Elements in Christian Doctrine offers a new library of creative and constructive short interventions in the vibrant field of systematic theology. The series builds on the legacy of Cambridge Studies in Christian Doctrine – one of the key theological monograph series of the nineties and noughties – and our vision is to make the vitality of Christian doctrine visible and widely available to fresh audiences, while also bringing the scriptures and traditions of Christianity into dialogue with pressing contemporary matters and issues in and beyond the global academy. Each Element will develop a new perspective on a traditional doctrinal topic, drawing on and speaking to interdisciplinary and/or contextual conversations. The individual Elements will engage with a wide range of disciplines across the arts and humanities (including – but not limited to – history, philosophy, literature, the visual and performing arts and cultural studies) even as it hosts cross-cultural, cross-contextual dialogues and helps to prove the vital importance of the humanities in shaping societal responses to urgent and perennial questions.
Editors: Rachel Muers (Professor of Divinity, University of Edinburgh) rachel.muers@ed.ac.uk; Ashley Cocksworth (Reader in Theology and Practice, University of Roehampton); & Simeon Zahl (Professor of Christian Theology, University of Cambridge)
If interested in contributing to the series please contact: rachel.muers@ed.ac.uk
Elements in this series
- Element
A Sense of the Divine
- Element
Life after Death after Marx