1Map after Otto von Neurath, Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft (Leipzig: Bibliografisches Institut, 1931).
2Map of Paneuropa, designed according to plans by Count Coudenhove-Kalergi, in Paneuropa, 1 (1923).
3‘Anniversary of the War’s Origin’, New York Times, 27 June 1915.
4Edouard Manet, The Execution of Maximilian (1867–8). National Gallery, NG3294.
5Count Harry Kessler with a periscope on the eastern front. Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach, HKN.
6Panorama of Chateau Wielttje, western front. Lt. von Veltheim. Feld – Luft. Abtlg. 1. 30. October 1915. Veltheim Archive, Ostrau. Depositum Veltheim at the Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt, Halle (Saale).
7Frontispiece of Harry Graf Kessler (ed.), Krieg und Zusammenbruch 1914–1918: aus Feldpostbriefen (Weimar: Cranachpresse, 1921). Image courtesy of Sabine Carbon.
8Hermann Keyserling with Rabindranath Tagore and Goedela Keyserling (b. Bismarck). HKN, ULB Darmstadt.
9Opening session of Paneuropa Congress in Vienna, 1926. Photograph by Fritz Cesanek. Published in Österreichische Illistrierte Zeitung, 36:41 (10 October 1926), 1080.
10Soviet models for Paneuropa. Newspaper Upakovshchik [‘The Packer’]. In RNCK, Photo archive.
11Coudenhove with Robert Schuman in 1956. IMAGNO/Austrian archives.
14‘Herrenhäuser’, from Simplicissimus 16, 17 July 1911, 267. The caption reads: ‘Let them cremate you, papa, then you won’t have to keep turning so much later on.’
15‘Not a penny for the princes!’ Election poster from Germany, 1926. ‘Den Fürsten keinen Pfennig! Sie haben genug! -rettet dem Volk 2 Milliarden Den Notleidenden soll es zugute kommen!’ [Not a penny for the Princes! They have enough! – save 2 billion for the people/It should benefit those in need!] Election propaganda car (1926); Aktuelle-Bilder-Centrale, Georg Pahl. Source: Bundesarchiv, Image 102–00685.
16Veltheim’s exlibris, designed by Gustav Schroeter (1918), in Hans-Hasso von Veltheim Archive, Ostrau. Depositum Veltheim at the Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt, Halle (Saale).
17Hans-Hasso von Veltheim and Jiddu Krishnamurti at the sun terrace in Ostrau (April 1931). Image courtesy of John Palatini/Schloss Ostrau e.V.
18‘Completed and restored’, plaque on the castle of Hans-Hasso von Veltheim (‘Completed and restored, 1929’), Ostrau, near Halle, Germany, photograph Andreas Vlachos.
19Juan G. Olmedilla, ‘Antiguo hidalgo de Estonia, hoy es el conde de Keyserling un errabundo descubridor de reinos espirituales …’, in: Cronica, 11 May (1930), 2.
20‘Enemies of the state in each other’s company’, in: Die Brennessel, 5:36 (10 September 1935). BA R 43 II 1554–5, pp. 61ff.
21K. Merilaid (Schnell), caricature on the Tallinn case concerning the plundering of baronial estates. From Reinuvarder (1906), in I.P. Solomykova, Estonskaia demokraticheskaia grafika perioda revoliutsii 1905–1907 godov (Tallin: Estonskoe gosudarstvennoe izdatel’stvo, 1955), 145.
22Unknown Russian artist, caricature in the Petersburg-based Estonian revolutionary magazine Zalp (1906), ed. Yukhan Lilienbach, in Solomykova, Estonskaia demokraticheskaia grafika, 115.
23Baron Üxküll von Gildenband to Baron von Taube, 31 May 1931, in Mikhail von Taube papers, Bakhmeteff Archive, Columbia University Special Collections.
24‘Map of Europe’s Cultural and Historical Development’, in M. Clauss (ed.) Signal, 11, 1944. From Facsimile Querschnitte durch Zeitungen und Zeitschriften, 14 (Munich, Bern, Vienna: Scherz, 1969).
25Boris von Anrep, Clio, from his National Gallery mosaic (1928–32). © The National Gallery, London. Reproduced by kind permission of the estate of Boris Anrep.
26Boris von Anrep, ‘Here I lie’. Fragment from his National Gallery mosaic (1952). © The National Gallery, London. Reproduced by kind permission of the Estate of Boris Anrep.
27Vanessa Bell, The Memoir Club (ca. 1943). © estate of Vanessa Bell. Reproduced by kind permission of Henrietta Garnett.