Boiten (1996) used the Directed Facial Action task (a task
we developed in which participants follow instructions, based
on theory about how emotion is expressed in the face, to move
facial muscles deliberately to produce different facial
configurations) to investigate heart rate differences among
six emotional configurations. Boiten's findings closely
replicated ours (Levenson, Ekman, & Friesen, 1990) in terms
of heart rate change, self-reported emotion, and rated difficulty
during the configurations. Boiten concluded that differences
in difficulty were responsible for found differences in heart
rate; in contrast, we had concluded that heart rate findings
could not be explained in this manner. In this paper, we argue
that neither Boiten nor we did the critical analyses needed
to determine whether heart rate changes were mediated in this
way. Performing these analyses, we conclude that neither reported
difficulty nor two other potential mediators (time required
to make the facial configurations; activity of nonfacial muscles)
mediated the heart rate differences that we found between emotional
configurations in the Directed Facial Action task.