Book contents
- Frontmatter
- Contents
- THE SEVENTH VOLUME OF THE Principall Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
- The voyage of the Right honourable the Earle of Cumberland to the Azores, in the yeere 1589
- A fight performed by ten marchants ships of London against 12 Spanish gallies, in the Streit of Gibraltar. An. 1590
- The valiant fight performed in the Streit of Gibraltar by the Centurion of London, against five Spanish gallies, An. 1591
- A true report of the fight about the Isles of the Azores
- A particular note of the West Indian fleete expected to have arrived in Spaine
- A voyage of certaine ships of London to the coast of Spaine, and the Azores, An. 1591
- A large testimony of John Huighen van Linschoten concerning the worthy exploits atchieved by the right hon. the erle of Cumberland, by Sir Martin Frobisher
- A relation concerning the estate of the Island and Castle of Arguin
- The voyage of Richard Rainolds and Thomas Dassell to the rivers of Senega and Gambra, neere the coast of Guinea, Anno 1591
- Two briefe relations concerning the Cities and Provinces of Tombuto and Gago
- A briefe extract of a patent granted to M. Thomas Gregory of Tanton
- The taking of two Spanish ships laden with quicksilver and with the Popes Bulles
- The taking of the mightie and rich Carak called The Madre de Dios
- The firing and sinking of the stout and warlike Carak called The Cinquo Chaguas
- A report of the casting away of the Tobie, a ship of London
- The letters of the Queens Majestie sent by Laurence Aldersey unto the Emperour of Ethiopia, Anno 1597
- The most ancient voyage and discovery of the West Indies performed by Madoc the sonne of Owen Guined prince of North Wales
- The verses of Meredith the sonne of Rhesus making mention of Madoc the sonne of Owen Guined, and of his Navigation unto unknowen lands
- The offer of the discovery of the West Indies
- Another testimony concerning the foresaid offer made by Bartholomew Columbus to K. Henry the seventh, on the behalfe of his brother Christopher Columbus
- The letters patents of K. Henry the 7. granted unto John Cabot and his 3. sonnes, Lewis, Sebastian, and Sancius, for the discovery of new and unknowen lands, Anno 1495
- The signed bill of K. Henry the 7. on the behalfe of John Cabot
- The voyage of Sebastian Cabota to the North part of America, for the discovery of a Northwest passage, as farre as 58. degrees of latitude
- A briefe extract concerning the discovery of Newfoundland
- The large pension granted by K. Edward the 6. to Sebastian Cabota, constituting him Grand pilote of England, Anno 1549
- A discourse written by sir Humfrey Gilbert knight, to proove a passage by the Northwest to Cataya, and the East Indies
- The first voyage of M. Martin Frobisher to the Northwest for the search of a passage to China, anno 1576
- The second voyage of M. Martin Frobisher to the West and Northwest regions, in the yeere 1577
- The third and last voyage of M. Martin Frobisher for the discovery of a Northwest passage, in the yere 1578
- Experiences and reasons of the Sphere to proove all parts of the worlde habitable, and thereby to confute the position of the five Zones
- A letter of M. Martin Frobisher to certaine Englishmen, which were trecherously taken by the Salvages of Meta incognita in his first voyage
- Articles and orders prescribed by M. Martin Frobisher to the Captaines and company of every ship, which accompanied him in his last Northwestern voyage
- A generall and briefe description of the country and condition of the people, which are founde in Meta incognita
- The letters patents of her Majesty graunted to M. Adrian Gilbert and others for the search and discovery of a Northwest passage to China
- The first voyage of M. John Davis for the discovery of a Northwest passage, 1585
- The second voyage of M. John Davis for the discovery of the Northwest pass. 1586
- A letter of M. J. Davis to M. Wil. Sanderson of London, concerning his second voyage
- The voyage and course which the Sunshine a barke of 50. tunnes
- The third voyage Northwestward, made by M. John Davis Gentleman for the discovery of a passage to the Isles of the Moluccas, or the coast of China in the yeere 1587
- A letter of M. John Davis to M. Wil. Sanderson of London, concerning his 3. voyage
- A traverse-booke of M. John Davis contayning all the principall notes and observations taken in his third and last voyage to the Northwest
- A report of M. John Davis concerning his three voyages made for the discovery of the Northwest passage
- The voyage of M. Nicolas Zeno and M. Anthony his brother
- A testimony of Ortelius for the credit of the history of M. Nicolas, & M. Antonio Zeni
- Plate
A true report of the fight about the Isles of the Azores
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 05 November 2014
