Book contents
- Frontmatter
- Dedication
- Contents
- Abbreviations
- Introduction
- The Cartulary
- Appendix I. The Charter of Edward the Confessor
- Appendix II. Count Robert of Mortain's Grant of The Manors of Ludgvan and Truthwall to The Abbey of Mont St. Michel
- Appendix III. List of The Priors of St. Michael's Mount Before 1266
- Index I: Persons and Places
- Index II: Subjects
- Frontmatter
- Dedication
- Contents
- Abbreviations
- Introduction
- The Cartulary
- Appendix I. The Charter of Edward the Confessor
- Appendix II. Count Robert of Mortain's Grant of The Manors of Ludgvan and Truthwall to The Abbey of Mont St. Michel
- Appendix III. List of The Priors of St. Michael's Mount Before 1266
- Index I: Persons and Places
- Index II: Subjects
l. Grant by Robert, count of Mortain, to the monks ofMont St. Mieiel in Normandy, of St. Michael's Mountin Cornwall with half a hide of land, a weeklymarket on Thurdays, and three acres of land in theMeneage: Traboe, Lesneage in St. Keverne, Tregevisand Carvallack in St. Martin in Meneage, with theconsent of King William and Queen Matilda and theirsons Count Robert, William Rufus, and Henry, sofreely that the monks shall be free from the King'siustice in all matters except homicide.
Datn: c.1070 [see Introduction, xiii-xvi. Foridentification of the place-names, see Henderson,EAC i, 265, also JRIC, new series, iii, pt. 2(1958), 270-2.] MS. : Catulary,
De dono Roberti comitis Moretonij.
Incipit register’ cartarum prioratus montis sarctiMichaelis de Cornubia st primo carte prime defundacione eiusdem prioratus.
S. Robertia. In nomine sancte et indiuiduc trinitatisPatris ct filij et spiritus sancti amen. EgoRobertus dei gracia Mortonij comes igne diuiniamoris succensus notifico omnibus sancte matrisecclesie filiis habens in bello sancti Michaelisvexillum quonian pro anime mee salute atque animemee coniugis seu pro salute prosperitateincolumitate Willelmi gloriosissimi regis atque proadipiscendo vite eterne premio do et concdo monternsancti Michaelis de Cornubia deo et monachisecclesie sancti Michaelis de periculo marisseruientibus cum dimidia terre hijda ita solam etquietam ac liberam vt ego tenebam ab omnibusconsuetudinibus querelis et placitis. Et constituoeciam vt ipsi monachi concedente domino meo Willelmorege marcatum ibidem die quinte ferie habeant.Postea autem vt certissime comperi beati Michaelismeritis monachorumque suffragijs, michi a deo expropria coniuge mea filio concesso auxi donum ipsibeato milicie celestis principi dcdi et dono inManech tres acras terre Traaraboth videlicetLimanech Trequauers Carmelel annuntiante piissimo acdomino meo Willelmo rege Matilde regina atquenobilibus illorum filiis Roberto comite WillelmoRufo Henrico adhuc puero ita quietam ac liberam deomnibus placitis querelis atque forefactis vt denulla re regis justicie monachi respondebunt nisi desolo homicidio. Hanc autem donacionem feci egoRobertus comes Moretonij quam concesserunt gloriosusrex Anglorun Willelmus atque regina et filij eorumsub testimonio istorum. Signum Willelmi regist. s.Matildis regine. s. Roberti comitist. s. WillelmiRufi filij regist. s. Henrici pueri. s. Roberticomitis Moretonij. s. Matildis comitisse. s.Willelmi filii eorum. s. Willelmi filij Osberni. s.Rogeri de Monte Gomeri. s. Tursteni vicecomitis. s.Varini. s. Ricardi Turulfi filij.
- Type
- Chapter
- Information
- The Cartulary of St Michael's Mount , pp. 1 - 60Publisher: Boydell & BrewerPrint publication year: 1962