Let $\mathcal{V}$ be a variety of associative algebras generated by an algebra with 1 over a field of characteristic zero. This paper is devoted to the classification of the varieties $\mathcal{V}$ that are minimal of polynomial growth (i.e., their sequence of codimensions grows like ${{n}^{k}}$, but any proper subvariety grows like ${{n}^{t}}$ with $t\,<\,k$). These varieties are the building blocks of general varieties of polynomial growth.
It turns out that for $k\,\le \,4$ there are only a finite number of varieties of polynomial growth ${{n}^{k}}$, but for each $k\,>\,4$, the number of minimal varieties is at least $\left| F \right|$, the cardinality of the base field, and we give a recipe for their construction.