Radiation transfer in low-density foam is influenced by the external
radiation field which impacts on the foam when the size of plasma created
in laboratory is not large to be opatical thick. The radiation transfers
of different photon groups are sensitive probes of the conditions of the
medium through which they propagate. The temporal behavior of photon
groups to which the plasma is optical thin is quite different from that of
photon groups to which the plasma is optical thick. The breakout times of
different photon groups through the foam are distinguishable different in
experiment when we measures them at the end of foam. The multi-group
supersonic radiation transfer behavior in low-density foam is studied both
by multi-group transfer numerical simulation and experiments. Two
characteristic photon groups are chosen to do experimental research on the
multi-group transfer behavior in low-density CH foam. A time-resolved
chromatic streaked X-ray spectrometer measure the breakout of the two
photon group from the far end of the foam cylinder. The distinguishable
transfer time delay between two groups is observed.