Book contents
- Frontmatter
- Contents
- Dedication
- Acknowledgements
- Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Textual Conventions
- 1 Bishop Valentine Carey's articles for Exeter diocese, 1625
- 2 Archdeacon Theophilus Aylmer's articles for London archdeaconry, 1625
- 3 Archdeacon Thomas Paske's order for London archdeaconry, 1627
- 4 Bishop Richard Montagu's articles for Chichester diocese, 1628
- 5 Royal declaration for the peace of the Church, 1628-9
- 6 Archbishop Samuel Harsnett's orders for York diocese, 1629
- 7 Royal instructions to the episcopate, 1629
- 8 Bishop Godfrey Goodman's articles for Gloucester diocese, 1631
- 9 Bishop Robert Wright's articles for Bristol diocese, 1631
- 10 Archdeacon Elizeus Burgess's articles for Rochester archdeaconry, c. 1632
- 11 Orders agreed on by the general vestry of St Bartholomew Exchange, London, 1633
- 12 Archbishop George Abbot's order on the reception of communion in Crayford church, Kent, 1633
- 13 Archbishop William Laud's metropolitical articles for Lincoln diocese, 1634
- 14 Archbishop William Laud's injunctions to parochial clergy during his metropolitical visitation, 1634-7
- 15 Archbishop William Laud's articles for Exeter cathedral, 1634
- 16 Bishop Edmund Griffith's articles for Bangor diocese, 1634
- 17 Dean Richard Steward's orders for the peculiar of Chichester deanery, 1635
- 18 Bishop William Juxon's articles for the London ministry, 1635
- 19 Bishop John Williams's order to rail in the communion tables in Lincoln diocese, 1635
- 20 Dean Richard Baylie's articles for the hospital of St John, Wilton, 1635
- 21 Bishop Matthew Wren's articles for Hereford diocese, 1635
- 22 Bishop Matthew Wren's orders for Norwich diocese, 1636
- 23 Bishop Matthew Wren's appointment of standing commissioners in Norwich diocese, c. 1636
- 24 Bishop John Thornborough's articles for Worcester cathedral, 1636
- 25 Archbishop Richard Neile's injunctions for Southwell minster, 1636
- 26 Bishop John Owen's articles for St Asaph diocese, 1637
- 27 Bishop William Juxon's injunctions for Barstable deanery, London diocese, 1637
- 28 Bishop Robert Skinner's charge in Bristol diocese, 1637
- 29 Bishop Richard Montagu's articles for Norwich diocese, 1638
- 30 Archdeacon William Kingsley's injunctions to the churchwardens of St Margaret, Canterbury, 1639
- 31 Archdeacon Ewers Gower's articles for Northumberland archdeaconry, 1639
- 32 Bishop John Towers's orders for Brackley combination lecture, Peterborough diocese, 1639
- 33 Bishop Richard Montagu's directions at a synod in Norwich diocese, 1639
- 34 Bishop William Juxon's articles for London diocese, 1640
- 35 Archdeacon Hugh Robinson's articles for Gloucester archdeaconry, 1641
- 36 Archdeacon William Higgins's articles for Derby archdeaconry, 1641
- Appendix: Visitation Articles 1603-1642: An Interim Listing
- Index
- Miscellaneous Endmatter
16 - Bishop Edmund Griffith's articles for Bangor diocese, 1634
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 01 September 2018
- Frontmatter
- Contents
- Dedication
- Acknowledgements
- Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Textual Conventions
- 1 Bishop Valentine Carey's articles for Exeter diocese, 1625
- 2 Archdeacon Theophilus Aylmer's articles for London archdeaconry, 1625
- 3 Archdeacon Thomas Paske's order for London archdeaconry, 1627
- 4 Bishop Richard Montagu's articles for Chichester diocese, 1628
- 5 Royal declaration for the peace of the Church, 1628-9
- 6 Archbishop Samuel Harsnett's orders for York diocese, 1629
- 7 Royal instructions to the episcopate, 1629
- 8 Bishop Godfrey Goodman's articles for Gloucester diocese, 1631
- 9 Bishop Robert Wright's articles for Bristol diocese, 1631
- 10 Archdeacon Elizeus Burgess's articles for Rochester archdeaconry, c. 1632
- 11 Orders agreed on by the general vestry of St Bartholomew Exchange, London, 1633
- 12 Archbishop George Abbot's order on the reception of communion in Crayford church, Kent, 1633
- 13 Archbishop William Laud's metropolitical articles for Lincoln diocese, 1634
- 14 Archbishop William Laud's injunctions to parochial clergy during his metropolitical visitation, 1634-7
