Book contents
- Frontmatter
- Contents
- THE SEVENTH VOLUME OF THE Principall Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
- The voyage of the Right honourable the Earle of Cumberland to the Azores, in the yeere 1589
- A fight performed by ten marchants ships of London against 12 Spanish gallies, in the Streit of Gibraltar. An. 1590
- The valiant fight performed in the Streit of Gibraltar by the Centurion of London, against five Spanish gallies, An. 1591
- A true report of the fight about the Isles of the Azores
- A particular note of the West Indian fleete expected to have arrived in Spaine
- A voyage of certaine ships of London to the coast of Spaine, and the Azores, An. 1591
- A large testimony of John Huighen van Linschoten concerning the worthy exploits atchieved by the right hon. the erle of Cumberland, by Sir Martin Frobisher
- A relation concerning the estate of the Island and Castle of Arguin
- The voyage of Richard Rainolds and Thomas Dassell to the rivers of Senega and Gambra, neere the coast of Guinea, Anno 1591
- Two briefe relations concerning the Cities and Provinces of Tombuto and Gago
- A briefe extract of a patent granted to M. Thomas Gregory of Tanton
- The taking of two Spanish ships laden with quicksilver and with the Popes Bulles
- The taking of the mightie and rich Carak called The Madre de Dios
- The firing and sinking of the stout and warlike Carak called The Cinquo Chaguas
- A report of the casting away of the Tobie, a ship of London
- The letters of the Queens Majestie sent by Laurence Aldersey unto the Emperour of Ethiopia, Anno 1597
- The most ancient voyage and discovery of the West Indies performed by Madoc the sonne of Owen Guined prince of North Wales
- The verses of Meredith the sonne of Rhesus making mention of Madoc the sonne of Owen Guined, and of his Navigation unto unknowen lands
- The offer of the discovery of the West Indies
- Another testimony concerning the foresaid offer made by Bartholomew Columbus to K. Henry the seventh, on the behalfe of his brother Christopher Columbus
- The letters patents of K. Henry the 7. granted unto John Cabot and his 3. sonnes, Lewis, Sebastian, and Sancius, for the discovery of new and unknowen lands, Anno 1495
- The signed bill of K. Henry the 7. on the behalfe of John Cabot
- The voyage of Sebastian Cabota to the North part of America, for the discovery of a Northwest passage, as farre as 58. degrees of latitude
- A briefe extract concerning the discovery of Newfoundland
- The large pension granted by K. Edward the 6. to Sebastian Cabota, constituting him Grand pilote of England, Anno 1549
- A discourse written by sir Humfrey Gilbert knight, to proove a passage by the Northwest to Cataya, and the East Indies
- The first voyage of M. Martin Frobisher to the Northwest for the search of a passage to China, anno 1576
- The second voyage of M. Martin Frobisher to the West and Northwest regions, in the yeere 1577
- The third and last voyage of M. Martin Frobisher for the discovery of a Northwest passage, in the yere 1578
- Experiences and reasons of the Sphere to proove all parts of the worlde habitable, and thereby to confute the position of the five Zones
- A letter of M. Martin Frobisher to certaine Englishmen, which were trecherously taken by the Salvages of Meta incognita in his first voyage
- Articles and orders prescribed by M. Martin Frobisher to the Captaines and company of every ship, which accompanied him in his last Northwestern voyage
- A generall and briefe description of the country and condition of the people, which are founde in Meta incognita
- The letters patents of her Majesty graunted to M. Adrian Gilbert and others for the search and discovery of a Northwest passage to China
- The first voyage of M. John Davis for the discovery of a Northwest passage, 1585
- The second voyage of M. John Davis for the discovery of the Northwest pass. 1586
- A letter of M. J. Davis to M. Wil. Sanderson of London, concerning his second voyage
- The voyage and course which the Sunshine a barke of 50. tunnes
- The third voyage Northwestward, made by M. John Davis Gentleman for the discovery of a passage to the Isles of the Moluccas, or the coast of China in the yeere 1587
- A letter of M. John Davis to M. Wil. Sanderson of London, concerning his 3. voyage
- A traverse-booke of M. John Davis contayning all the principall notes and observations taken in his third and last voyage to the Northwest
- A report of M. John Davis concerning his three voyages made for the discovery of the Northwest passage
- The voyage of M. Nicolas Zeno and M. Anthony his brother
- A testimony of Ortelius for the credit of the history of M. Nicolas, & M. Antonio Zeni
- Plate
The verses of Meredith the sonne of Rhesus making mention of Madoc the sonne of Owen Guined, and of his Navigation unto unknowen lands
