Book contents
- Frontmatter
- Contents
- THE SIXTH VOLUME OF THE Principall Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
- The voyage of M. John Eldred to Tripolis in Syria by sea, and from thence by land and river to Babylon, and Balsara, Anno 1583
- The money, weights, measures, and customes used in Babylon, Balsara, Ormuz, Goa, Cochin, and Malacca: written from Alepo in Syria, by M. William Barret, Anno 1584
- The charge of a journey, by land and river, from Alepo in Syria to Goa in the East India
- A declaration of all the places from whence each particular commoditie of the East Indies commeth
- The times or seasonable windes called Monsons, wherein the ships depart from place to place in the East Indies
- A description of the Isle of S. Helena frequented by the Portugales in their returne from the East India
- The voyage of M. John Evesham by sea into Ægypt, Anno 1586
- The voyage of M. Laurence Aldersey to the cities of Alexandria and Cairo in Aegypt, Anno 1586
- The voyage of five marchants ships of London into Turkie: and their valiant fight in their returne with 11 gallies and two frigats of the king of Spaine
- The voyage of Master William Hareborne over-land from Constantinople to London, Anno 1588
- A Priviledge granted by Peter Prince of Moldavia, to the English merchants, Anno 1588
- A briefe extract specifying the certaine dayly payments answered quarterly in time of peace
- The chiefe officers of the great Turkes Empire; the number of souldiers attending upon each of his Beglerbegs
- The letters of Sinan Bassa chiefe counsellor to Sultan Murad Can the Grand Signor, An. 1590
- The second letters patents granted by the Queenes Majestie, to the right wor. company of the English merchants for the Levant, in the yere of our Lord 1592
- A description of a voyage to Constantinople and Syria begun the 21 of March, 1593, and ended the ninth of August 1595
- A letter written by the most high and mighty Empresse the wife of the Grand Signor Sultan Murad Can to her most sacred Majesty of England, Anno 1594
- The voyage of Macham the first discoverer of the Isle of Madera, in the yeere 1344
- A Note concerning the ayde and assistance given to king John the first of Portugale, by certaine English merchants, for the winning of Ceut in Barbary, Anno 1415
- The Ambassage of John the second, king of Portugale to Edward the 4 king of England
- A briefe note concerning an ancient trade of English marchants to the Canarie Isles, Anno 1526
- A description of the Canarie Islands, with their strange fruits and commodities
- The first voyage to Barbary, Anno 1551
- The second voyage to Barbary, Anno 1552
- The voyage of M. Thomas Windam to Guinea and the kingdom of Benin, Anno 1553
- The voyage of M. John Lok to Guinea, Anno 1554
- The first voyage of Master William Towrson marchant of London to Guinea, in the yeere of our Lord, 1555
- The second voyage of M. William Towrson to Guinea and the castle of Mina. An. 1556
- The third voyage of the sayd M. William Towrson to the coast of Guinea and the river of Sestos, Anno 1557
- The commodities and wares that are most desired in Guinea, betwixt Sierra Leona, and the furthest place of the Mina
- Certaine articles of remembrance delivered to M. John Lok, touching a voyage to Guinea, Anno 1561
- A letter of M. John Lok to the worshipfull company of marchants adventurers of Guinea, Anno 1561
- The relation of one William Rutter concerning a voyage set out to Guinea, Anno 1562. Described also in verse by Robert Baker
- A meeting at Sir William Gerards house for the setting foorth of a voyage to Guinea, with the Minion of the Queenes
- A relation of the successe of the same voyage, taken out of a voyage of Sir John Haukins to the West Indies
- The voyage of M. George Fenner to Guinea and to the Isles of Capo Verde, An. 1566
- The voyage and ambassage of Master Edmund Hogan to the Emperour of Marocco, Anno 1577
- The voyage of Thomas Stukeley into Barbary, 1578
- Certaine reports of the mighty kingdome of China delivered by Portugales which were there imprisoned
- A discourse of the Isle of Japan, and of other Isles in the East Ocean, &c
- An excellent description of the kingdome of China, and of the estate and governement thereof
- The voyage of Thomas Stevens about the Cape of Buona Esperanza unto Goa in the East India, Anno 1579
