from Lemma 12 along a common clique, thus eventually creating a graph that is still
-minor-free but has an increased list chromatic number. The lemma is folklore in the graph minors community, see also Section 3.1 in [Reference Norin19].
Lemma 13.
$G_1, G_2$
-minor-free graphs and let
$C\;:\!=\;V(G_1) \cap V(G_2)$
. If
forms a clique in both
and if
$|C|\lt \kappa (H)$
, then the graph union
$G_1 \cup G_2$
is also
The last ingredient required to complete the proof of Theorem 5 is a simple but important idea on how to lower-bound the list chromatic number of a graph that is obtained from a fixed graph
by repeated pasting along the same clique. Since the statement will also be reused for the proof of Theorem 7 in the next section, we decided to isolate it here. We use the following terminology:
Definition 14 (Pasting). Let
be a graph, let
$S \subseteq V(F)$
$K \in \mathbb{N}$
. A
-fold pasting of
is any graph that can be expressed as the union of
isomorphic copies
$F_1, \ldots,F_K$
with the property that
$V(F_i) \cap V(F_j)=S$
for all
$1 \le i \lt j \le K$
Lemma 15.
$m,n,d \in \mathbb{N}$
$d \le m$
and let
be a graph whose vertex set is partitioned into two cliques
such that every vertex in
has at least
neighbours in
. Let
$K = (|A|+|B|-1)^{|A|}$
and let
be a
-fold pasting of
. Then
$\chi _\ell (F^{(K)}) \geq |A|+|B|-d$
Proof. Let
be an ordering of the copies of
in the pasting graph
, and let
be the corresponding copies of
. Let
$f : [|A|+|B|-1]^A \rightarrow [K]$
be an arbitrary bijection and let
$c_1,\ldots,c_K : A \rightarrow [|A|+|B|-1]$
be the ordering of colour assignments to
that satisfies
$f(c_i) = i$
for all
$i \in [K]$
. Consider the list assignment
$L : V(F^{(K)}) \rightarrow 2^{[|A|+|B|-1]}$
defined as follows:
$L(a) \;:\!=\; [|A|+|B|-1]$ for all
$a \in A$
$L(b) \;:\!=\; [|A|+|B|-1] \setminus \{c_i(a) \mid a \in A \setminus N_{F_i}(b) \}$ for all
$b \in B_i$ for all
$i \in [K]$
Given that every vertex in
by assumption has at most
non-neighbors in
, we have
$|L(v)| \geq |A|+|B|-1-d$
for all
$v \in V(F^{(K)})$
. Now assume towards a contradiction that
admits a proper
and let
$i \in [K]$
be the unique index satisfying
$c_i(a) = c(a)$
for all
$a \in A$
. Then let
$c_{F_i} : A \cup B_i \rightarrow [|A|+|B|-1]$
be the colouring
restricted to the graph
. Since
${\textrm{v}}(F_i) = |A|+|B|$
, there exist by the pigeonhole principle vertices
$u,v \in V(F_i)$
$c(u) = c(v)$
. Since
is proper and
are cliques, we have
$uv \notin E(F_i)$
$u \in A$
$v \in B$
without loss of generality. However,
$c(u) \notin L(v)$
by the construction of
, a contradiction.
By assembling the previously established pieces, we can now easily deduce Theorem 5.
