This study explored the relationship between multifaceted multilingualism and cognitive shifting through a task-switching paradigm using fMRI. Multilingualism was modeled from both convergent (i.e., integrated multilingual index) and divergent (i.e., L2 proficiency, interpreting training, language entropy) perspectives. Participants identified letters or numbers based on task cues, with Repeat trials maintaining the same task and Switch trials requiring a different task. Switch cost (Switch–Repeat) was used to reflect shifting demands. Better task-switching performance was associated with a higher integrated multilingual index and interpreting training. Neuroimaging indicated that multilinguals predominantly engaged left-hemisphere regions for switching, with extensive multilingual experience requiring fewer neural resources for switch cost (i.e., more efficient processing for cognitive control). During task switching, brain connectivity was regulated locally by L2 proficiency, and globally by interpreting training. These findings underscore the importance of considering multifaceted multilingual experience to understand its impact on cognitive function and brain activity.