- A briefe relation of the great magnificence and rich trafficke of the kingdom of Pegu, beyond the East India
- The memorable voyage of M. James Lancaster about the Cape of Buona Esperanza, along the Easterne coast of Africa, beyond Cape Comori
- Certaine remembrances of a voyage intended to Brasil, and to the river of Plate, but miserably overthrowen neere Rio grande in Guinea, in the yeere 1583
- The escape of the Primrose, a ship of London, from before the towne of Bilbao in Biscay, and the taking of the Corrigidor, Anno 1585
- The king of Spaines Commission for the generall imbargment or arrest of the English &c. Anno 1585
- The Letters patents granted by her Majestie to certaine noblemen and merchants of London, for a trade to Barbary, Anno 1585
- The voyage and ambassage of Master Henry Roberts to Mully Hamet Emperour of Marocco, Anno 1585
- An edict from the Emperour of Marocco in favour of all Englishmen trading throughout his dominions, Anno 1587
- A letter of the sayd emperour written to the Erle of Leicester, in the yeare 1587
- A letter of the Queenes Majestie written to the emperour of Marocco, in the yere 1587
- The voyage made by two of sir Walter Raleghs Pinasses called The Serpent and The Mary Spark of Plimouth to the Azores
- The voyage of Sir Francis Drake to Cadiz, and the memorable exploits and services performed
- A patent graunted to certaine merchants of Exceter, and others of the West parts, and of London, for a trade to the rivers of Senega and Gambra in Guinea, Anno 1588
- A voyage to Benin beyond the countrey of Guinea made by Master James Welsh, who set foorth in the yeere 1588
- A relation concerning a voyage set foorth by M. John Newton, and M. John Bird, merchants of London, to the kingdome and citie of Benin, written by Antony Ingram, An. 1588
- The second voyage made by M. James Welsh to Benin in Africa, An. 1590
- An advertisement to king Philip the 2. of Spaine, from Angola, touching the state of the same countrey, An. 1591
A description of the Isle of S. Helena frequented by the Portugales in their returne from the East India
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 05 November 2014
- Frontmatter
- Contents
- THE SIXTH VOLUME OF THE Principall Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
- The voyage of M. John Eldred to Tripolis in Syria by sea, and from thence by land and river to Babylon, and Balsara, Anno 1583
- The money, weights, measures, and customes used in Babylon, Balsara, Ormuz, Goa, Cochin, and Malacca: written from Alepo in Syria, by M. William Barret, Anno 1584
- The charge of a journey, by land and river, from Alepo in Syria to Goa in the East India
- A declaration of all the places from whence each particular commoditie of the East Indies commeth
- The times or seasonable windes called Monsons, wherein the ships depart from place to place in the East Indies
- A description of the Isle of S. Helena frequented by the Portugales in their returne from the East India
- The voyage of M. John Evesham by sea into Ægypt, Anno 1586
- The voyage of M. Laurence Aldersey to the cities of Alexandria and Cairo in Aegypt, Anno 1586
- The voyage of five marchants ships of London into Turkie: and their valiant fight in their returne with 11 gallies and two frigats of the king of Spaine
- The voyage of Master William Hareborne over-land from Constantinople to London, Anno 1588
- A Priviledge granted by Peter Prince of Moldavia, to the English merchants, Anno 1588
- A briefe extract specifying the certaine dayly payments answered quarterly in time of peace
- The chiefe officers of the great Turkes Empire; the number of souldiers attending upon each of his Beglerbegs
- The letters of Sinan Bassa chiefe counsellor to Sultan Murad Can the Grand Signor, An. 1590
- The second letters patents granted by the Queenes Majestie, to the right wor. company of the English merchants for the Levant, in the yere of our Lord 1592
- A description of a voyage to Constantinople and Syria begun the 21 of March, 1593, and ended the ninth of August 1595
- A letter written by the most high and mighty Empresse the wife of the Grand Signor Sultan Murad Can to her most sacred Majesty of England, Anno 1594
- The voyage of Macham the first discoverer of the Isle of Madera, in the yeere 1344