Proof of Theorem
5. Let a constant
$\varepsilon \gt 0$
be given choose
$\tilde{\varepsilon }\in (0, \frac{\varepsilon }{4})$
. Let
$N=N(\tilde{\varepsilon })$
be as in Lemma 12. We now set
$n_0\;:\!=\;\max \{N,\lceil \frac{4}{\varepsilon ^2}\rceil \rceil \}$
and claim that Theorem 5 holds for this choice of
be a graph on
$n \ge n_0$
vertices. We have to prove that
$f_\ell (H)\ge (1-\varepsilon )(n+\kappa (H))$
. If
$\kappa (H)\lt \varepsilon n$
, then this follows directly from the trivial lower bound via

Thus, we may now assume
$\kappa (H)\ge \varepsilon n$
, in particular,
$\kappa (H) \ge \tilde{\varepsilon } n$
. Using
$n \ge N$
and Lemma 12 we now find that there exists an
-minor-free graph
whose vertex set is partitioned into two cliques
$A, B$
such that
$|A|=\lfloor (1-2\tilde{\varepsilon })\kappa (H)\rfloor \lt \kappa (H)$
$|B|=\lfloor (1-2\tilde{\varepsilon })n\rfloor$
, and such that every vertex in
has at most
$\tilde{\varepsilon }n$
non-neighbors in
. Let
$d\;:\!=\;\lfloor \tilde{\varepsilon }n \rfloor$
. Let
denote a
-fold pasting of
at the clique
. Since every vertex in
has at least
neighbours in
, we can apply Lemma 15 to find that

$n \ge n_0 \ge \frac{4}{\varepsilon ^2}$
in the last step. In addition, since
$|A|\lt \kappa (H)$
, the graph
-minor-free by repeated application of Lemma 13. We conclude that
$f_\ell (H)\ge (1-\varepsilon )({\textrm{v}}(H)+\kappa (H))$
, as desired.
4. Proof of Theorem 7
In this section, we present the proof of Theorem 7. The theorem claims a lower bound on
$f_\ell (H)$
for almost all graphs
vertices and
$\lceil C n \log n\rceil$
edges for some large constant
$C\gt 0$
. However, in fact the only condition on the graph
our lower bound proof relies upon is the following pseudo-random graph property, guaranteeing the existence of many edges between every pair of disjoint linear-size vertex subsets in
Definition 16 (Property
, graph family
). Let
$\delta \gt 0$
$D \gt 1$
be arbitrary. We say that a graph
vertices satisfies property
$\textsf{Q}(\delta, D)$
if for every two disjoint vertex sets
$A, B \subseteq V(H)$
$|A|,|B| \geq \delta n$
, we have
${\textrm{e}}_H(A,B)\ge D n \log n$
. Let
$\mathcal{Q}_{n} (\delta, D)$
denote the family of
-vertex graphs
that satisfy property
$\textsf{Q}(\delta, D)$
Crucially, property
is satisfied for almost all graphs on
vertices with an average degree of
$C\log n$
for a large enough constant
. The proof uses a standard probabilistic argument and is therefore omitted.
Lemma 17.
$\delta \gt 0$
$D \gt 1$
be arbitrary and let
$m:\mathbb{N}\rightarrow \mathbb{N}$
be defined as
$m(n) = \lceil \frac{D^2}{ \delta ^2} n\log n\rceil$
. Then with high probability as
$n \rightarrow \infty$
, a random graph
$H = G(n;m(n))$
drawn uniformly from all
-vertex graphs with
edges satisfies property
$\textsf{Q}(\delta, D)$
In our next step towards proving Theorem 7, we establish the following statement somewhat analogous to Lemma 12, showing how to build small and close-to-complete
-minor-free graphs for a given graph
$H \in \mathcal{Q}_n(\delta,D)$
Lemma 18.