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 05 November 2014
- Frontmatter
- Contents
- THE SEVENTH VOLUME OF THE Principall Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
- The voyage of the Right honourable the Earle of Cumberland to the Azores, in the yeere 1589
- A fight performed by ten marchants ships of London against 12 Spanish gallies, in the Streit of Gibraltar. An. 1590
- The valiant fight performed in the Streit of Gibraltar by the Centurion of London, against five Spanish gallies, An. 1591
- A true report of the fight about the Isles of the Azores
- A particular note of the West Indian fleete expected to have arrived in Spaine
- A voyage of certaine ships of London to the coast of Spaine, and the Azores, An. 1591
- A large testimony of John Huighen van Linschoten concerning the worthy exploits atchieved by the right hon. the erle of Cumberland, by Sir Martin Frobisher
- A relation concerning the estate of the Island and Castle of Arguin
- The voyage of Richard Rainolds and Thomas Dassell to the rivers of Senega and Gambra, neere the coast of Guinea, Anno 1591
- Two briefe relations concerning the Cities and Provinces of Tombuto and Gago
- A briefe extract of a patent granted to M. Thomas Gregory of Tanton
- The taking of two Spanish ships laden with quicksilver and with the Popes Bulles
- The taking of the mightie and rich Carak called The Madre de Dios
- The firing and sinking of the stout and warlike Carak called The Cinquo Chaguas
- A report of the casting away of the Tobie, a ship of London
- The letters of the Queens Majestie sent by Laurence Aldersey unto the Emperour of Ethiopia, Anno 1597
- The most ancient voyage and discovery of the West Indies performed by Madoc the sonne of Owen Guined prince of North Wales
- The verses of Meredith the sonne of Rhesus making mention of Madoc the sonne of Owen Guined, and of his Navigation unto unknowen lands
- The offer of the discovery of the West Indies
- Another testimony concerning the foresaid offer made by Bartholomew Columbus to K. Henry the seventh, on the behalfe of his brother Christopher Columbus
- The letters patents of K. Henry the 7. granted unto John Cabot and his 3. sonnes, Lewis, Sebastian, and Sancius, for the discovery of new and unknowen lands, Anno 1495
- The signed bill of K. Henry the 7. on the behalfe of John Cabot
- The voyage of Sebastian Cabota to the North part of America, for the discovery of a Northwest passage, as farre as 58. degrees of latitude
- A briefe extract concerning the discovery of Newfoundland
- The large pension granted by K. Edward the 6. to Sebastian Cabota, constituting him Grand pilote of England, Anno 1549
- A discourse written by sir Humfrey Gilbert knight, to proove a passage by the Northwest to Cataya, and the East Indies
- The first voyage of M. Martin Frobisher to the Northwest for the search of a passage to China, anno 1576
- The second voyage of M. Martin Frobisher to the West and Northwest regions, in the yeere 1577
- The third and last voyage of M. Martin Frobisher for the discovery of a Northwest passage, in the yere 1578
- Experiences and reasons of the Sphere to proove all parts of the worlde habitable, and thereby to confute the position of the five Zones
- A letter of M. Martin Frobisher to certaine Englishmen, which were trecherously taken by the Salvages of Meta incognita in his first voyage
- Articles and orders prescribed by M. Martin Frobisher to the Captaines and company of every ship, which accompanied him in his last Northwestern voyage
- A generall and briefe description of the country and condition of the people, which are founde in Meta incognita
- The letters patents of her Majesty graunted to M. Adrian Gilbert and others for the search and discovery of a Northwest passage to China
- The first voyage of M. John Davis for the discovery of a Northwest passage, 1585
- The second voyage of M. John Davis for the discovery of the Northwest pass. 1586
- A letter of M. J. Davis to M. Wil. Sanderson of London, concerning his second voyage
- The voyage and course which the Sunshine a barke of 50. tunnes
- The third voyage Northwestward, made by M. John Davis Gentleman for the discovery of a passage to the Isles of the Moluccas, or the coast of China in the yeere 1587
- A letter of M. John Davis to M. Wil. Sanderson of London, concerning his 3. voyage
- A traverse-booke of M. John Davis contayning all the principall notes and observations taken in his third and last voyage to the Northwest
- A report of M. John Davis concerning his three voyages made for the discovery of the Northwest passage
- The voyage of M. Nicolas Zeno and M. Anthony his brother
- A testimony of Ortelius for the credit of the history of M. Nicolas, & M. Antonio Zeni
- Plate

- Type
- Chapter
- Information
- Publisher: Cambridge University PressPrint publication year: 2014