- A Note concerning the ayde and assistance given to king John the first of Portugale, by certaine English merchants, for the winning of Ceut in Barbary, Anno 1415
- The Ambassage of John the second, king of Portugale to Edward the 4 king of England
- A briefe note concerning an ancient trade of English marchants to the Canarie Isles, Anno 1526
- A description of the Canarie Islands, with their strange fruits and commodities
- The first voyage to Barbary, Anno 1551
- The second voyage to Barbary, Anno 1552
- The voyage of M. Thomas Windam to Guinea and the kingdom of Benin, Anno 1553
- The voyage of M. John Lok to Guinea, Anno 1554
- The first voyage of Master William Towrson marchant of London to Guinea, in the yeere of our Lord, 1555
- The second voyage of M. William Towrson to Guinea and the castle of Mina. An. 1556
- The third voyage of the sayd M. William Towrson to the coast of Guinea and the river of Sestos, Anno 1557
- The commodities and wares that are most desired in Guinea, betwixt Sierra Leona, and the furthest place of the Mina
- Certaine articles of remembrance delivered to M. John Lok, touching a voyage to Guinea, Anno 1561
- A letter of M. John Lok to the worshipfull company of marchants adventurers of Guinea, Anno 1561
- The relation of one William Rutter concerning a voyage set out to Guinea, Anno 1562. Described also in verse by Robert Baker
- A meeting at Sir William Gerards house for the setting foorth of a voyage to Guinea, with the Minion of the Queenes
- A relation of the successe of the same voyage, taken out of a voyage of Sir John Haukins to the West Indies
- The voyage of M. George Fenner to Guinea and to the Isles of Capo Verde, An. 1566
- The voyage and ambassage of Master Edmund Hogan to the Emperour of Marocco, Anno 1577
- The voyage of Thomas Stukeley into Barbary, 1578
- Certaine reports of the mighty kingdome of China delivered by Portugales which were there imprisoned
- A discourse of the Isle of Japan, and of other Isles in the East Ocean, &c
- An excellent description of the kingdome of China, and of the estate and governement thereof
- The voyage of Thomas Stevens about the Cape of Buona Esperanza unto Goa in the East India, Anno 1579
- A briefe relation of the great magnificence and rich trafficke of the kingdom of Pegu, beyond the East India
- The memorable voyage of M. James Lancaster about the Cape of Buona Esperanza, along the Easterne coast of Africa, beyond Cape Comori
- Certaine remembrances of a voyage intended to Brasil, and to the river of Plate, but miserably overthrowen neere Rio grande in Guinea, in the yeere 1583
- The escape of the Primrose, a ship of London, from before the towne of Bilbao in Biscay, and the taking of the Corrigidor, Anno 1585
- The king of Spaines Commission for the generall imbargment or arrest of the English &c. Anno 1585
- The Letters patents granted by her Majestie to certaine noblemen and merchants of London, for a trade to Barbary, Anno 1585
- The voyage and ambassage of Master Henry Roberts to Mully Hamet Emperour of Marocco, Anno 1585
- An edict from the Emperour of Marocco in favour of all Englishmen trading throughout his dominions, Anno 1587
- A letter of the sayd emperour written to the Erle of Leicester, in the yeare 1587
- A letter of the Queenes Majestie written to the emperour of Marocco, in the yere 1587
- The voyage made by two of sir Walter Raleghs Pinasses called The Serpent and The Mary Spark of Plimouth to the Azores
- The voyage of Sir Francis Drake to Cadiz, and the memorable exploits and services performed
- A patent graunted to certaine merchants of Exceter, and others of the West parts, and of London, for a trade to the rivers of Senega and Gambra in Guinea, Anno 1588
- A voyage to Benin beyond the countrey of Guinea made by Master James Welsh, who set foorth in the yeere 1588
- A relation concerning a voyage set foorth by M. John Newton, and M. John Bird, merchants of London, to the kingdome and citie of Benin, written by Antony Ingram, An. 1588
- The second voyage made by M. James Welsh to Benin in Africa, An. 1590
- An advertisement to king Philip the 2. of Spaine, from Angola, touching the state of the same countrey, An. 1591

- Type
- Chapter
- Information
- Publisher: Cambridge University PressPrint publication year: 2014