Previous studies have shown that indoleamine-accumulating cells
(IACs) in the rabbit retina consist of two main cell types:
S1 and S2 amacrine cells (Vaney, 1986; Sandell & Masland,
1986). Both cell types are wide-field GABA amacrine cells that
make reciprocal synaptic contacts with rod bipolar cell terminals
(Ehinger & Holmgren, 1979; Strettoi et al., 1990). We have
examined the coupling pattern of S1 and S2 amacrine cells after
the intracellular injection of Neurobiotin. Our results may
be summarized as follows: (1) S1 amacrine cells were extensively
coupled and their dendrites formed a network similar to but
less dense than the matrix stained with an antibody to serotonin.
(2) Morphological observations and cluster analysis, based on
a scattergram, showed that the vast majority of coupled cells
were S1 amacrine cells, accounting for approximately half of
the total IACs. The rest of the uncoupled IACs were S2 amacrine
cells. (3) Sometimes, two adjacent varicosities, one from an
injected S1 and one from a coupled S1, contacted a single rod
bipolar terminal. (4) S2 amacrine cells were also coupled but
much less than the S1s. (5) Rarely, crossover coupling between
S1 and S2 amacrine cells was observed. These results suggest
that the extensive coupling between S1 amacrine cells, combined
with a larger dendritic field, may contribute a wide-field
component to the inhibitory surround of the rod pathway. By
comparison, the smaller, weakly coupled S2 amacrine cells may
provide a local component.