Homelessness includes a wide range of people, from those living on
the street (strictly homeless) to people living temporarily with
relatives or friends because they have lost their home. Programes
for the homeless should design strategies aimed at encouraging
insertion processes, thus considering the different dimensions
involved. Within this framework Caritas delivers an array of
assistance services for the homeless facing the stages of insertion.
In Spain there are 315 centres offering meals for 20 000 people,
most of them along with other services such as reception,
residential premises or day-care centres. Caritas is responsible for
42% of them. Overall, it is easier to get a lunch than any other
meal during the day, followed by dinner, while it is difficult to
get a breakfast.
Social dining rooms are valuable places for a first contact (first
stage of the insertion process) and even to start the second stage
(personal recovery).