Two different transcription termination control mechanisms,
the T box and S box systems, are used to regulate transcription
of many bacterial aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase, amino acid
biosynthesis, and amino acid transport genes. Both of these
regulatory mechanisms involve an untranslated mRNA leader region
capable of adopting alternate structural conformations that
result in transcription termination or transcription elongation
into the downstream region. Comparative analyses revealed a
small RNA secondary structural element, designated the GA motif,
that is highly conserved in both T box and S box leader sequences.
The motif consists of two short helices separated by an asymmetric
internal loop, with highly conserved GA dinucleotide sequences
on either side of the internal loop. Site-directed mutagenesis
of this motif in model T and S box leader sequences indicated
that it is essential for transcriptional regulation in both
systems. This motif is similar to the binding site of yeast
ribosomal protein L30, the Snu13p binding sites found in U4
snRNA and box C/D snoRNAs, and two elements in 23S rRNA.