The Fragile X mental retardation gene (FMR1) contains
a polymorphic trinucleotide CGG repeat in the 5′ untranslated
region (UTR) of the FMR1 messenger. We have characterized
three lymphoblastoid cell lines derived from unrelated male
carriers of a premutation that overexpress FMR1 mRNA
and show reduced FMRP level compared to normal cells. The analysis
of polysomes/mRNPs distribution of mRNA in the cell lines with
a premutation shows that the polysomal association of FMR1
mRNA, which is high in normal cells, becomes progressively lower
with increasing CGG repeat expansion. In addition, we could
detect a very low level of FMR1 mRNA in a lymphoblastoid
cell line from a patient with a full mutation. In this case,
FMR1 mRNA is not at all associated with polysomes,
in agreement with the complete absence of FMRP. The impairment
of FMR1 mRNA translation in patients with the Fragile
X syndrome with FMR1 premutation is the cause of the
lower FMRP levels that leads to the clinical involvement.