$\delta \in (0,1)$
$D \gt 1$
$n \in \mathbb N$
, and
$H \in \mathcal{Q}_{n}(\delta, D)$
be arbitrary. Moreover, let
be a bipartite graph with bipartition
$\{A, B\}$
$|A| = |B| = \lfloor (1-3\delta )n\rfloor$
satisfying property
$\textsf{P}(H, \delta,s)$
$s=\lceil Dn\log n\rceil$
. Then its complement graph
does not contain
as a minor for any
$U \subseteq V(H)$
$|U| \geq (1-\delta )n$
Proof. Assume
as a minor for some
$U \subseteq V(H)$
$|U| \geq (1-\delta )n$
. Let
$(Z_h)_{h \in U}$
be an
-minor model in
and define
$X_A \;:\!=\; \{h \in U \mid Z_h \subseteq A\}$
$X_B \;:\!=\; \{h \in U \mid Z_h \subseteq B\}$
, and
$X_{AB} \;:\!=\; \{h \in U \mid Z_h \cap A \neq \emptyset \neq \ Z_h \cap B\}$
. We have
$|X_A| + |X_{AB}| \leq |A|$
$|X_B| + |X_{AB}| \leq |B|$
, and
$|X_A| + |X_B| + |X_{AB}|=|U| \geq (1-\delta )n$
, which implies
$|X_A|, |X_B| \ge (1-\delta )n-(1-3\delta )n=2\delta n$
Since the branch sets
$(Z_h)_{h \in X_A}$
and the branch-sets
$(Z_h)_{h \in X_B}$
are pairwise disjoint, at most
$\delta (1-3\delta ) n\lt \delta n$
branch sets in each of
$(Z_h)_{h \in X_A}$
$(Z_h)_{h \in X_B}$
can be larger than
$\frac{1}{\delta }$
. Thus, there are at least
$2\delta n-\delta n=\delta n$
branch sets of size at most
$\frac{1}{\delta }$
$(Z_h)_{h \in X_A}$
as well as in
$(Z_h)_{h \in X_B}$
. Thus for
$k\;:\!=\;l\;:\!=\; \lceil \delta n \rceil$
, there exist distinct vertices
$x_1, \ldots, x_{k} \in X_A$
$y_1,\ldots,y_l \in X_B$
such that
$|Z_{x_i}|, |Z_{y_j}| \le \frac{1}{\delta }$
for all
$1 \le i, j \le k=l$
. Since
$H\in \mathcal{Q}_n(\delta,D)$
, we have
${\textrm{e}}_H(\{x_1,\ldots,x_k\},\{y_1,\ldots,y_l\})\ge \lceil D n \log n\rceil =s$
. Next we use our assumption that
satisfies property
$\textsf{P}(H, \delta,s)$
. It implies that there exists an edge
$x_i y_j \in E(H)$
$(i,j) \in [k]\times [l]$
such that
contains all the edges
$(x,y) \in Z_{x_i} \times Z_{y_j}$
. Then, however, there is an edge between vertices
, but no edge between the corresponding branch sets
, a contradiction.
The next auxiliary statement we need is Lemma 19 below, which establishes a weak analogue of Lemma 13 for graphs
$H\in \mathcal{Q}_n(\delta,D)$
. Note that as these graphs may have sublinear minimum degree and connectivity, Lemma 13 cannot be used to obtain the same statement.
Lemma 19.
$\delta \gt 0$
$D \gt 1$
$H \in \mathcal{Q}_n(\delta, D)$
and let
be a graph with a clique
$W \subseteq V(F)$
of size
$\lfloor (1-3\delta )n\rfloor$
. Let
$K \in \mathbb{N}$
and let
be a
-fold pasting of
. If
as a minor, then there exists
$U \subseteq V(H)$
$|U|\ge (1-\delta )n$
such that
as a minor.
