Extracellular matrices associated with conidia and germ tubes of
Botrytis fabae (Sard.) sporelings grown on Vicia
faba L. leaves were clearly visualized by epi-fluorescence microscopy
following immunolabelling with the
monoclonal antibodies, BC-KH4 and BC-FD7-G9. These antibodies were
raised against surface washings of B. cinerea, are
directed against B. cinerea and B. fabae, and are
known to recognize carbohydrate epitopes on a
glycoprotein. Both BC-KH4 and BC-FD7-G9 also labelled matrix material
located at the surface of penetration
and infection hyphae inside the leaf tissue by epi-fluorescence microscopy.
Such matrix material was not visible by DIC microscopy.
Immunoelectron microscopy of B. fabae-infected leaf
tissue, prepared by progressive low-temperature
dehydration and embedding in acrylic resin, allowed further
investigation of the spatial distribution of the
antibody-binding sites. An abundance of BC-KH4 and BC-FD7-G9
antigenic sites were observed throughout the
fibrillar-like matrix material surrounding the germ tubes on the
leaf surface and the infection hyphae inside the
host cells. However, close examination of the V. faba–B.
interface inside the host tissue showed that this
fibrillar material extended some distance from the surface of
the infection hyphae and through the swollen
epidermal and mesophyll cell walls. Such fibrillar matrix material
is thought to be of fungal origin. The possible
role(s) of this matrix material in the infection process are discussed.
Double-immunolabelling studies using the BC-KH4 MAb and a
polyclonal antiserum directed against
oligosaccharides containing β-(1→3)-glucose were carried out
in order to localize and distinguish between the
fungal extracellular matrix material and translucent cell wall respectively.
This technique allowed a closer
examination of the interactions of the fungal matrix components with the
host walls and degenerate host
cytoplasm. Finally, inward curling of the leaf cuticle suggested that
mechanical pressure is involved in the penetration process.