This exploratory study aims to understand and improve the performance of Gambia Indigenous Livestock Multipliers’ Associations (GILMA – Fulladu and Saloum) as a way of enabling them to better respond to the challenges faced in fulfilling their institutional responsibilities. Using participatory institutional diagnosis, the GILMA members and experts were able to examine their associations and to stimulate collective reflection as a means of making the associations more efficient and effective. The findings of this diagnosis showed that functioning of both GILMAs was closely linked to the operations of their technical partners. This resulted to GILMAs which clearly lack defined vision and mission. Main issues to address include capacity development of GILMA's executive committee in terms of institutional management, group facilitation, participatory planning, effective strategies for partnership and ownership. Overall, this study developed pathways for revitalizing GILMAs into vibrant and self-sustaining indigenous ruminant livestock multipliers’ associations that can effectively carry out specific roles and responsibilities within the three-tier Open Nucleus Breeding Scheme of the International Trypanotolerance Centre.