Proof. In the following, let
$F_1, \ldots, F_K$
denote the copies of
such that
$F^{(K)}=\bigcup _{i=1}^{K}{F_i}$
has an
-minor and fix an
-minor model
$(Z_h)_{h\in V(H)}$
. Let us denote
$X_W \;:\!=\; \{h \in V(H) \mid Z_h \cap W \neq \emptyset \}$
$\xi _W\;:\!=\;|X_W|$
, and
$X_i \;:\!=\; \{h \in V(H) \mid Z_h \subseteq V(F_i) \setminus W\}$
$\xi _i\;:\!=\;|X_i|$
for every
$i \in [K]$
. Note that since every branch-set
induces a connected subgraph of
, every vertex
$h \in V(H)$
appears in exactly one of the sets
$X_W, X_1,\ldots,X_K$
, i.e., they form a partition of
. In particular, we have
$\xi _W+\sum _{i=1}^{K}{\xi _i}={\textrm{v}}(H)=n$
We have
$\xi _W \leq |W|\le n-3\delta n$
and thus
$\sum _{i=1}^{K} \xi _i=n-\xi _W \geq 3 \delta n$
. In the following, let us w.l.o.g. assume
is ordered such that
$\xi _1 \geq \xi _2 \geq \cdots \geq \xi _K$
. We claim that
$\xi _1\ge (1-\delta )n-\xi _W$
. Towards a contradiction, suppose in the following that
$\xi _1 \lt (1-\delta )n - \xi _W$
. We first note that using this assumption, we have that
$\sum _{i=2}^K \xi _i=n-(\xi _W+\xi _1) \gt n-(1-\delta )n=\delta n$
Now suppose for a first case that
$\xi _1 \ge \delta n$
. Then the two disjoint sets of vertices
$\bigcup _{i=2}^{K}{X_i}$
are both of size at least
$\delta n$
. By property
this implies that
${\textrm{e}}_H(X_1,\bigcup _{i=2}^{K}{X_i})\ge Dn\log n\gt 0$
. In particular there exists
$2 \le i \le K$
and an edge
$uv\in E(H)$
for some
$u \in X_1$
$v \in X_i$
. This implies that there must exist an edge in
connecting a vertex in
$Z_u\subseteq V(F_1)\setminus W$
to a vertex in
$Z_v\subseteq V(F_i)\setminus W$
. However, by construction of
no such edges exist, and so we arrive at the desired contradiction in this first case.
For the second case, suppose that
$\xi _1\lt \delta n$
(and thus in particular
$\xi _i\lt \delta n$
for all
$i \in [K]$
). Let
$j \in [K]$
be the smallest index such that
$\sum _{i=1}^{j}{\xi _i}\gt \delta n$
(this is well-defined, since
$\sum _{i=1}^K{\xi _i}\ge 3\delta n$
, see above). By the minimality of
, we have
$\sum _{i=1}^{j}{\xi _i}=\xi _j+\sum _{i=1}^{j-1}{\xi _j}\le \delta n+\delta n=2\delta n$
. This implies that
$\sum _{i=j+1}^K{\xi _i}=\sum _{i=1}^K{\xi _i}-\sum _{i=1}^j{\xi _i}\ge 3\delta n - 2\delta n =\delta n$
. In consequence, we find that the two disjoint vertex sets
$\bigcup _{i=1}^{j}{X_i}, \bigcup _{i=j+1}^{K}{X_i}$
are both of size at least
$\delta n$
. Hence, using property
we have
${\textrm{e}}_H(\bigcup _{i=1}^{j}{X_i},\bigcup _{i=j+1}^{K}{X_i})\ge Dn\log n\gt 0$
. Similar as above, this implies the existence of two indices
$1 \le i\le j\lt i'\le K$
such that there exists an edge between
$V(F_i)\setminus W$
$V(F_{i'})\setminus W$
. As this is impossible by construction of
, a contradiction follows also in the second case. Thus our initial assumption
$\xi _1\lt (1-\delta )n-\xi _W$
was false.
We therefore have
$|X_1 \cup X_W|=\xi _1+\xi _W \geq (1-\delta )n$
. Let
$U\;:\!=\;X_1 \cup X_W$
. For every
$h \in U$
, let
$h \in X_1$
$Z_h'\;:\!=\;Z_h \cap V(F_1)$
$h \in X_W$
. We now show that
$(Z_h')_{h \in U}$
is an
-minor model in
, which will then conclude the proof of the lemma.
First of all, note that
is a connected graph for every
$h \in U$
. If
$h \in X_1$
, then
is connected since
$(Z_h)_{h \in V(H)}$
is an
-minor model. And if
$h \in X_W$
, then the connectivity of
$F_1[Z_h']=F^{(k)}[Z_h \cap V(F_1)]$
follows since (1)
is connected and (2) every path connecting two vertices in
that is contained in
can be shortened to a path whose vertex set is completely contained in
by short-cutting every segment of the path that starts and ends in the clique
by the direct connection between its endpoints.
