The generation of floor plan layouts has been extensively studied in recent years, driven by the need for efficient and functional architectural designs. Despite significant advancements, existing methods often face limitations when dealing with specific input adjacency graphs or room shapes and boundary layouts. When adjacency graphs contain separating triangles, the floor plan must include rectilinear rooms (non-rectangular rooms with concave corners). From a design perspective, minimizing corners or bends in rooms is crucial for functionality and aesthetics. In this article, we present a Python-based application called G-Drawer for automatically generating floor plans with a minimum number of bends. G-Drawer takes any plane triangulated graph as an input and outputs a floor plan layout with minimum bends. It prioritizes generating a rectangular floor plan (RFP); if an RFP is not feasible, it then generates an orthogonal floor plan or an irregular floor plan. G-Drawer modifies orthogonal drawing techniques based on flow networks and applies them on the dual graph of a given PTG to generate the required floor plans. The results of this article demonstrate the efficacy of G-Drawer in creating efficient floor plans. However, in future, we need to work on generating multiple dimensioned floor plans having non-rectangular rooms as well as non-rectangular boundary. These enhancements will address both mathematical and architectural challenges, advancing the automated generation of floor plans toward more practical and versatile applications.