The trichopteran assemblage of the Late Eocene Bembridge Marls is revised. six species in five genera and four families are identified, with four species and two genera described as new: (Beraeidae: Beraeodes vectensis Cockerell, 1921 and B. anglicus Cockerell, 1921; Phryganeidae: Bembridgea insularia gen. sp. nov.; Polycentropodidae: ?Plectrocnemia incompleta Sukatsheva, sp. nov.; Philopotamidae: Wormaldia longaeva Sukatsheva, sp. nov.; incertae familiae: Paleodicella anomala Sukatsheva, gen. sp. nov.). The assemblage is unique in being absolutely dominated by the generally uncommon family Beraeidae, and particularly by the single species Beraeodes vectensis. Except for a representative of ubiquitous Phryganaeidae, all the caddis-flies recorded apparently had oxy- and psychrophilous larvae confined to springs and cold streams (or else mosses near water), thus indicating the absence of fresh lakes or slow running waters near the depositional water body.