Let us now consider any edge
$uv \in E(H[U])$
. Then there must exist an edge
$xy \in E(F^{(K)})$
$x \in Z_u, y \in Z_v$
. If we have
$x, y\in V(F_1)$
, then this witnesses the existence of an edge between
, as desired. If on the other hand at least one of
lies outside of
, then we necessarily must have
$Z_u \cap W \neq \emptyset \neq Z_v \cap W$
, and thus there exists an edge in the clique induced by
(and thus also in
) that connects a vertex in
to a vertex in
. All in all, this shows that
as a minor. Since
$|U| \ge (1-\delta )n$
, this concludes the proof.
With the previous auxiliary results at hand, we can now deduce Theorem 7.
Proof of Theorem
7. Let a constant
$\varepsilon \in (0,1)$
be given. Let
$\delta \gt 0$
be chosen small enough such that
$7\delta \lt \varepsilon$
, set
$p\;:\!=\;\frac{\delta }{2}$
, let
$D=D(\delta,p)\gt 1$
be the constant given by Lemma 11, and let
$C \;:\!=\; \frac{D^2}{\delta ^2}$
For every
$n \in \mathbb{N}$
, put
$s=s(n)=\lceil Dn\log n\rceil$
. By Lemma 17, a random graph
$H = G(n; \lceil Cn \log n\rceil )$
chosen uniformly from all
-vertex graphs with
$\lceil Cn\log n\rceil$
edges satisfies property
w.h.p. as
$n \rightarrow \infty$
. Now assume the graph
satisfies property
. By Lemmas 9 and 11, w.h.p. as
$n \rightarrow \infty$
, the random bipartite graph
$G = G(\lfloor (1-3\delta )n\rfloor, \lfloor (1-3\delta )n\rfloor ; p )$
has maximum degree at most
$2p\lfloor (1-3\delta )n\rfloor \le \delta n$
and satisfies property
$\textsf{P}(H, \delta,s)$
. Now fix
large enough and consider a graph
with bipartition
$|A|=|B|=\lfloor (1-3\delta n)\rfloor$
satisfying these two properties. By Lemma 18,
does not contain any induced subgraph
as a minor for any
$U \subseteq V(H)$
$|U| \geq (1-\delta ) n$
. Let
$K \;:\!=\; (|A|+|B|-1)^{|A|}$
and let
$(G^\complement )^{(K)}$
be a
-fold pasting of
. Then by Lemma 19,
$(G^\complement )^{(K)}$
does not contain
as a minor. Moreover, by Lemma 15, applied with
$d=\lfloor \delta n\rfloor$
, we find that
$(G^\complement )^{(K)}$
has list chromatic number at least
$|A|+|B|-d\gt 2(1-3\delta )n - \delta n -2 \gt (2-\varepsilon )n$
large enough. This shows that w.h.p. the random graph
$H=G(n;\lceil Cn \log n\rceil )$
$f_\ell (H)\ge (2-\varepsilon )n$
, which concludes the proof.
5. Proof of Theorem 3
In this section we give the proof of Theorem 3, which is self-contained and independent of the results in the previous sections. A basic tool from extremal graph theory used in the proof is Turán’s theorem, in the following form:
Theorem 20 (Turán). Let
$k \in \mathbb{N}$
$k \ge 2$
and let
be a graph. If
${\textrm{e}}(G)\gt (1-\frac{1}{k-1})\frac{{\textrm{v}}(G)^2}{2}$
contains a clique on
We also use the following classical result regarding the minimum degree of
-minor-free graphs, as independently proved by Kostochka [Reference Kostochka13] and Thomason [Reference Thomason32].
Theorem 21 ([Reference Kostochka13, Reference Thomason32]). For every integer
$t \ge 1$
there exists an integer
$d=d(t)=O(t \sqrt{\log t})$
such that every graph of minimum degree at least
as a minor. In particular, for every graph
there exists
$d=d(F) \in \mathbb{N}$
such that all graphs of minimum degree at least
as a minor.
