We examine spectral behavior of irreducible tuples that do not admit the boundary property.
In particular, we prove under some mild assumption that the spectral radius of such an
$\left( {{T}_{1}},\,.\,.\,.\,,\,{{T}_{m}} \right)$must be the operator norm of
$T_{1}^{*}\,{{T}_{1}}\,+\,.\,.\,.\,+\,T_{m}^{*}{{T}_{m}}$. We use this simple observation to ensure the boundary property for an irreducible, essentially normal, joint q-isometry, provided it is not a joint isometry. We further exhibit a family of reproducing Hilbert
$\mathbb{C}\left[ {{z}_{1}},\,.\,.\,.\,,{{z}_{m}} \right]$-modules (of which the Drury–Arveson Hilbert module is a prototype) with the property that any two nested unitarily equivalent submodules are indeed equal.