The 1,190th lecture to be given before the Society—and the 44th Main Lecture to be held at a Branch centre—" Nuclear Power in Flight", by Professor A. D. Baxter, M.Eng., F.R.Ae.S., M.I.Mech.E., at that time Director and Chief Executive, Rockets and Nuclear Power, and now Executive Director (Engineering), The de Havilland Engine Co. Ltd., was given under the auspices of the Swindon Branch of the Society on 2nd February 1961. Mr. S. R. Hughes, A.F.R.Ae.S., A.F.I.A.S., Chairman of the Swindon Branch, opened the meeting by welcoming the President of the Society, Dr. E. S. Moult, C.B.E., B.Sc.Eng., F.R.Ae.S., M.I.Mech.E., and other distinguished guests attending this first Main Society Lecture to be given at Swindon. Dr. Moult, who presided for the rest of the meeting, expressed his great pleasure at being present on this occasion. Introducing the lecturer, the President said that Profesor Baxter, as he was still known, was educated at Liverpool University and from 1930-34 served an apprenticeship with the Daimler Company. During this time he took his pilot's “A” licence and was commissioned in the R.A.F.O. After a year as Research Engineer with the Institution of Automobile Engineers, he joined the Royal Aircraft Establishment in 1935 as a Technical Engineer working on gas turbine research and later, rocket propulsion. From 1947 to 1950 he was Superintendent, Rocket Propulsion Dept., R.A.E., and then joined the new College of Aeronautics as Professor of Aircraft Propulsion, becoming Deputy Principal of the College also, in 1954. In 1957 Professor Baxter left the College of Aeronautics to join The de Havilland Engine Co. Ltd. as Chief Executive, Rocket Engine Division.