While response slowing on psychological tasks is
a symptom of both depression and Alzheimer's disease
(AD), the underlying mechanisms may be quite different:
a slowing of cognitive processing in AD and a motor retardation
in depression. This hypothesis was tested by examining
the rate at which participants performed a simple cognitive
operation: subvocal pronunciation. Participants were shown
words of between one and three syllables and were asked
to decide whether each word ended in a particular sound.
This task required participants to transform the written
word into its phonological representation, an operation
thought to involve subvocal pronunciation. Decision time
rose linearly with the number of syllables in all three
subject groups. The linear function of the AD patients
had a significantly greater slope, indicating a slower
rate of subvocal pronunciation, whereas the slope was the
same for the normal old and depressed. Both the depressed
and AD patients had a higher intercept than the normal
old, suggesting a sensorimotor slowing. After treatment,
the intercept of the linear function for depressed patients
fell, but there was no change in the slope. Thus, this
study suggests that AD produces a slowing in both cognitive
and motor processes, whereas depression results solely
in a motor retardation. (JINS, 1998, 4,