Field studies were conducted to determine if mesotrione alone or in combinations with other corn herbicides would control horseweed and other winter annual weeds associated with no-till corn. Mesotrione alone controlled horseweed 52 to 80% by 3 wk after treatment (WAT); however, by 7 WAT control diminished to between 37 to 68%, depending on mesotrione rate. Mesotrione at 0.16 kg ai/ha plus atrazine at 0.28 kg ai/ha controlled 99% of horseweed and annual bluegrass and 88% of yellow woodsorrel. Combinations of mesotrione at 0.16 kg/ha plus acetochlor at 1.79 kg ai/ha plus 1.12 kg ai/ha glyphosate (trimethylsulfonium salt of glyphosate) or 0.7 kg ai/ha paraquat provided 93% or greater control of all three weed species. Glyphosate alone also controlled all weed species 97 to 99%, while paraquat alone provided 99% control of annual bluegrass, 72% control of horseweed, and 36% control of yellow woodsorrel. Mixtures of paraquat plus acetochlor improved control of horseweed (93%) and yellow woodsorrel (73%) over control with either herbicide applied alone.