The title compound, ∣Na6Li1.6K0.4Cl2∣[Al6Si6O24]‐SOD, is similar to sodalite proper, but the introduction of Li and K into the structure creates a reduction in unit-cell volume and additional collapse of the framework tetrahedra. Refinement of an X-ray powder diffraction pattern of a multiphase material yielded for sodalite a lattice parameter of 0.88427 (2) nm, an Al–O–Si bond angle of 137.9(3°), and Al–O and Si–O bond lengths of 0.1730(5) nm and 0.1620(5) nm, respectively. The angle of the unique Al–O–Si bond corresponds well with the 138° obtained by 29Si solid-state magic-angle-spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. This characterization is important since the compound constitutes an essential part of a radioactive waste form intended for a high-level waste repository.