Hybrid yoghurts combining dairy and plant-based derivatives present a novel approach to enhancing consumer acceptance of plant-based products, which is increasingly significant due to dietary trends and lactose intolerance. This study investigates the production of hybrid yoghurt blending cow's milk (CM) with soy (C:S) and oat (C:O) drinks in various ratios (90%, 70%, and 50% cow's milk), assessing their acceptability and quality. Notably, the C:S (70:30) and C:O (70:30) ratios resulted improved viscosity over time, although still less than CM. The hybrid yoghurts exhibited a favourable pH gradient, enhancing the acidic environment critical for flavour. Sensory analysis revealed that C:O (70:30) offered more favourable attributes on the just-about-right scale, scoring overall 6.86/10. Importantly, microbial analysis confirmed the safety of all hybrid products for consumption, with no harmful microorganisms detected.