- 15 Archbishop William Laud's articles for Exeter cathedral, 1634
- 16 Bishop Edmund Griffith's articles for Bangor diocese, 1634
- 17 Dean Richard Steward's orders for the peculiar of Chichester deanery, 1635
- 18 Bishop William Juxon's articles for the London ministry, 1635
- 19 Bishop John Williams's order to rail in the communion tables in Lincoln diocese, 1635
- 20 Dean Richard Baylie's articles for the hospital of St John, Wilton, 1635
- 21 Bishop Matthew Wren's articles for Hereford diocese, 1635
- 22 Bishop Matthew Wren's orders for Norwich diocese, 1636
- 23 Bishop Matthew Wren's appointment of standing commissioners in Norwich diocese, c. 1636
- 24 Bishop John Thornborough's articles for Worcester cathedral, 1636
- 25 Archbishop Richard Neile's injunctions for Southwell minster, 1636
- 26 Bishop John Owen's articles for St Asaph diocese, 1637
- 27 Bishop William Juxon's injunctions for Barstable deanery, London diocese, 1637
- 28 Bishop Robert Skinner's charge in Bristol diocese, 1637
- 29 Bishop Richard Montagu's articles for Norwich diocese, 1638
- 30 Archdeacon William Kingsley's injunctions to the churchwardens of St Margaret, Canterbury, 1639
- 31 Archdeacon Ewers Gower's articles for Northumberland archdeaconry, 1639
- 32 Bishop John Towers's orders for Brackley combination lecture, Peterborough diocese, 1639
- 33 Bishop Richard Montagu's directions at a synod in Norwich diocese, 1639
- 34 Bishop William Juxon's articles for London diocese, 1640
- 35 Archdeacon Hugh Robinson's articles for Gloucester archdeaconry, 1641
- 36 Archdeacon William Higgins's articles for Derby archdeaconry, 1641
- Appendix: Visitation Articles 1603-1642: An Interim Listing
- Index
- Miscellaneous Endmatter
Articles to be enquired of within the diocesse of Bangor, in the first visitation, of the right reverend father in God, Edmund Lord Bishop of Bangor.
[Concerning the clergy.]
1. Doth your minister use to pray for the kings maiestie, King Charles, and for the queenes maiestie, Prince Charles, and all the royall progeny, with addition of all such stile, and titles as are due to his highnesse; and exhort the people to obedience, to his maiestie and all magistrates in authority under him: and doeth hee also pray for all arch-bishops, bishops, and other ecclesiasticall persons.
2. Whether is the prescript forme of divine service, used by your minister upon Sundayes, holy dayes, and other dayes appointed by the booke of common prayer at fit and usuali houres? And whether doth your minister duely observe all the orders, rites and ceremonies prescribed in the said booke of common prayer, without omission or addition, as well in reading publique prayers and the letany, as alsо in administring the sacraments in such manner and forme, as by the law not established is ioyned?
3. Whether doth your minister administer the holy communion so often, and at such times, as that every parishioner may receive the same once every moneth, or at least thrice every yeere, whereof once at Easter, and administreth the same to none, but to such as kneele at the receiving thereof, and whether doth hee cause sufficient warning thereof, to bee given before?
4. Whether hath your minister reiected any from the communion, who were not by publique presentment, or other open scandali, infamous and detected of some notorious crime, by common fame, or vehement suspition knowne in the parish?
5. Whether hath your minister received people of other parishes to his church, to the common and divine service? And whether his parishioners have gone to other churches and places, to heare service, or receive the sacrament, and whether hee and the church-wardens have presented such as have not received the Lords supper the last Easter?
6. Whether is your minister continually resident with you upon his benefice? Or for how long time hath hee beene absent? And where is hee resident for the most part, and what other benefice hath he? And doth hee in his absence make allowance for the poore, and what?
- Type
- Chapter
- Information
- Publisher: Boydell & BrewerPrint publication year: 1998