Book contents
- Frontmatter
- CAPUT I The Cosmographie of Virginia; latitude and bounds; extention upon a right lyne; first division—the quality of the mountaynes, and description of the high land; subdivided; her temperature, wynds, soyle, valies, plaines, marishes, etc.
- CAPUT II Description of the five principall rivers within the Chesapeak Bay, together with such by-streames which fall into them; a description of the Sasquesahanougs of Cape La Warre; the falling with our coast; the fitness of Cape Comfort to fortefie at
- CAPUT III Of the begynning and originall of the people; the great King Powhatan, his description, and sale of his birthright to the English
- CAPUT IV A catalogue of the severall weroances' names, with the name of the particuler province wherein they govern, togither with what forces for the present they are able to furnish their great king, Powhatan, in his warrs
- CAPUT V A true description of the people, of their cullour, attire, ornaments, constitutions, dispositions, etc.
- CAPUT VI The manner of the Virginian government, their townes, their howses, dyett, fowling, and hunting, their gaining, musique, dauncing
- CAPUT VII Of the religion amongst the inhabitants,—their god, their temples, their opinion of the creation of the world, and of the immortalitie of the sowle, of their conjurations and sacrificing of children
- CAPUT VIII Their manner of warrs, and consultations thereabout; of certain prophesies amongst them; of Powhatan's auncient enemies, and how they maie be wrought into league with us, and turned against him, whereby we maie bring him likewise to be in freindship with us; of their bowes, arrowes, and swordes, targetts, drumes; of their phisick and chirurgery
- CAPUT IX Of their æconomick or howshold affaires; how they obteyne their wives; the women's works; and wherefore they contend for rnanie wives
- CAPUT X Of the commodities of the country,—fruicts, trees, beasts, fowle, fish, perle, copper, and mines
- Index
- Plate section
CAPUT VIII - Their manner of warrs, and consultations thereabout; of certain prophesies amongst them; of Powhatan's auncient enemies, and how they maie be wrought into league with us, and turned against him, whereby we maie bring him likewise to be in freindship with us; of their bowes, arrowes, and swordes, targetts, drumes; of their phisick and chirurgery
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 05 August 2011
- Frontmatter
- CAPUT I The Cosmographie of Virginia; latitude and bounds; extention upon a right lyne; first division—the quality of the mountaynes, and description of the high land; subdivided; her temperature, wynds, soyle, valies, plaines, marishes, etc.
- CAPUT II Description of the five principall rivers within the Chesapeak Bay, together with such by-streames which fall into them; a description of the Sasquesahanougs of Cape La Warre; the falling with our coast; the fitness of Cape Comfort to fortefie at
- CAPUT III Of the begynning and originall of the people; the great King Powhatan, his description, and sale of his birthright to the English
- CAPUT IV A catalogue of the severall weroances' names, with the name of the particuler province wherein they govern, togither with what forces for the present they are able to furnish their great king, Powhatan, in his warrs
- CAPUT V A true description of the people, of their cullour, attire, ornaments, constitutions, dispositions, etc.
- CAPUT VI The manner of the Virginian government, their townes, their howses, dyett, fowling, and hunting, their gaining, musique, dauncing
- CAPUT VII Of the religion amongst the inhabitants,—their god, their temples, their opinion of the creation of the world, and of the immortalitie of the sowle, of their conjurations and sacrificing of children
- CAPUT VIII Their manner of warrs, and consultations thereabout; of certain prophesies amongst them; of Powhatan's auncient enemies, and how they maie be wrought into league with us, and turned against him, whereby we maie bring him likewise to be in freindship with us; of their bowes, arrowes, and swordes, targetts, drumes; of their phisick and chirurgery
- CAPUT IX Of their æconomick or howshold affaires; how they obteyne their wives; the women's works; and wherefore they contend for rnanie wives
- CAPUT X Of the commodities of the country,—fruicts, trees, beasts, fowle, fish, perle, copper, and mines
- Index
- Plate section
When they intend any warrs, the weroances usually advise with their priests or conjurers, their allies and best trusted chauncellors and freinds; but comonly the priests have the resulting voice, and determyne therefore their resolutions. Eyther a weroance or some lustie fellowe is appointed captaine over a nation or regiment to be led forth; and when they would presse a number of soldiers to be ready by a day, an officer is dispacht awaye, who comyng into the townes, or otherwise meeting such whome he hath order to warne, to strike them over the back a sound blow with a bastinado, and bidds them be ready to serve the great king, and tells them the randevous, from whence they dare not at any tyme appointed be absent. They seldome make warrs for lands or goods, but for women and children, and principally for revenge, so vindicative and jealous they be to be made a dirision of, and to be insulted upon by an enemy.
There be at this tyme certayne prophesies afoot amongst the people enhabiting about us, of which Powhatan ysnot meanly jealous and careful to divert the construction and danger which his priests contynually put him in feare of. [It is] not long since that his priests told him how that from the Chesapeack Bay a nation should arise which should dissolve and give end to his empire, for which, not many yeares since (perplext with this divelish oracle, and divers understanding thereof), according to the ancyent and gentile customs, he destroyed and put to sword all such who might lye under any doubtful construccion of the said prophesie, as all the inhabitants, the weroance and his subjects of that province, and so remaine all the Chessiopeians at this daye, and for this cause, extinct.
- Type
- Chapter
- Information
- Historie of Travaile into Virginia Britannia; Expressing the Cosmographie and Comodities of the Country, Together with the Manners and Customes of the PeopleAs Collected by William Strachey, Gent., the First Secretary of the Colony, pp. 100 - 109Publisher: Cambridge University PressPrint publication year: 2010First published in: 1849