A significant proportion of the forested production area in South Carolina is managed using aerial applications of imazapyr. Cotton injury from off-target movement of imazapyr has been observed in South Carolina. Field experiments were conducted twice at the Edisto Research and Education Center (EREC) in 2021 and 2022, and once at the Pee Dee Research and Education Center (PDREC) in 2022, to evaluate the response of cotton at two growth stages to imazapyr at 0.1×, 0.05×, 0.025×, 0.0125×, and 0.00625× of the normal use rate of 0.84 kg ae ha−1. Injury to cotton at the vegetative stage was 86% and 74% at 0.1× and 0.05× imazapyr rates 28 d after application (DAA). Cotton height ranged from 23 to 93 cm at all three locations. Yield at the EREC location in 2021 was reduced by 79%, 48%, and 31% at the 0.1×, 0.05×, and 0.025× rates of imazapyr, respectively. Similar reductions from imazapyr were observed at both EREC and PDREC in 2022. Injury to cotton at the reproductive stage based on visual estimates at 28 DAA ranged from 95% to 64% for the 0.1× to 0.0125× rates, respectively. Cotton height at the reproductive stage was reduced to 59% of the untreated control 28 DAA when the 0.1× rate of imazapyr was applied. Seed cotton (which included both seed and lint) yield ranged from 0 to 2,880 kg ha−1 at the three locations in both years. Seed cotton yield was lowest when imazapyr was applied at the 0.1× to 0.025× rates. Cotton exposure to imazapyr at the vegetative and reproductive growth stages resulted in plant injury, height, and yield reductions, especially at the higher rates of imazapyr. The greatest reduction in cotton growth and yield was observed after exposure at the reproductive growth stage regardless of imazapyr rate. In summary, the magnitude of cotton response to imazapyr depends on crop growth stage and imazapyr concentration at the time of exposure with the greatest impact occurring at the reproductive growth stage.