Haloalkane dehalogenase (DhlA) hydrolyzes short-chain
haloalkanes to produce the corresponding alcohols and halide
ions. Release of the halide ion from the active-site cavity
can proceed via a two-step and a three-step route, which
both contain slow enzyme isomerization steps. Thermodynamic
analysis of bromide binding and release showed that the
slow unimolecular isomerization steps in the three-step
bromide export route have considerably larger transition
state enthalpies and entropies than those in the other
route. This suggests that the three-step route involves
different and perhaps larger conformational changes than
the two-step export route. We propose that the three-step
halide export route starts with conformational changes
that result in a more open configuration of the active
site from which the halide ion can readily escape. In addition,
we suggest that the two-step route for halide release involves
the transfer of the halide ion from the halide-binding
site in the cavity to a binding site somewhere at the protein
surface, where a so-called collision complex is formed
in which the halide ion is only weakly bound. No large
structural rearrangements are necessary for this latter