Pedigree and population viability analyses of a conservation herd of Moura breed from Embrapa Swine and Poultry were carried out. ENDOG software was used for pedigree analysis and VORTEX for population viability analysis. The data were obtained with the curator of the herd and a total of 411 animals born between the years of 1999 and 2011 for the analysis with ENDOG. The input data in VORTEX were obtained from a questionnaire answered by the curator of the herd. The Inbreeding Coefficient (F) was 0.06 percent, the average effective population size (Ne) was 30 animals with an average generation interval of 3.48 years. The extinction probability was 0 percent for a simulation period of 100 years and 3 percent for a period of 500 years. The determinant parameters for the viability of this herd were the entry of animals and prolificacy of the breed. Although the study did not indicate immediate risk of extinction of this herd, it should be constantly monitored with controlled population parameters to prevent the extinction of this last herd of Moura pig breed.