We present a versatile method to generate asymmetric profiles and use it to create Gaussian-like, Cauchy-like, and Pseudo-Voigt-like profiles in terms of elementary functions. Furthermore, this method guarantees that the position and magnitude of the global maximum are independent of the asymmetry parameter, which substantially facilitates the convergence of an optimizer when fitting the peaks to real data. This investigation shows that the method developed here exhibits favorable practical properties and is particularly well suited for various applications where asymmetric peak profiles are observed. For example, in X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements, the use of asymmetric profiles is essential for obtaining accurate outcomes. This is because diffractometers can introduce asymmetry into the diffraction peaks due to factors such as axial divergence in the beam path. By taking this asymmetry into account during the modeling process, the resulting data obtained can be corrected for instrumental effects. The results of the study show that the evaluation of XRD using nearly defect-free LaB6 allows a precise characterization of the peak broadening caused by the diffractometer itself. Additional size-strain effects of ZnO are determined by considering the asymmetric peak profile of the diffractometer.