- Frontmatter
- Contents
- THE SEVENTH VOLUME OF THE Principall Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
- The voyage of the Right honourable the Earle of Cumberland to the Azores, in the yeere 1589
- A fight performed by ten marchants ships of London against 12 Spanish gallies, in the Streit of Gibraltar. An. 1590
- The valiant fight performed in the Streit of Gibraltar by the Centurion of London, against five Spanish gallies, An. 1591
- A true report of the fight about the Isles of the Azores
- A particular note of the West Indian fleete expected to have arrived in Spaine
- A voyage of certaine ships of London to the coast of Spaine, and the Azores, An. 1591
- A large testimony of John Huighen van Linschoten concerning the worthy exploits atchieved by the right hon. the erle of Cumberland, by Sir Martin Frobisher
- A relation concerning the estate of the Island and Castle of Arguin
- The voyage of Richard Rainolds and Thomas Dassell to the rivers of Senega and Gambra, neere the coast of Guinea, Anno 1591
- Two briefe relations concerning the Cities and Provinces of Tombuto and Gago
- A briefe extract of a patent granted to M. Thomas Gregory of Tanton
- The taking of two Spanish ships laden with quicksilver and with the Popes Bulles
- The taking of the mightie and rich Carak called The Madre de Dios
- The firing and sinking of the stout and warlike Carak called The Cinquo Chaguas
- A report of the casting away of the Tobie, a ship of London
- The letters of the Queens Majestie sent by Laurence Aldersey unto the Emperour of Ethiopia, Anno 1597
- The most ancient voyage and discovery of the West Indies performed by Madoc the sonne of Owen Guined prince of North Wales
- The verses of Meredith the sonne of Rhesus making mention of Madoc the sonne of Owen Guined, and of his Navigation unto unknowen lands
- The offer of the discovery of the West Indies
- Another testimony concerning the foresaid offer made by Bartholomew Columbus to K. Henry the seventh, on the behalfe of his brother Christopher Columbus
- The letters patents of K. Henry the 7. granted unto John Cabot and his 3. sonnes, Lewis, Sebastian, and Sancius, for the discovery of new and unknowen lands, Anno 1495
- The signed bill of K. Henry the 7. on the behalfe of John Cabot
- The voyage of Sebastian Cabota to the North part of America, for the discovery of a Northwest passage, as farre as 58. degrees of latitude
- A briefe extract concerning the discovery of Newfoundland
- The large pension granted by K. Edward the 6. to Sebastian Cabota, constituting him Grand pilote of England, Anno 1549
- A discourse written by sir Humfrey Gilbert knight, to proove a passage by the Northwest to Cataya, and the East Indies
- The first voyage of M. Martin Frobisher to the Northwest for the search of a passage to China, anno 1576
- The second voyage of M. Martin Frobisher to the West and Northwest regions, in the yeere 1577
- The third and last voyage of M. Martin Frobisher for the discovery of a Northwest passage, in the yere 1578
- Experiences and reasons of the Sphere to proove all parts of the worlde habitable, and thereby to confute the position of the five Zones
- A letter of M. Martin Frobisher to certaine Englishmen, which were trecherously taken by the Salvages of Meta incognita in his first voyage
- Articles and orders prescribed by M. Martin Frobisher to the Captaines and company of every ship, which accompanied him in his last Northwestern voyage
- A generall and briefe description of the country and condition of the people, which are founde in Meta incognita
- The letters patents of her Majesty graunted to M. Adrian Gilbert and others for the search and discovery of a Northwest passage to China
- The first voyage of M. John Davis for the discovery of a Northwest passage, 1585
- The second voyage of M. John Davis for the discovery of the Northwest pass. 1586
- A letter of M. J. Davis to M. Wil. Sanderson of London, concerning his second voyage
- The voyage and course which the Sunshine a barke of 50. tunnes
- The third voyage Northwestward, made by M. John Davis Gentleman for the discovery of a passage to the Isles of the Moluccas, or the coast of China in the yeere 1587
- A letter of M. John Davis to M. Wil. Sanderson of London, concerning his 3. voyage
- A traverse-booke of M. John Davis contayning all the principall notes and observations taken in his third and last voyage to the Northwest
- A report of M. John Davis concerning his three voyages made for the discovery of the Northwest passage
- The voyage of M. Nicolas Zeno and M. Anthony his brother
- A testimony of Ortelius for the credit of the history of M. Nicolas, & M. Antonio Zeni
- Plate

- Type
- Chapter
- Information
- Publisher: Cambridge University PressPrint publication year: 2014