X-ray powder diffraction data, unit-cell parameters, and space group for the holmium nitrate pentahydrate Ho(NO3)3•5H2O are reported [a = 6.642(8) Å, b = 9.55(2) Å, c = 10.56(2) Å, α = 63.672(1)°, β = 84.622(2)°, γ = 76.085(2)°, unit-cell volume V = 582,74 Å3, Z = 2, space group P-1]. Ho(NO3)3•5H2O is isostructural with ytrium nitrate pentahydrate (PDF 01-75-2104) (ICDD, 2011). All measured lines were indexed and are consistent with the P-1 space group. No detectable impurities were observed.