Emergency treatment of pulmonary contaminations by transuranium elements. A new galenic form of Na3CaDTPA.The emergency treatment of pulmonary contamination by plutonium and transuranium elements needs the early use of a chelator, the Na3CaDTPA under monocalcic trisodic form. The local administration ofthe active principle is carried out by an appliance, the Spinhaler$^{\circledR}$
, which delivers theactive principle under micronised form without any propelled gas. The French Military Health Service isthe manufacturer which produces this treatment and has studied a modification of the galenic form ofNa3CaDTPA to improve the intrapulmonary distribution. This treatment, without any secondary effect, isproposed even for a presumed pulmonary contamination. Its easy use allows an early administration for alarge number of people supposed to be contaminated. However, it cannot take the place of the other formsof treatment, especially intraveinous, which needs a medical prescription in case of an establishedcontamination.