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  • Cited by 29
  • Volume 1: 1590–1820
  • Edited by Sacvan Bercovitch, Harvard University, Massachusetts
Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
March 2008
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Volume I of The Cambridge History of American Literature was originally published in 1997, and covers the colonial and early national periods and discusses the work of a diverse assemblage of authors, from Renaissance explorers and Puritan theocrats to Revolutionary pamphleteers and poets and novelists of the new republic. Addressing those characteristics that render the texts distinctively American while placing the literature in an international perspective, the contributors offer a compelling new evaluation of both the literary importance of early American history and the historical value of early American literature.


'… this is, without doubt and without any serious rival, the scholarly history for our generation.'Journal of American Studies

‘… vast and eminently readable survey of twentieth century American literature …’.Use of English

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