Five generations of structures (F1–F5), excluding faults, can be recognised in granitoid and trondhjemitoid migmatites with quartzofeldspathic neosome development associated with F1–F4 structures. Areal variation in metamorphic grade is shown by the zonal development of muscovite-sillimanite, potassium feldspar-sillimanite and potassium feldspar-cordierite assemblages in the palaeosomes. The climactic metamorphism, associated with MS2–MP2 mineral growth, occurred at between 675°C, 4 kb and 825°C, 6·5 kb. These pressure-temperature conditions are consistent with at least some neosome development having resulted from partial melting. The occurrence of a relatively shallow metamorphic geotherm and the resultant products are assessed in relation to metamorphic conditions known from elsewhere in the Svecokarelides.