SPARC and SPARX are two different initiatives toward an Italian
Free Electron Laser (FEL) source
operating in the Self Amplified Spontaneous
Emission (SASE) mode, in which several national
research institutions are involved. SPARC is a high gain FEL project
devoted to provide a source of visible and VUV radiation while
exploiting the SASE mechanism. An advanced Photo-Injector system,
emittance compensating RF-gun plus a 150 MeV Linac, will inject a high
quality e-beam into the undulator to generate high brilliance FEL
radiation in the visible region at the fundamental wavelength,
(∼500 nm). The production of flat top drive laser beams, high peak
current bunches, and emittance compensation scheme will be investigated
together with the generation of higher harmonic radiation in the VUV
region. SPARX is the direct evolution of such a high gain SASE FEL
toward the 13.5 and 1.5 nm operating wavelengths, at 2.5 GeV. To get
the required value for the bunch peak current, Ipeak ≈
2.5 kA, the “hybrid” scheme, RF-compression stage plus
magnetic chicane, is analyzed and compared with the more standard
double stage of magnetic compression. The two options are reviewed
considering the tolerance to the drive laser pulse phase jitter.