Proof of Theorem
3. We start by fixing an integer
$d \in \mathbb{N}$
as guaranteed by Theorem 21, i.e. such that every graph of minimum degree at least
as a minor. We now define
$k_0(F)\;:\!=\;\min \{d+1,9\cdot{\textrm{v}}(F)^3\}$
. Let
$k \ge k_0(F)$
be any given integer. Let
denote the graph obtained from
by adding
isolated vertices. We will now show that every
-minor-free graph is
-degenerate, which then easily implies
$f_\ell (H)={\textrm{v}}(H)-1$
Towards a contradiction, suppose that there exists an
-minor-free graph
which is not
-degenerate, and let
be chosen such that
is minimised. Note that the minimality assumption on
immediately implies that
$\delta (G)\ge{\textrm{v}}(H)-1={\textrm{v}}(F)+k-1$
. Observe that since
$\delta (G)\ge k\gt d$
, the graph
for some
$x \in V(G)$
has minimum degree at least
and thus must contain
as a minor. Let
$X \subseteq V(G)$
be chosen of minimum size subject to
as a minor. Note that from the above it follows that
and hence that
$V(G)\setminus X \neq \emptyset$
. Let
$(Z_f)_{f \in V(F)}$
be an
-minor model in
. By minimality of
, we have that
$(Z_f)_{f \in V(F)}$
forms a partition of
. With the goal of bounding the number of edges in
, we present our next argument as a separate claim. We will later use this bound and Turán’s theorem to show the existence of an
-subgraph in
Claim 22.
For every
$v \in V(G)\setminus X$
and every
$f \in V(F)$
, we have
$|N(v) \cap Z_f| \lt 9{\textrm{v}}(F)$
Proof. Let
$v \in V(G)\setminus X$
$f \in V(F)$
be arbitrary. For
the inequality
$|N(v) \cap Z_f|\le 1\lt 9{\textrm{v}}(F)$
trivially holds for every
$v \in V(G)\setminus X$
. We may therefore assume
$|Z_f|\ge 2$
. Let
denote a spanning tree of the connected graph
, and let
$L_f\subseteq Z_f$
be the set of leaves in
We first show that
has at most
leaves. Note that for every
$l \in L_f$
the graph
$G[Z_f\setminus \{l\}]$
is still connected. However, by minimality of
$G[X \setminus \{l\}]$
does not contain
as a minor, and thus in particular the set system consisting of
$Z_f\setminus \{l\}$
together with the remaining branch-sets
$(Z_{f'})_{f' \in V(F), f' \neq f}$
cannot be an
-minor model in
. In consequence, there has to exist some
$f' \in V(F)\setminus \{f\}$
such that among all vertices in
, the vertex
is the only one that has a neighbour in
. Since the above argument applies to any choice of
$l \in L_f$
, and since the respective elements
have to be distinct for different choices of
, it follows that
$|L_f|\le |V(F)\setminus \{f\}|={\textrm{v}}(F)-1$
We next describe a decomposition of
into strictly less than
edge-disjoint and internal-vertex-disjoint paths. Let
be a tree without degree
-vertices such that
is a subdivision of
, i.e., every edge in
corresponds to one maximal path of
all whose internal vertices are of degree
. Then, since
is a tree and thus has average degree strictly less than
, it has more leaves than vertices of degree
or more. As the number of leaves in
is exactly
, we have
${\textrm{v}}(T_f')\le |L_f|+(|L_f|-1)\le 2{\textrm{v}}(F)-3$
and therefore
${\textrm{e}}(T_f')={\textrm{v}}(T_f')-1\le 2{\textrm{v}}(F)-4\lt 2{\textrm{v}}(F)$
. This means that
can be expressed as the edge-disjoint union of a collection of paths
$r\lt 2{\textrm{v}}(F)$
and the internal vertices of each path
are of degree
Now choose a vertex set
$Y\subseteq Z_f$
of size at most
as follows: For each edge
$ff' \in E(F)$
, pick some vertex
$y_{f'} \in Z_f$
that has at least one neighbour in
and add it to
. Let
denote the collection of internally disjoint paths in
