Six lines of laying chickens representing high-producing non-industrial lines chosen or produced with consideration for characters of production are being kept at the Agassiz Research Centre. The collection includes one Barred Plymouth Rock (Line 60), one Columbian Plymouth Rock, one Rhode Island Red (Line 50), and three White Leghorn lines (Blue, Black, and Burgundy). Before coming to the Agassiz Research Centre these pure lines were subjected to mild selection for egg production and their egg production approaches that of commercial hybrids. The lines are currently maintained as a genetic resource as live populations without selection and with populations large enough to minimize inbreeding. In addition, samples of DNA from these lines have been conserved for genetic studies, and samples of embryonic cells are being kept cryogenically to allow the possibility of reconstitution of the lines through the production of germline chimeras. Techniques of ovarian transplantation are being developed which will allow more efficient cryogenic conservation and recuperation of the genetic material into live populations.