obtained from
by splitting each path
into its maximal subpaths that do not contain internal vertices in
. It is easy to see that
$|\mathcal{R}| \le r+|Y|\lt 2{\textrm{v}}(F)+{\textrm{v}}(F)=3{\textrm{v}}(F)$
, and that
equals the union of the paths in
We next claim that for every vertex
$v \in V(G)\setminus X$
and every
$R \in \mathcal{R}$
, we have
$|N(v) \cap V(R)|\le 3$
. Indeed, suppose that
has at least
distinct neighbours on
. Let
be the two neighbours of
that are closest to the endpoints of
. Define
as the path obtained from
by replacing its subpath between
(which has to contain at least two internal vertices) by the path
of length two. Let
be the set of vertices on
strictly between
and observe that
$|A| \geq 2$
$A \cap Y = \emptyset$
. For
$X'\;:\!=\;(X\setminus A) \cup \{v\}$
we have
$|X'|\lt |X|$
and we can find an
-minor model in
, namely the branch-sets
$(Z_f\setminus A) \cup \{x\}$
together with
$(Z_{f'})_{f' \in V(F), f'\neq f}$
. Notice that
$G[(Z_f\setminus A) \cup \{x\}]$
is indeed connected as all the internal vertices of
are of degree
. Also, since
$Y\subseteq Z_f\setminus A$
, there still exists a connection from a vertex in
$(Z_f\setminus A) \cup \{x\}$
) to a vertex in
for every edge
$ff'\in E(F)$
. This contradicts our initial choice of
and proves that our assumption was wrong, so indeed every vertex
$v \in V(G)\setminus X$
$|N(v) \cap V(R)|\le 3$
for every
$R\in \mathcal{R}$
Therefore, we have
$|N(v) \cap Z_f| \le \sum _{R \in \mathcal{R}}{|N(v) \cap V(R)|}\le 3|\mathcal{R}|\lt 9{\textrm{v}}(F)$
for every
$v \in V(G)\setminus X$
, which concludes the proof of the claim.
It follows immediately from Claim 22 that
$|N(v) \cap X| \le \sum _{f \in V(F)}{|N(v) \cap Z_f|} \lt 9{\textrm{v}}(F)^2$
for every
$v \in V(G)\setminus X$
. Additionally recalling that
$\delta (G) \ge{\textrm{v}}(F)+k-1\ge k$
, we find that for every
$v \in V(G)\setminus X$
, we have
$\text{deg}_{G-X}(v)=|N(v) \setminus X|=\text{deg}(v)-|N(v) \cap X|\gt k-9{\textrm{v}}(F)^2$
. Having established
$V(G)\setminus X \neq \emptyset$
at the beginning of the proof, it now follows that
is a graph of minimum degree greater than
. Also note that since
as a minor, we are not able to find
distinct vertices in
$V(G)\setminus X$
as these could be used to augment the
-minor in
to an
-minor in
, contradicting our assumptions. We thus have
${\textrm{v}}(G-X)\lt k$
. Using our choice of
$k \ge k_0$
, it now follows that

has more than
$\bigl (1-\frac{1}{{\textrm{v}}(F)-1}\bigr )\frac{{\textrm{v}}(G-X)^2}{2}$
edges and thus Theorem 20 implies the existence of a clique on
vertices in
. In particular,
and thus
contain a subgraph isomorphic to
. Let
$K \subseteq V(G)$
be the vertex set of such a copy of
. Then, since
${\textrm{v}}(G)\ge \delta (G)+1\ge{\textrm{v}}(F)+k$
, there are at least
vertices outside of
, which can be added to the copy of
on vertex set
to create a subgraph of
that is isomorphic to
. In particular, this means that
as a minor, a contradiction. All in all, we find that our initial assumption, namely regarding the existence of a smallest counterexample
to our claim, was wrong. This concludes the proof that all
-minor-free graphs are
It is a well-known fact and easy to prove by induction that for every
$a \in \mathbb{N}$
-degenerate graphs are
-choosable. Thus what we have proved also implies that every
-minor-free graph is
-choosable, as desired. All in all, it follows that
$f_\ell (H)={\textrm{v}}(H)-1$
, concluding the proof of the theorem.